Steemit Enagement Challenge || Season2, Week #4 ||How weather effect our life and play important role ? which of weather do you like and why you like @yakspeace

in Urdu Community2 years ago

Greatings to all the stemains in the house, hope we are all doing grate.
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Weather is the condition of air or the atmosphere in a place at a particular period of time. In another word weather can be seen as the condition of Earth atmosphere at a certain time and place. Weather is actually different at different places around the world and there are several example of weather among which are;

  • Sunshine
  • rain
  • temperature
  • wind
  • humidity
  • Storm


How weather effect our life and play important role ? what kind of weather do you like and why you like it.

how weather affect our life

Weather affect our life on daily basis because, our lives is centered around the weather in such away that.

  • The weather conditions determines the type of clothing we wear, the plant we grow, our comfort in the form of heating/ cooling our homes. Infact the weather affect our moods.
  • The weather also affect the human body and this is mainly done by extreme temperature and wind.
  • The weather affect our health, in such a way that Arthritis pain is likely to occur when rising humidity with falling pressure occurs, and our mood always swing.
  • The rising temperature, and higher frequency of extreme weather events can likely influence the distribution and abundance of mosquitors that transmit West Nile virus and maleria.
  • Lastly the weather affect our daily activities, because it is not always stable and it can change what we intended doing outside.

How weather have played an important role in our life

In as much as the weather have side effects on our daily life, it's also plays an important role in our lives as well. The important role are numerous among which are;

  • The weather plays an important role in our daily life because when we want to take a walk in nature or travel to another place or better still planning our weekend, the weather conditions will be considered first before we make any move.
  • The weather help to know the farming system and their potential. Also it is very important to be culturally sensitive and win trust of farmers.
  • The weather helps the farmers to identify farm activities by using the seasonal calendar.
  • The weather also help us to know the types of food we eat, the types of clothes we wear and also the type of water we drink which will be of benefit to our body system.
  • Favorite weather condition always yield an optimal agricultural production, by providing plenty food for the nation.
  • The weather impact the freshness of water supply that we often use in our various homes because, during the raining season, the water always percolate through the ground and it will end up in underground water supplies which is known as aquifers.

The kind of weather I like, and why I like it

The type of weather i like is the cold weather because, it is always nice and refreshing to me when the weather is cool outside. I don't actually like heat because, during the hot season the environment will be unbearable for me because, everywhere will not be condeusive at all, for that reason my body system will be very weak. Even when i bath often i will still be feeling heat. So to me the cold weather is just the best for me.


What region do you live in? And what are the seasons in your region?

In Nigeria my country there are three region which are the northern, western and the Eastern Nigeria. Among the three region i live in the northern Nigeria.

The seasons in the northern Nigeria

The season in my region are;

  • rainy season: from May to September
  • dry season : from October to April

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What is your favorite season And why do you like it?

My favorite season is the rainy season because, the weather will be very friendly and everywhere will be cold and nice. Here in my country during the dry season the weather is not friendly at all. As such life become unbearable for me because of the heat. But when the weather is cold i can wear clothes as needed and cover myself under the blanket snuggles to my loved ones 😁 Also as a farmer i prefer the rainy season because that is the time for me to plant and harvest plenty crops.


Depending on the season in your region or country or city, which rituals are more celebrated?

The ritual in my region is often celebrated during the dry season and that is the Belle festivals in January to February. where young men and women will come out and compete within themselves and also the elders will be communicating with the their ancestors for a fruitful year and bumper harvest. Another ritual been celebrated is the annual yam festival which is also from early August to October.


What clothes and food do you like depending on the season(cultural reflection)?

During the rainy season i prefer wearing a worn out clothing and long trouser. And the food i prefer during this season is hot tea in the morning and at night.


My outfit during rainy season

During the dry season i prefer wearing simple and light cotton clothes, because of the heat. And the food i like most during this season are fruits.


My outfit during dry season


Which season's fruit do you like and why?

The season fruits i like the most is the dry season fruits because, during that time there will be different types of fruits available, and it will be less expensive. As a lover of fruits i prefer the dry season fruits which are; watermelon, cucumber, garden egg, orange, carrots e.t.c




Apart from you, which season do the people of your area prefer?

Base on my observation, the people in my area prefer the rainy season because, as i mentioned earlier in Nigeria my country the dry season is always unbearable for the people, with or without light the sun is always hot because of the weather conditions. And that can case skin burn to the people. Also another reason why they prefer the rainy season is because, that is the season for farming and pumper harvest.the availability of food will be much unlike during the dry season.


In which season does your area face more difficulties and what are those difficulties?

The season in which my area face more difficulties is the rainy season because of the following reasons.


  • flooding
  • restrictions of movement
  • Upsurge in malaria and other sickness
  • Decrease in market sales
  • Messy Environment
  • Difficulties in drying clothes after laundry
  • Poor agricultural yields
  • Disintegration of building structures
  • Erosion


What is the special ritual associated with a particular season that people in your area have been waiting for all year?

The special ritual associated with a particular season which people in my area have been waiting for is the yam festival and the Belle festivals which i mentioned earlier, this two festival are the most important festival in my area.

In conclusion weather have actually affected our daily life and also it has played an important role in our lives as well because without the weather no man will exist on this planet. All the seasons are very important to us. I invite @simonnwigwe @josepha @ishayachris and @dave-hanny to come and participate in this very contest.

        Thank you🤗

I really liked your writing where you highlight several important points such as the fact that the weather is a factor that can influence our state of health and also the economic stability of a nation. What an interesting choice. You prefer the rains! but in your country this season is synonymous with blessing.


Thank you very much for visiting my blog sir, your comment on my article is highly appreciated 🙏 I hope to read your entry soon.

Indeed weather have great effect in the life of every living creature because, the weather condition determines the clothes we wear, the food we eat, and even our daily activities.
You have listed out the the importance of weather, and how they affect our life's. More to that, you have written perfectly about your preferred weather and the reasons you prefer it. You have indeed done a great job here dear. Wish you success all the way.

Thank you very much my dear friend, your comments on my article is highly appreciated ☺️ hoping to read your entry soon.

I see you love the rainy season as I am, I don't like the uncomfortable heat, the season in the north are two but I think the northerners experience more dry season than the rainy season(i stand corrected tho), but the disadvantage to this is the bad road, when it rains every road become irritating, the flood some time mix with our tap water some thing our govt must take serious

rainy season: from May to September
dry season : from October to April

You are right my friend,I started it in my article maybe you did not see this part👆.

One thing about weather is that it's changes at anytime, to the extent one can not predict weather the next year rainy season will be much than the dry season, it's only God that knows that part. For instance this year, the rainy season came very late here in the north, at some point Farmers where complaining but when the rain started for a week,suddenly it's stopped for a while, and at this point some farmers already planted their crops but there was no rain, so you see, difinatly the crops will have side effects weather the farmers likes it or not. But resently the rain started with full force, some farmers are enjoying it and some are not, because the crops they planted don't need much water. So you see weather is something we can't predict as humans we can only pray and hope for the best.

As for the bad road, we hope that the government will do something about it.

Thank you very much for visiting my blog I really appreciate 🙏☺️

It is really a game of time for farmers, but the lucky ones plant at the right times as for those on the wrong side the health of their grip will be affected

Well said sister

That's just it brotherly 🥰

You are welcome🤗

I enjoyed reading your entry @yakspeace you have clearly defined weather and have told us the season you enjoy most-which is the rainy season because it cools your body.

I have just learnt about the Belle festivals from reading your post.Thanks for educating us and goodluck in your entry.

You are welcome sir😁 thank you for your kind comment. it's highly appreciated. I'm so glad you learned something from my article. Thank you once again 🙏

I enjoyed reading your post about weather, weather do contribute in how we live, the food we eat, our dressing and so on. I also love raining season because the weather is refreshing, it is a period that most farm product grow and comes out well. Thank you for sharing and Good luck with the contest.

I'm glad to know that you also love rainy season, it actually refreshing. Thank you for visiting my blog I really appreciate your comment.

You are welcome

Everyone will obviously like the cold weather because of the fresh breeze experience during that period. However, heavy downpour during this season caused a lot of damage. But we often have more fresh vegetables and fruits to consume such as plums, avocado, bananas, pineapple, pawpaw, etc.

Yes ma,the only effect is just the damages it do cause us but nevertheless the weather is very good compared to the heat period. Thank you for visiting my blog I really appreciate 🙏

Heat is not my friend at all.

Ok ma. That's is to say you also love the cold weather 🤗

Hello friend,the rains always wreak havoc,it is one of the worst climates,hey yes the cold is nice but not excessive haha I love the summer because I have the sea very close.and hey I love those fruits too,happy with a daily assorted basket,a hug,nice to meet you.

I also love the sea, but unfortunately we don't have beautiful once in my state 😁 as for the fruits I will send your during the dry season because presently we are in the rainy season 🤗 Thank you for your wonderful comments, it's highly appreciated ma'am❣️

Ok my rainy season partner. I definitely love the rainy season as well. Our countries have the sane climates and almost the same characteristics. We just just two peas in a pod.

🤗🤗🤣 rainy season is the best season to love my dear friend. I'm glad we are both in the same page. Thank you for your kind words I really appreciate ❣️

You are welcome

Thank you for the invitation my friend. Indeed weather plays an important role in our lives. I see that you prefer the rainy season to any other season in your life. That is great because the rainy season comes with a lot of opportunity. I wish success in this contest.

Yes the raining season comes with slot if opportunities, thank you for comment I really appreciate. hoping to see your entry soon🤗

Hello Peace. You have said some very true stuffs here. The whether has alot of impact in what we do in life including our dressing. It's impossible to leave the house during raining season without a pullover.

Also, most people in Africa as you have rightly mentioned love the raining season. It is a good season for us because we depend mostly on Farming. Agriculture is our main Activity.

It's sad that we love the raining this much but yet still gat yo suffer the Effects of flooding, bad roads and so on
This is a good post, good luck

We are actually blessed with fertile land for crop production in Nigeria, so for that, the raining season is just the best season for the people.

Bad road is one of the major challenge in Nigeria, we just hope and pray that our government will do something about it. If we have good road I don't think we will experience anything like flood in Nigeria but the fact that our road are very very poor flood keep occuring during the rainy season.

Thank you very much for visiting my blog I really appreciate 🙏

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