Project Hindsight Update

in Star Wars5 years ago

I'm happy to report that my Disney Star Wars edit
has progressed to the 40 minute mark
off of the prologue edit that I released.
I think I am 2/3 through to the final result.

Maz's cantina is now the exterior of the Jedi temple.
Rey was Luke's Padawan from the beginning and so her character is treated in that light.

I'm working on compositing a new meeting for Fin and Rey so that the first thing she does isn't to hit him. (I'm still learning so my ability to pull off the one critical composite is questionable).

BB-8 isn't carrying a secret message or map anymore.
And BB is definitively Rey's droid instead of Poe's.

I have drafted an opening crawl to indicate the events
portray the original rebellion.
Further story details I'll keep under wraps.

The bad news is some critical dialogue had to be created in the
"ransom note" style. It's not all the way through, thank goodness,
but is there at times. And I wonder how this fact impacts your interest in the edit.

I'll volunteer that I believe this may be a superior story than the one produced by Disney minus the technical limitations in the edit.

I hope people will watch.


I think it's been a week now that I've had an Hour and 7 mins.
Things have slowed down because I have to do some compositing since Rey was never aboard the rebel ships in the movies and I think that the story requires it for a brief time.

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