SEC-S18W2/I hope it rains coffee ☕

in Shine with Steem2 months ago

Hello everyone:

Hope all are enjoying and fell good 😊 I m also good today the day about coffee ☕ and I m participating in this challenge and I m very happy to be a part of this challenge I hope all are like my post and give a beautiful ❤️ regards.

So let's go to my post.

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[Made by Canva]

☕ What are the most recurring thoughts in your mind while you drink your first coffee in the morning?

[Captured by my phone 📱]

  • When I drink my first coffee in the morning it make me very well 😃 my mind is often filled with thought and about the day ahead. I think about it what I need to do an any important meetings and tasks or how to tackle any challenges. It is also a moment of calm before the busyness of the day begins with giving me a chance to look enjoying the some peace 🕊️ and quiet.

☕ Do you think coffee is positive in our lives or is it a habit that should be replaced? Talk to us from your experience.


  • Coffee can be a positive part in our live because it gives us energy and helps to focus. Many people find that coffee helps them start their day on the right foot. However it is important not to drink too much. Too much coffee can make some people feel anxious or have trouble sleeping. For those people in it might be better to drink less coffee or switch to other drinks like tea or water.

☕ What else can you do with coffee besides drink it?


  • There are also many other things you can do with coffee besides drinking .
    For example: you can use coffee in cooking or baking. It is add in sa rich flavor to cakes or something and even some savory dishes. Coffee ground and sugar can be used for skin as an exfoliant to help remove dead skin. They can also be used in the garden. Additionally coffee grounds can help remove bad smells from places like the fridge.

☕ In a pot, in the coffee maker, there are several ways to do it, but how do you prepare coffee at home? Don't forget your photograph with your coffee cup.


  • Making a coffee at home can be done in different ways. Many people use a coffee maker. They measure out water and coffee ☕ then let the machine brew the coffee. Once it is a ready to drink they pour the coffee into a mug and enjoy the coffee .

☕ What comes to your mind when you read the phrase "I hope it rains coffee in the countryside"?

  • When I read a phrase .I hope it rains coffee in the countryside its make me think on a magical place where coffee is as abundant as rain. It is a fun and whimsical idea suggesting a wish for plenty and happiness in everyday life. This phrase brings a smile and a sense of a joy imagining in a world where something as beloved as a coffee could be freely available to everyone
  • Now my post is complete I hope you like my post ☺️

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 2 months ago 

Like your previous posts, this post is very awesome and excellent presentation, the way you enhance its beauty through these pictures and using very good tools is very awesome along with your information. Yes, she is very great. We expressed our opinion about coffee. It was very good. By the way, you have shared this method with us in a very simple way. It is very easy for anyone to make coffee. If they follow this method, thank you so much. I will also take care of this method. You will enjoy the coffee🌹

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