SEC-S18W4/My tools to shine

in Shine with Steem3 months ago
Assalam O Alaikum

Hello dear friends! Well come to my post. How are you all? I hope you will be doing well by the grace of Almighty Allah. I'm also fine and enjoying my day. Today I'm here to participate in this Steemit engagement challenge season 18 week 4 in this Shine With Steem community. The topic of this challenge is about "My Tools To Shine". So let's start without any more delay of time.

Colorful Illustrated Ai Tools YouTube Thumbnail_20240613_125245_0000.png

Created With Canva

What technological tools do you use in your daily life? (Computers, cell phones, tablets, drones, smartwatches, etc.)

Dear friends as we all know that currently we are living in an era of digital world and technology in which our reliance on the digital tools has been increased massively since the past few years. So now a days these digital tools are became a very integral part of our lives and our lives look incomplete without them. So being a person of that digital world I also using some of these tools in my daily life for different purposes. Currently I'm using two, the most important digital tools and they also have a great tole in my life. These tools are;

  • Mobile Phone
  • Laptop


My Laptop

In what situations do you use them? And, Why do these tools make your life easier?

Actually the digital technology has brought a lot of ease and comfort to our lives as they are designed to make our lives easier so I use all these digital tools to boost the productivity of my work and to make the things easier for me. Also I use all these products in different situations of my life such on my mobile phone or laptop I use Steemit for blogging, to stay connected with my friends socially and to perform other tasks as well.


Using Steemit on mobile

We can can't deny the fact that the digital tools innovated the evey field of our lives as there was a time when we use pigeons to deliver messages to our dear ones who live very far from us but now we use mobile phones, laptop to communicate with them using internet and a medium such as what's app, discord and messenger etc.

So now I can proudly say that through these devices I stay connected with my Steemian friends, my relatives and with my other friends too. All these things are happening due to the presence of digital devices and tools which are specially designed or invented to make our lives easier.

On your computer, cell phone, tablet or any device: What applications do you usually use and how do they help you? (Including chat applications, social networks, office packages, games, etc.)

Actually, most of the time I use my mobile phone to perform different activities on it and I use laptop very rarely. This is because I feel more comfortable using mobile phone because the typing on it feels me more easy and comfortable. That is why I use Steemit on my Mobile phone and use laptop for watching movies, dramas, playing games and watching cricket matches too. Anyways let's have a look at the top 5 application which I use on my mobile phone.


Applications I use most

In the above screenshot you can see that these are the five applications which I use most on daily basis and each of them help me in different ways. This is because each of them has a different function to perform. So let's discuss why I use them and how they are helpful for me.

1. WhatsApp;

  • As we all know that the WhatsApp is the secure and reliable messaging app through which we can stay connected with our friends and dear ones all the time. So I use WhatsApp in chatting with my friends, sharing information in the form of pictures and videos.

2. Canva;

  • I also use Canva for editing of pictures, creating thumbnails for my posts on Steemit and to edit other documents too. This is because it is very amazing application for editing which mas some interesting tools and also it is very easy to use.

3. Discord;

  • Dear friends as we all know that most of the Steemians are available on discord and the channels of different communities are also present on discord so I use discord to stay connected with my Steemian friends and up to dated with the announcements of different community.

4. Instagram;

  • I also use Instagram which is one of the most famous social media platforms on which people can share their pictures, videos, reels and other useful information about their lives. So I use Instagram in watching reels and getting information about different things.

5. Google Chrome:

  • As we know the Google chrome is an official web browser from google which provides us a secure, smooth and reliable browsing experience so I use Steemit through Google chrome.
Imagine that you cannot use any of your technological or manual tools for a week... How much would it affect your productivity?

Yes definitely during the unavailability of these technological tools such as mobile phone my productivity will be affected negatively. As during their unavailability I will unable to work on Steemit with my full flow which will affect badly. Also usually I stay active on Steemit most of the time in positing commenting, and upvoting my fellow Steemians articles so when these tools will not available then I will unable to perform all these activities on Steemit.


Freepik Image

So in results we can say that the unavailability of all these tools will create a lot of problems for me here on Steemit and in my social life too. This is because when I don't have a mobile phone I will remain unable to make a connect with my friends and dear ones too. No doubt that I can live without mobile phone but it will be difficult for me because I have to do a lot of things on it.


So friends that was my entry about that challenge and I hope you will enjoy reading it. Now it is a time to say goodbye to everyone and I want to invite my friends @malikusman1, @chant, @sahmie and @wakeupkitty to take a part in this amazing challenge.


Written @abdullahw2


Thanks All ❤️


Congratulations 🥳

We support quality posts and good comments Published in any community and any tag.

Curated by : @malikusman1

 3 months ago 

Thank you so much @malikusman1 bro for your love and support 😊

 3 months ago (edited)

Oh come on hun al you need is a phone. You can call, text and if you do so you will shine a light on them and yourself. 😉

You won't believe it but there's life without technique.


 3 months ago 

Ooh yes! You are right but what are the benefits of having such a phone that doesn't have any of your contact to t text you besides Steemit? 😁 Isn't that unfair? 🤭

 3 months ago (edited)

You can take pictures and play sodoku. Or you keep it for showing. You won't need a recharger either 😉

And in case you can call emergency

 3 months ago 


Es un gran placer para mí saludarte

Tanto el celular como la PC son herramientas principales que a través de ella podemos hacer nuestros trabajos más fácil
El celular se ha convertido en una herramienta indispensable porque además de chatear podemos hacer otras cosas a través de utilizando las diferentes aplicaciones
Deseo éxito

 3 months ago 

El teléfono móvil y la PC se han vuelto herramientas muy indispensable para el día a día con ella nos podemos mantener en comunicación y realizar cualquier transacción desde la comodidad de nuestro hogar.

Te deseo éxito
Feliz noche

 3 months ago 

السلام علیکم پیارے بھائی کیسے ہیں خیریت سے ہیں عید مبارک اور بالکل سیل فون اور کمپیوٹر سکرین ہے ہماری زندگی کو بہت حد تک اسان بنا دیا اور ہم نے بے شمار کام اسی پر سرانجام دیتے ہیں چاہے وہ سٹیمٹ پہ کام کرنا ہو یا تعلیمی کام کرنا ہو بہت ہی ایزی ہو جاتا ہے

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