Children's hand-painted pictures.

in onionrings3 years ago


My younger brother and his three friends are drawing comfortably. My younger brother is six years old. They are taking pictures with everyone, laughing and looting after talking about everything. Since they were busy drawing and laughing, I was finishing my handiwork. Suddenly all four of them came running. I have to say how the picture was painted. I told them to give the details of who drew what. They each have a different picture. Everyone is very happy. After painting, everyone returned to their homes.

Have we ever thought of a Jonas, can we really think like them? Each child usually looks at each element carefully, thinking in their own way and trying to express their own thoughts through drawing. Children are happy when they see the colors. Children love to get different medium colors as gifts and to draw pictures with those colors. And the extraordinary quality of Ranguli is that once it is intoxicated, it is possible to keep the child away from mobile phone tab or smart phone addiction effortlessly. Introducing drawing awakens the latent entity inside the child, and with it the development of both the physical and the mental of the child. With the touch of their small hands, the movement of color from the sieve to the brush can be expressed on the white paper. What they want to say, imagination, dreams, thoughts, anger, sadness, pride, various things of familiar and unfamiliar life. By making friends with one color and another color, they will arrange the dreams of the future in their own way and they will organize themselves.


That's so sweet. I love to draw with my daughter, and every time I get amazed that kids don't view the world the way adults do. I mean, it's common knowledge, but it's especially visible on the drawings.

Oh, I know that some parents even get tattoos of their kids' drawings, and I think it's really cool. I'm not bold enough for a tattoo, but I like the whole idea. I've never drawn with my daughter, but I think it's pretty boring. When my daughter is drawing, she's really focused, and I don't think that anything can distract her at all. Only this playground has the same effect on her, and I'm glad that there are at least a few activities that she enjoys so much she doesn't need anybody.

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