Urdu community Contest / S2W3 – How Steemit Helped Me & My Family during the COVID-19 Pandemic by @swaylee

in Urdu Community2 years ago

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Greetings Everyone,
It's Rasheed once again with another engagement. What a way to kick start the week than with a nice engagement topic like this. I haven't really been consistent because apparently it doesn't pay but I'm back now. Today I would be answering a series of questions to complete this engagement so follow me through the process and enjoy.

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Question 1

Covid-19 was an epidemic. What would you say about it? Explain in your own words.

It was a really shocking and first time experience for me. It was like being grounded for something that you have no control over. The number of infected people were sky rocketing so much that Nigerians thought they were bluffing. The streets were so dry, everyone was really conscious about those around them and took their hygiene seriously. Social gathering was halted.


The affluent didn't really have problems but the poor who didn't have enough money to feed were forced to stay jobless and to suffer. Alot of people had the time to re-evaluate their life and know where to go from. Students were at home rusting and staying idle. It really is an experience no one would want to go through.

Question 2

What difficulties did you personally encounter during Covid-19?

A halt on my human right to movement. I could work my part time jobs are they were all closed down. The school closed temporarily and we were sent home hence my whole life was on pause. My parents weren't too happy about the whole situation so they put their anger on us and we were constantly doing chores non stop. Most food stalls were closed so the market places were closed and the places where food was sold had to increase the price so they can double their profits.

Question 3

How Steemit blockchain helped you during Covid-19 ?

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I was jobless and didn't have anything to keep me busy. I was also not in school anymore so I wasn't really learning anything beneficial to me or my future. Steemit helped me by keeping me busy while I did my favorite thing (blogging). I was able to make alot of great friends through Steemit which I wouldn't have been able to make on Whatsapp or other centralized social media platforms. I also learnt alot by reading posts and people's experiences on Steemit. Steemit also thought me all about cryptocurrencies and it's thanks to Steemit that I know this much about Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

Question 4

How many people in your household were affected by Covid-19 disease and what was the condition?


The whole family was affected by the pandemic leaving no one behind. My dad had alot of government projects which he would have bagged if the whole thing didn't happen.

My mum's business was put on halt and there was almost no money to keep feeding us at home when no money is coming in at the moment.

Me and my siblings because we were stuck at home just like a liability to our parents without being able to aid financially in anything at home. We were else affected because we had to lose 7 months of our lives without achieving anything meaningful not even schooling.

Question 5

How did Steemit keep you busy or rely on information when you were home locked during covid-19?


There wasn't always electricity as my country has failed us in that aspect so I always came to Steemit to get the latest news on the COVID-19 pandemic. The internet is full of lies but Steemians from around the world were posting updates about it on their end it was a huge source of reliable information. It also kept me busy posting, engaging, reacting, upvoting and commenting on posts.

Question 6

Did you sell steemit earing during covid-19 to reduce or eliminate the problems you face in your daily life?

Yes from time to time, I sold a substantial amount of Steemit to tend to needs that my parents wouldn't want to take on. Since I didn't work, Steemit was my only source of funds and those days we could withdraw freely without clubs like #club75 to check our withdrawals and SBD was present so we got a nice amount of steem from converting it.

Question 7

Did steemit help other people besides you in your country, city during covid-19 global epidemic?

Ofcourse it did. It helped my parents take off some financial burden from their arms as I started taking care of myself from my Steemit earnings. It also helped my siblings because they often come to me for financial help since my parents became very strict with cash and I helped them. It also helped my trader friends as I often lend them some steem so they can trade and earn some decent profits inorder to survive. So Steemit actually helped everyone around me.

Question 8

You informed people about steemit during covid-19 so that they too can get out of trouble by joining steemit?


I did alot of promotion. At my time of joining Steemit, promotion was always appreciated and emphasized so I was always promoting Steemit to my friends. Steemit has done alot of good things for me and I couldn't just stay and enjoy it alone so I tried my best to promote and make my friends see Steemit as the light in their darkness. My Promotions paid off though and I was able to bring in more than 10 people to Steemit and 7 out of them are currently still Steeming actively.

Question 9

What difficulties ,major issues,did you face during Covid-19's terrible disease and how did Steemit improve,support and help in your life during Covid-19 and other people around your city or country. (write own experience) ?

I believe the first part of this question was already asked in question 2 so I would just go ahead and refer my readers to the answer of question 2

A halt on my human right to movement. I could work my part time jobs are they were all closed down. The school closed temporarily and we were sent home hence my whole life was on pause. My parents weren't too happy about the whole situation so they put their anger on us and we were constantly doing chores non stop. Most food stalls were closed so the market places were closed and the places where food was sold had to increase the price so they can double their profits.

But as for how Steemit helped me, they helped me take off some financial burden from my parents by making me a little financially stable. It also helped me educationally by helping me to keep learning despite the lockdown. I was also able to stay happy and kept busy by interacting on Steemit. It helped my parents too because their son was working hard and getting better at something he likes for himself. They were also happy that I had reduced the financial burden on them.

Question 10

Share your selfie holding the paper with the text I love you steemit for helping me during covid-19 and date The purpose of this selfie is that we can pay a great tribute to steemit for helping us during covid-19.


It might not be the best picture but atleast it's something. This is to show my appreciation to Steemit for helping me alot during the COVID-19. I guess this is the end of my entry. It might not really look young because I'm not a working class man and the pandemic didn't affect me seriously. Thanks for reading

I would love to invite @chiabertrand, @cryptogecko and @victoh78


Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator04.

Curated By - @simonnwigwe

Curation Team - The Efficient Seven

COVID 19 was really terrible to the world. Alot of people did suffer. Thanks to Steemit for catering for most of us during time.

It is truly a blessing that we are alive today. Thank you for the post and I wish you the best

The lockdown was especially hard for families who didn't have much going on. They feed from hand to mouth but when they are restricted from working, they have to suffer or find illegal ways of making money

Hola amigo de verdad que explicaste muy bien lo que steemit hizo por ti y por tu familia, luchaste hasta el final sin desmayar.

Te felicito.


We had to stay at home all the time during Covid-19 and Steemit helped us a lot keeping us busy and We could also earn and gather information from all parts of the world.

You have made a detailed entry about it.

Thank you very much for reading sir. We stay loyal to Steemit even to the very end

You explained all the questions very well and yes we all of them during COVID faces many problems

Atleast Steemit was there to help us during those times. I wonder what I would have done if Steemit was known to me by then

Sway-lee most time when i come across your article especially in the tron fan club, it is always worth reading, the endemic was a crazy one, I couldn’t believe the world could be on lockdown, but asa result of this curse, we were in lockdown long time which affected a lot of people emotionally financially and physically
Steem on bro
best of luck

Thank you for reading man, I heard alot about you from my friends they said you motivate alot of people with your commenting skills and I have noticed and acknowledge that

Haha, itisworitis man, its just a work of typing word here and there man.
I appreciate you fam
Best regard

 2 years ago 
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Plagiraism / Bot free1/1
Quality of content2/3

I am glad to know you have benefited from steemit during the harsh time of Covid19, indeed it is no less than a life saver for all of us. You have answered all the questions in a nice way.
Thanks for your participation.
Good luck with the contest!

Thank you for Grading my post. There would soon be better days ahead for Steemit where one nice project would swoop in and make the platform better for everyone

Pensé igual que tu al principio porque tanto encierro que hice de malo? muy difícil la situación de no salir y estar encerrado y el mal humor que había entre los familiares era causa del estrés del covid 19 me alegro que ayudaras a muchas personas y en especial a tus padres gracias a steemit, que bueno que unieras mas personas a seguir la plataforma, debemos seguir incentivando a creer en steemit.

Saludos y Bendiciones.

Thank you for reading. We indeed have Steemit to thank for a whole lot of things

You seem to have poured your heardinto this post as I can see through the tired look on your face at the ending

I really loved reading your post and learning about your actives during the lock down

Thank you for noticing the tiredness. Today has been above stressful but we have to make time for Steemit because it's done alot for me

Steemit was indeed a life saver during the pandemic

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