Urdu community Contest / S2W1 – Steemit is different and better than other social media by @victoh78

in Urdu Community2 years ago


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Steem engagement challenge season 2 week 1

Hello everyone, how are we all doing I must say it's Truely been a while since the last engagement contest and I have been itching for a while.

Finally after waiting almost two weeks I get the chance to participate in the engagement contest and I must say I am really excited about this contest topic.

This is my first post in this community and I am super excited about it , I hope you all would like me and accept me as an active member in this community.

Question 1 :

Write about the social media you use the most daily and why is it beneficial for you or not?

Social media

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like we all are aware social media has become a global phenomenon and almost every individual uses a social media in order to stay in touch with the happenings in our environment.

Irrespective of what ever location we find our selves we are sure to have one social media applications we use above the rest.

From the image above you can see that I have close to 8 social media applications which I use at one point or another but amongst all this social media platforms one stands out amongst the numberous and that is WhatsApp.

The social media I use the most whatsapp



Whasapp is a social media applications which allows users to privilege of sending messages to Thier love ones and friends where ever they may be without service charge.

Unlike popular messaging which requires Individuals to pay when they want to send messages to other numbers, WhatsApp do not require users to pay rather it utilise the use of internet to deliver messages from one person to another.

By doing this WhatsApp has been able to greatly reduce the cost of communication between two or more people around the world

WhatsApp affords users the privilege of privacy what this means is that messages between uses on whatsapp are end to end encrypted hence no third party can view messages you send to another user.

How has WhatsApp been beneficial to me

Over the years of using whatsapp I have come to realise that I obtain the following benefits from using whatsapp.


The use of WhatsApp is very fast as it utilises the use of the internet hence using whatsapp I am able to send messages and receive messages very fast as against to the use of other messaging apps



While using whatsapp I discovered that I am able to send messages for literally nothing as against to the use of messages.

With WhatsApp I can send messages to many people very cheap rather than paying the conventional 4naria I pay par 100 letter using text messages.


Number of users.

It's actually very easy for me to use WhatsApp for communicating with my friends this is because in my locality here in Nigeria majority of everyone here uses WhatsApp to communicate with one another.

Hence using whatsapp makes it alot easier for me to communicate with my friends and love ones


Video call
WhatsApp has this feature called video call which enables users to make calls and see the surrounding of those around them.

This feature of video call has helped me to communicate with my love ones who are very far away from me.

Question 2

Why do you think spending more time on steemit than on other social media platforms can help you grow in life and benefits your life?

Steemit is different from our conventional social media in the sense that using steemit users are afforded the privilege to make money while passing and receiving information.

By spending more time on steemit I am afforded the rare privilege of being able to make money as I do what I love.

Also by spending more time in steemit I am aclamating my self with the way the steemit system work, without spending anough time on steemit I wouldn't have been able to gain the wisdom and experience I have today

I have been able to have. A better understanding on how votes are disturbed and the correct hashtags to use.

Question 3

Compare steemit with other social media giving advantage band disadvantage

The advantages steemit has over other social media

Endless stream of knowledge

Unlike normal social media which are narrowed minded and conservative steemit is quite different VA's it offers individuals the opportunity to write quality article.

This singular aspect of steemit makes indivduals go far and beyond to source for reasonable knowledge which they feel would be beneficial to those who would read them on the steemit Blogchain


Data consumption

Like many of us in Nigeria we often complain that popular social media like Instagram and Snapchat are responsible for finishing our data daily.

But on steemit we do not have this problem as steemit uses less data than your average social media application


No barriers

On steemit they literally no barriers restricting you from interacting with those who are in different parts of the world.

Unlike WhatsApp we would first need to source individuals numbers before we can now communicate with them but on steemit we are not faced with this challenge as we are free to interact with whomever we wish.



Unlike popular social media platforms steemit offers users the unique benefits of making money for sharing their thoughts and knowledge.

This put steemit above social media platforms such as WhatsApp, telegrams and others as this platform do not reward users.

The disadvantage of steemit


When I first started using steemit I struggled Alot using mark downs and it made it very difficult for me to get the rewards I felt I ought to have received.

This is a unique problem in which every steemians has experience at one point or another.

Often times mark downs are too complex to understand and users end up making mistakes that causes Thier works to look in appealing.


the issue of keys are a big concerns for many individuals as often times this keys are very difficult or should I say impossible for individuals to memorise hence they is always this fear that an individual might misplace his key and be left stranded.


Here is a case of an individual who has gotten locked out of his account due to the fact that he misplaed his keys.


Quality post.

Unlike other social media steemit has set a very high standard for what we determine as quality post hence many users are turned away as they are unable to meet this standards.

Normally on social media like Twitter we are not required to write long articles but on steemit we are always required to do so, as failure to do so would see us not getting rewarded.


Price instability

This is a unique problem which we as steemians face this is because the fact that steemit runs on a blockchain at any given point the price is changing hence we are users can never get an accurate estimate of our account worth.

To make it worse most times the market can play with our feelings and move in erratic patterns and this can make many of us to lose motivation for steemit


Take for example in the image above today being June 6th we saw price of steem sky rocket to .39 and all of a sudden there was a massive dump

Such moved like this have a tendency to play with the psychology of users.

I personally got affect by this move earlier today as it caused me to impulsively sale 29 steem due to the fact I really needed money.


With this I have come to the end of this contest post I am incredibly grateful for this community having given me the opportunity to share some of my thoughts.

I would like to invite @swaylee @ronindboss and @weasell

 2 years ago 
Post informationStatusGrades
Plagiraism / Bot free2/2
Quality of content2/2

You have covered the topic very well, you explained all the advantages and disadvantages of the steemit platform as well as the others.
Overall, detailed information was given according to the contest topic.
Good luck with the contest!

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hello friend

I like your point about this social network. I use whatsapp too for work, family and school, but somentimes anyone took my number to play it. So, I guess Steemit is better.

I wish you the best. best regards

It's really frustrating when someone just picks your number and starts messaging you

At the same times it limiting
Steemit is more open

Hola amigo, comparto contigo de que Whatsapp es muy pero muy útil, pues brinda la oportunidad de comunicación de una manera rápida y efectiva, no hay excusas de que el mensaje no llegó, pues ahí podremos ver si llega o no 😅...

Steemit presenta pocas desventajas ante la innumerables ventajas que tiene, una ventaja de las que más me encanta, es que podemos adquirir mucho conocimiento de culturas de distintos países y el respeto prevalece en ella.

Saludos desde Venezuela y te deseo mucho éxito.!!!

Honestly often times people can deny having seen your message but with WhatsApp they is no denying as it always reflects .

Greetings from naija

Hello friend, you have make a really nice entry showing how beneficial Steemit is it to you. Keep it up and Steem on.

I won't deny that Steemit has really helped us in more ways than one. You have beautifully shown this in this post and thank you for inviting me expect me entry in an hour

I appreciate that you ahev acknowledged my invite
It only they was a way to let us know when someone reads your post just as it is done on whtasapp

Steemit taught me alot and I am really grateful

That's one of the many benefits of steemit

Like you said steemit has more to offer than when compared to other social medias and you explained the advantages as well as disadvantages really good.

Especially the monetary and educational aspect

You have explained it very good. I like this point on your discussion

Unlike other social media steemit has set a very high standard for what we determine as quality post hence many users are turned away as they are unable to meet this standards.

And They shouldn't have turned away. Because this is a training to boost our writing skills. In Steemit we learn to write creatively, innovatively and original.

😂but it's not everyone that has the time and streght to write long articles with 1000 words

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator04.

Curated By - @suboohi
Curation Team - The Efficient Seven

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