War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness - The Ancient War Scrolls found in the Caves at Qumran

in Star Wars4 years ago (edited)

Have you read the War Scrolls found in the caves at the Dead Sea ?

It reminds me a lot of Star Wars .... I wonder if George Lucas read these ancient Scrolls.

Sons of Light (Jedi) versus the Sons of Darkness (Sith) ....

The War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness, also known as War Rule, Rule of War and the War Scroll, is a manual for military organization and strategy that was discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The manuscript was among the scrolls found in Qumran Cave 1, acquired by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and first published posthumously by Eleazar Sukenik in 1955. The document is made up of various scrolls and fragments. It is possible that The War of the Messiah is the conclusion to this document.

Two time periods have been put forward and defended as the most probable time of composition: the Seleucid period and the Roman period. The Seleucid period proposals include the very beginning of the Maccabean Revolt (165 or 164 BCE), the height of Jonathan's military power (143 BCE), and the reign of John Hyrcanus (135–104 BCE). Scholars who believe the scroll was composed during the Roman period propose a date from the middle of the 1st century BCE to the first decade of the 1st century CE. The War Scroll's description of the weaponry and tactics led Yigael Yadin to assign the composition of the scroll to a date between the capture of Jerusalem by Pompey (65 BCE) and the death of Herod (4 BCE). More recently, author Russell Gmirkin in "The War Scroll and Roman Weaponry Reconsidered" disagrees with Yadin's analysis and assigns the weaponry described in the War Scroll to the 2nd century BCE.

Scholars have been unable to determine the exact author of the text. The unity and cohesiveness of the manuscript leads some, such as Jean Carmignac and Yigael Yadin, to believe that it was written or compiled by a single writer. Most scholars believe, at this point, that it is a composite document, copied from many source documents by one scribe.

In modern times, the genre has been described as apocalyptic literature, though some translators and interpreters contend that it is actually a part of sectarian liturgy or tactical treatises. Jean Duhaime believes that it was probably classified as a part of the serek (Rule) texts developed by the Qumranites. (Essenes ? )

There is a Teacher of Righteousness (Ben Kenobi) and The Wicked Teacher (Darth Vader) ...

These scrolls contain an apocalyptic prophecy of a war between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness. The war is described in two distinct parts, first (the War against the Kittim) described as a battle between the Sons of Light, consisting of the sons of Levi, the sons of Judah, and the sons of Benjamin (Ben), and the exiled of the desert, against Edom, Moab, the sons of Ammon, the Amalekites, and Philistia and their allies the Kittim of Asshur (referred to collectively as the army of Belial), and [those who assist them from among the wicked] who "violate the covenant". The second part of the war (the War of Divisions) is described as the Sons of Light, now the united twelve tribes of Israel, conquering the "nations of vanity."

In the end, all of Darkness is to be destroyed and Light will live in peace for all eternity. The text goes on to detail inscriptions for trumpets and banners for the war and liturgies for the priests during the conflict.

Scrolls found in Cave #1 ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_manuscripts_from_Qumran_Cave_1
More ... https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/religion/portrait/scrolltranslation.html
More ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_the_Sons_of_Light_Against_the_Sons_of_Darkness

war scroll dark.jpg

The Caves at Qumran, on the Dead Sea.... Looks like Ben Kenobi's old place ....

qumran caves.jpg

TRON versus Metatron ...

The identification of Metatron with the Ancient Book of Enoch, where the name first appears, is not explicitly made in the Talmud although it does refer to a Prince of the World who was young but now is old. However, some of the earliest kabbalists assumed the connection. There also seems to be two Metatrons, one spelled with six letters (מטטרון), and one spelled with seven (מיטטרון). The former may be the transformed Enoch, Prince of the Countenance within the divine palace; the latter, the Primordial Metatron, an emanation of the "Cause of Causes", specifically the tenth and last emanation, identified with the earthly Divine Presence. Furthermore, the Merkabah text Re' uyot Yehezkel identifies the Ancient of Days from the Book of Daniel as Metatron......

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