♥️The diary game♥️ 🌅 🌅 🌅 🌅 🌅 🌅 || 19/04/2023 ||

in Urdu Communitylast year


In the morning
♥️ As usual, I woke up early in the morning to fast and got up and ate. After eating, I drank a glass of milk and fasted. After doing that came back home and after that went for a walk in the fresh morning air for some time♥️


♥️ In the afternoon, as usual, I took out my chickens and gave them food and water, after that I took out the little chicks and gave them food and water. After that, I went to my lands to take care of my crops. The wheat crop is almost ripe and they are about to start harvesting it. May Allah bless him and shower his mercy. So that the intensity of the heat will be reduced and the fasting of Ramadhan will be spent in good health. After taking care of my lands, I returned to my home. He sat down and when it was time for Zuhr prayer, he went to the mosque and performed ablution and after performing ablution he offered congregational prayers and returned home and rested for a while.


Evening 🌃
♥️According to usual, when the Asr call to prayer was called, I went to the mosque and performed ablution and after performing ablution, I prayed in congregation, after performing the prayer, I sat for some time to recite, and after reciting, I returned home. And then again I went to my friends place to spend my fasting time and chatted with them and spent my fasting time and took some pictures there which I will share with you guys hope you guys like it. We spent the time there until breaking the fast, and when it was time for Iftar, we came back, broke the fast, and after that went to pray the Maghrib prayer. After tarawi namazada came back home and did some work and after work sat down to make my post♥️

End 🔚
♥️ So this was my activity and pictures today, I would like to ask permission from you guys, I will take care of you and remember you in prayers. May Allah Hafiz always be happy and prosperous.♥️

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