Steemit Enagement Challenge || Season2, Week #3 ||Steemit and Covid-19||How did Steemit play a useful role in improving your life during Covid-19? by @temitopef

in Urdu Community2 years ago (edited)

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Good day dear Steemians, today starts the third week of the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 2 and I would be writing my first post here in this community. We all know how Covid-19 disease disturbed and cost many people their jobs, good life, movement restrictions, and good health. I will be explaining what covid-19 is, the difficulties I encountered during the heat of Covid-19, and how Steemit Blockchain blogging platform helped me.

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Brief Introduction of Covid-19

Covid-19 or Coronavirus disease is an infectious disease that was caused by SARS - CoV -2 Virus. This Virus was discovered in December 2019 in Wuhan, the People's Republic of China. The virus causes respiratory illness which ranges from mild, moderate, or severe depending on age, immune response, and whether the person is suffering from any underlying disease.

According to the World Health Organization (W.H.O), about 80% of the patients infected by Coronavirus disease recovered without any hospital treatments, 15% became seriously sick and needs oxygen while the remaining 5% cases are very severe and need intensive care. Patients with underlying diseases such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, chronic respiratory disease, or cancer were mostly affected when infected with covid-19 and some of the patients died.

Common symptoms of Covid-19 are Fever, Fatigue, Dry cough, Loss of smell or taste, Loss of appetite, Nasal congestion, Headache, Sore throat, Nausea or vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, tiredness, while the patient those suffering from severe cases experienced Convulsion, High temperature, Shortness of Breath, Persistent pressure or pain in the chest, Anxiety, Sleep disorder and Depression.

Covid-19 can be contacted between people of close range, which when people breathe in air that was contaminated by air-borne particles or droplets of infected people, such people too will be infected with the Covid-19 virus.

This virus can survive for days on a surface depending on the type of surface, temperature, and relative humidity. About 500 million people were infected with Covid-19 virus throughout the whole world in which over 6 million people were confirmed dead. To protect oneself from Covid-19 disease, some precautions must be taken which includes wearing a nose mask, avoiding crowds or public places, washing hands, and rubbing hands with alcohol-based sanitizer frequently.

Difficulties I encounter during Covid-19

I worked in a private hospital, and during this terrible Covid-19 pandemic, we didn't have patients when compared to what it's used to be before, as most patients were afraid of coming to the hospital because they think they would be diagnosed with Covid-19 disease, while some thinks coming to the hospital for treatment gives them a high risk of being infected.

In March 2020, some of my co-workers were sacked and that period was so tough on me because no hospital was employing me then, later my colleague that remained employed in our hospital called me and said he wanted both of us to be working and we will be sharing his salary because he cannot be working for the whole day and also he understands how much I need my job, he too was collecting 70% of his salary, so he resolves into sharing it with me.

I started working again and I was collecting only #13,000 (108 Steem) salary every month. Things were not easy with me and my family, we only managed. Furthermore, working in a hospital is tough as we faced many patients with different health conditions, in which some were infected with the Covid-19 virus.

How Steemit Blockchain Blogging Platform Helped me During Covid

I never heard of Steemit during the pandemic period of Covid-19 in 2020. I joined Steemit in January 2021 when things has not yet changed and I was having a hard time. However, Steemit has so helped me since I joined, It helped in liberating me financially, I paid my house rent, provide for my sister's school fees when she gained admission into the university and I was able to help my family and friends.

How many People were affected by Covid-19 in my household?

Nobody in my household was affected by Covid-19, as a medical practitioner I understand what Covid-19 is and its implications on one's health, so I explained everything to my family, telling them that Covid-19 is real and not a scam as many people from my place were saying, I gave them proper orientation on what to do and how to prevent oneself. Also, I hardly traveled home during the Covid-19 period, because I know there are chances of me contacting Covid-19. After all, I work in a hospital, and going home every time seems like I'm risking the health of my people. We all took to the Covid-19 precautions and with the help of God, none of us contacted it.

How Does Steemit Kept me Busy during Covid-19 Lockdown?

As I said earlier, I was not informed about Steemit during this period, so during the lockdown, I was not a Steemit member.

Did I sell Steemit earnings during Covid-19 to reduce or eliminate the problem I faced in my daily life?

Yes, I sold my Steemit earning and it helped me solve some problems I was facing financially. My first withdrawal was like after a month that I joined, I was able to use the money to buy some foodstuffs for myself, I sent money to my family and gave myself a treat. After like 4 months I was able to pay my house rent with it and have some little savings.

Did Steemit help other people besides me in my city or country?

I will say yes to this because through my earnings on the Steemit platform, I was able to help my neighbor and sent some money to my co-worker that was sacked during Covid-19 and did not have anything to do. Without Steemit I don't think I may be able to help them with the little I had then.

Did I inform people about Steemit during Covid-19 so that they too can get out of trouble?

When I joined Steemit, and I was able to withdraw some amount of money, I informed some of my co-workers that were sacked and one of my friends that needed money too about Steemit and gave them the testimony of how it has helped me financially, but most of them did not have passion for writing and when my friend saw my Steemit page and realized that the rewards I got mostly came from Crypto Academy homework tasks, she was discouraged because she has no idea about cryptocurrency, I explained to her that if she is consistent she can make money from other posts too but she was not convinced.

The Difficulties and Challenges that I faced during Covid-19 diseases and how Steemit support and helps in my life and other people around my city and country

As I said, things were tough for me when I joined Steemit, my salary was not enough to take care of my responsibility. Remembering my sister's closing to the university admission then does caused me to panic because I don't even have 40% of the money she will need, and I was able to save the one I earned by starving myself most time. When I joined Steemit, I started posting and getting rewards, I was able to eat good food and saved enough money for my sister's school. With part of my salary and Steemit earnings I paid my house rent, likewise, I was able to help by sending some money to my co-worker leaving in another city and my neighbor when she needed financial assistance.


Covid-19 disease is a terrible disease that has caused some people their life, while some people experienced setbacks because they lost their jobs. Steemit Blockchain blogging platform has helped many individuals during Covid-19 by keeping them busy during the lockdown period and also liberating them financially. I also enjoyed Steemit's financial liberation since I joined and I will forever be grateful because it has helped me in a way that I can never forget. This is where I will be stopping for today. Thank you for reading.

I invite @patience90, @samuel20, and @davehanny to join this contest.

Congratulations, your post has been supported by @steem4nigeria. This is the official community account of Nigerians on Steemit. You can reach us here on our community account.

Manual Curator : @Reminiscence01

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You have detail it out perfectly, Same here I came to know about Steemit last year. Uptill now I still wonder why I didn't know Steemit as a networker

I understand how you feel because even I would have love to know Steemit before or during covid but all the same we are grateful for it's help since we joined.

Estuviste en el ojo del huracán amiga, estar trabajando en un hospital durante la pandemia era muy riesgoso, sin embargo con el conocimiento y el cuidado que tenías para no ser transmisora del virus, pudiste lograr algo muy difícil, no contagiarte ni contagiar a los tuyos.

Steemit no es para todo el mundo, cuando se ganan las recompensas es porque realmente te las ganaste creando contenido de calidad, Steemit nones un juego fácil donde escribes un par de palabras y con eso basta para que te den dinero.

Más aún cuando iniciaste con la forma más difícil para obtener recompensas, con la cryptoacademy. Gracias a Dios pudiste solventar tu situación económica, además de pagar la universidad de tu hermana, te debes sentir orgullosa por haberlo logrado.

Steemit volverá a ser tan rentable como antes, seguro tú estás convencida de ello y verte publicando con entusiasmo, nos motiva aún más, porque sabemos que vienes de la cryptoacademy.

Te deseo éxito en el concurso. Saludos desde Venezuela 🇻🇪

Thank you so much for this valuable comment, earning on Steemit does come with hardwork, consistent and dedication.

Also I am proud of what I was able to achieve through Steemit and I will forever be grateful to Steemit.

Thank you once again.

What a wonderful presentation you have here, so sorry for the inconveniences caused by the pandemic and I'm glad to know that steemit has been of help in so many ways.

It will be an honor to have you comment on my contest
#steem-on 💙

Yes, Steemit has been of help in so many ways since I joined, thank you for reading.

According to the World Health Organization (W.H.O), about 80% of the patients infected by Coronavirus disease recovered without any hospital treatments, 15% became seriously sick and needs oxygen while the remaining 5% cases are very severe and need intensive car

By this I can see you did your home work very well before writing the Post. COVID 19 was too devastating I stop looking at the statistics a long time ago.

STEEMIT I just the best, see how much it has helped you raise money for your sisters university, to feed well and also to assist your colleagues. Is this not wonderful, Steemit to us is truly a blessing.

You did a beautiful post and I wish you luck in the contest

Covid-19 disease was a terrible disease that affected the whole world, I can understand why you stop looking at the statistics.

you are right, Steemit is a blessing to me and my family. Thanks for reading.

Wonderfully how you put your publication in order, it is good to know that Steemit was there for you in good and hard times, we are all grateful we weren't a victim of the virus. The existence of this disease is still a threat to mankind

Steem on

Yes o, Covid left huge effect on many people, but we bless God for his faithfulness and protection over us and our family.

So glad its eradicating little by little

Welldone. Youve don great on steemit and in helping others too

Steemit platform has been of great help to many people. Even the time you joined, covid hasn't gone totally. You made a beautiful presentation. I wish you good luck in your entry.

Kind regards!

Yes Steemit has been of great help to us. Thanks for reading.

Dispite the effects and what we all went through during this pandemic,I think it a great thing to say steemit has really come with a great intension because we are able to redrwan money to take care of our seft and the family

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