Steemit Engagement Challenge || Season2, Week #3 ||Steemit and Covid-19||How did Steemit play a useful role in improving your life during Covid-19? by @tangwe-rene

in Urdu Community2 years ago



Hello in this great and wonderful platform for it another edition of the program in the urdu community where I will talking about in the steemit engagement challenge where I will be talking about Covid-19 was an epidemic.

Covid-19 was an epidemic. What would you say about it? Explainin your own words.

COVID-19 which is also known as coronavirus desease coronavirus-CoV-2-virus. Most person that fell sick mid got well without midecal attention while other needed medical attention.this are viruses that cause diseases in mammal and in bird through respiratory track and can ranges from mild to lethal.
It was discovered in SAR-CoV-2-in Wuhan - china after discovering the death remain of human which not clear and it became Pathogenic to human existence.
• it easily spread through infected person to in infected person through cough,sneeze,and small liquid droplet and it ranges from smaller respiratory system to Large respiratory aerosol.
It can also be through breathing went an infected person breathe in the crown of people and also went a person get in contact with an infected surface.
• many people also get infected after getting in contact with Infected surfaces there by touching their eyes,nose lips and other part that can led to infection.
Many research are ongoing that are still to prove many things on viruses despite the fact that this research are violence and delicate but will most protect the interest of other.
Below are the world statistics on covid-19 accessment starting from the period of it out break with the total number of recorded cases in each country and the total number of deaths but during this period,USA recorded the highest number of cases 86.2 million cases and 1.01 million death as shown on the statistics table .
Below are my screen shot showing the statistics


Below are some graph showing a total evaluation on cov-19 day after day showing the total recorded cases each day with the number of death .
During this covid-19 outbreak ,a lot of statistics were taking in term of cases and also in term death but below are some recorded cases and deaths in terms of graph presentation and this graph changes as days passes by.

source images

What difficulties did you personally encounter during Covid-19?

• During the period of covid-19, especially the case in my country,so many activities were going on, in the name of lockdown in the sense that we were not able to carry out many of our such as businesses as border were locked with no access of good in to the country as cameroon that mostly depends on import of good and services.

• the year 2019 was my second year the university and we face alot difficulty in the learning aspect as many of our classes were held online and in our country we are never use to online classes as they system was introduced we face alot difficulty in learning process but it wasn't easy for me.

My photo wearing face mask

•In the process we were also asked to wear face mask as it was my first time of wearing this mask and it's gave me a lot of difficulty in breathing and also couple with the fact that police men in our country took it as an advantage of exploiting money from the citizen

what Steemit blockchain helped me during Covid-19

• it helps me in the aspect of reading and writing , creating good article, trying to read and comment over people post which I think really helped me in the aspect of increase in my learning skill and also in my reasoning faculty.

• It also helps me to earn financially despite the nature of our country went it came to unemployment and to the fact that we are able to find our self in steemit platform and we try to see that since it the only source for yield of service ,so try our possible best to be able to participate in all the contest so we can earn rewards that can help us solve our financial problem.

The number of people in your household who were affected by Covid-19 disease and what was the condition?

It a great previlleged for me to say despite the outbreak of the covid-19 that affected my people in the world with so many countries close down in business activities,but it was so hard brocken that many people were people and family were greatly affected and some recorded so many deaths

I also want to give glory and honer to God in sense and in the fact that I never recorded any death so any case of the covid-19 in my family and still today ,I still have not witness any case of the virus and it not by my power but by the grace of God.

what Steemit keep you busy on information when you were home locked during covid-19?

During the Covid-19 cases, do many activities were suspended due to the effect and the activities of each and every one many of us were not able to go to the market nor to go to any where regardless of the situation of the problem and it outbreak.

Since many activities were suspended ,our most loving and most intertaining activity which is sport was also held back due to the virus shown down for it is so heart breaking that so many deathly desaes has attached and affected hum race but with the Covid-19 it was able to short down all activities in the world to the extent that people were not able to leave their home because of insecurities and deadly nature of the side effects of the diseases .

It also helps me in the sense that we are able to stay at home text ,reply messages,and also create great and quality contest which is intense a great and wonderful activities for just as it keep us run away from such issue of being infected by the virus.

what amount of steemit earning during covid-19 to reduce or eliminate the problems you face in your daily life?

NO and NO the reason why I just said no and no is simple and clear because I just joined steemit 3month ago and I have not earn any thing to the extent that it can support me and my family but I strongly believe that through my dedication and hard, I will work and earn those reward for my family support

what steemit help other people besides me in your country, city during covid-19 global epidemic?

This is true because I have a lot of friends areas me such as @tenguhatanga, @chiabertrand who joined steemit before me and it has help them in so many way ,most them before I joined this platform explain to me how great and wonderful the platform has help them solve their financial issue and I think what they said is absolutely true and I think the platform has bigger thing to do for us as far as this pandemic get on increase .

What number informed people about steemit during covid-19 so that they too can get out of trouble by joining steemit

This is because, went I was introduced to steemit @chiabertrand, help me in in so many aspect and gave me the narrative on how to blog and we also form a team just last few weeks ago on how to promote end encourage our community to join steemit and also to sensitized our country on the important if steemit and also make them understand while it necessary to them


@chiabertrand,,@tenguhatanga are the people whom am able to relate to them so we can all promote steem in my community

The difficulties and major issues i face during Covid-19's terrible disease and how did Steemit improve,support and help in your life during Covid-19 and other people around your city or country.

Covid-19 was a terrific decades that came in 2019 with so many activities shout down,such businesses, school were also shout down border to the extent that no transportation could even take place after which I as a student was not able to go to school and everything about my school activities were close down and I had to engage my self in a small scale business which was not even of great profit but that was just to keep myself busy and no to feel that too loanlyand that in 2020 which school finally resume,I had to get back to school just for me to be able to attend classes and pass my examination properly and also for me to gain and to get the certificate at all cours.
But we thank God for successful wiping out the pandemic in our country despite the fact that we still record some few cases but the majority is really reduce and I believe that thing will continue to be at this stage for better economy, school and better businesss

Show my selfie holding the paper with the text I love you steemit for helping me during covid-19 and date The purpose of this selfie is that we can pay a great tribute to steemit for helping us during covid-19.



I want to used this opportunity to say that covid-19 was a year with so many up and down but we thank God for giving us steemit platform to came to us for our financial support and for the great rescue as we are hoping and working towards that trend and I want to used that opportunity to invite some of my friends @chiabertrand, @tenguhatanga to come participate in these great and wonderful contest


Hello friend, the truth is that covid-19 was a very hard stage, many things were delayed, many businesses went bankrupt, but the important thing is that you came out of all this well, and your family too.

I wish you much success and blessings. Greetings!

Am so glad you shop by the and read through my post for indeed covid-19 was a deadly diseases that really affected the world and may houses we thank God God was with us for everyone was fine

One of the preventive measures i have is the use of nose mask, am not always comfortable with breathing, but it was compulsory as at then, the pandemic caused a lot of disaster and claimed countless lives, am glad we weren’t a victim of this virus
Good luck brother

Thank you my dear for stopping by and giving me that those almost reason for the pandemic thank for seeing reason with me

You are welcome🤗

The coronavirus was really wicked to the world.

Yeah I do remember a friend and nebor of mine telling me about the the online classes. Also the VC organised classes in shift so as to reduce the population.

This is true because I have a lot of friends areas me such as @tenguhatanga, @chiabertrand who joined steemit before me and it has help them in so many way.

This is so very true. It was a good post and I do wísh you the best.

Thank brother for engaging

 2 years ago 
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You have provided some nice information and the information about how the pandemic started is very detailed. Overall, nice efforts. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for your participation.
Good luck with the contest!

Thank so much for giving me that previlleged and wonderful response for that is such a great motivation and I will do my best to always produce quality content so as to build up this great platform

Corona virus was a very dangrous virus. It greatly weakened the financial system of the whole world and many people were harmed. But steemit do a lot of help of many people during this very. Thanks for sharing with me and other beautiful steemians.
Please come to my post also and comment on it. I hope you will come.

Greetings 🇵🇰

Definitely we are on these platform to help each other grow and I will come to your post and do that for us to help each other .thankfor visiting my post for I really appreciate you for that

I am sorry for all the deaths and how hard it was for you and for the whole planet as a consequence of the Covid,but I am also glad that you met Steemit and I know that it was a support for you not only financially but emotionally because writing is a way to let off steam,you were able to make friends and that is very nice,a warm hug from Venezuela.

So sorry, the pandemic affected everything enven schools closed down, am so sorry it affected your school and today you are alive to tell the story.

That is exactly true

We are grateful that during covid19 we stay healthy and steemit helps us live our days. Regards...🙏

Thank God for the rescue and better day ahead

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