Urdu community Contest / S2W3 – Me, Covid-19 and Steemit by @patjewell

in Urdu Community2 years ago

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Covid-19 or coronavirus, as know by so many of us, are terms and a reality we will not easily forget.

“It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear”

These were the famous words spoken by Donald Trump, then the President of America.

One day? When will the one day be?

Disappear? I’m not so sure of it.

Covid-19 was an epidemic

Nope, Covid-19 was not epidemic, IT IS STILL AN EPIDEMIC!

30 January 2020, the WHO (World Health Organization) declared the Covid-19 outbreak a ”Public Health Emergency” which was of global concern and on 11 March the same year it was declared a pandemic.

Of importance is to know the difference between outbreak, epidemic and the feared pandemic.

Outbreakis a sudden rise in a particular place in cases of a disease
Epidemicis a larger outbreak of cases of a disease
Pandemicis a global outbreak of cases of a disease

To date we are still receiving daily update in my country South Africa on what the amount of cases and casualties.

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It is clear that there is a decline in cases globally with a spike every now and again but I am of the opinion that Covid-19 is still going to be part of us for a long time.

Cases overview
CountryTotal casesDeaths
South Africa3,99M102K

It is true that a lot of people died during Covid-19 but it for sure not the worst pandemic faced to date.

HIV/Aids claimed the lives of many more.

Difficulties experienced during Covid-19

Globally countries and millions of households experienced the same difficulties, economic crisis’s which result in close of businesses and loss of income, health care issues, education which came to a hold, sports and entertainment which no more existed and the list goes one.

As a business women working from home my experience of Covid-19 was a bit different. I was use to the fact of being at home, I had no more employees in my business, I was not depended on my business for an income and staying at home with the family is something we were already doing.

Make no mistakes, there was still some difficulties I experienced during the lock-down period;

  • My thoughts and my response to Covid-19 was having a mental impact on me
  • My worries about the rest of the family was driving me up the walls
  • My routine did change and it was very upsetting to me as I am a routine person
  • I found myself let go of my self-care as nobody was seeing me
  • I was back at school! I had to learn and I had to teach
  • Irritation became part of us and it for sure had an impact on us as a family

The impact Covid-19 had on our family and household

I am sure that in a way Covid-19 had and still has an impact on each one of us.

In our family and household there were three people who experienced Covid-19 the most and who’s lives was touched for life.

1. My son
2. My brother
3. Myself



My son is a medical doctor and is working in the Emergency Unit of a hospital. I could never understand how he could not choose to be a general practitioner instead of an emergency unit doctor. He always told me; “Mom, it’s in my blood”. For sure not on the blood side of my family.

During the crucial time of Covid-19 he suffered the most of our family. Not only did he had to work hours on end but he also had the worries of keeping his family safe.

Worse of all, he was the one who had to make the decision if a patient will be moving on to ICU (Intensive Care Unit) or if the patient will be left behind. It broke him mentally but he had to carry on, day after day. He had to cope with the decision, he had to cope with patients begging him and he had to cope with family who doesn’t know what is happening with a love one.

Today I can take my hat off to every doctor, every nurse, every cleaner, all staff working at our hospitals. I salute you all!



My brother planned his family visit for more than a year. Everything was arranged and planned when Covid-19 came along. He was on the aeroplane for an 18 hour flight from Thailand to South Africa when we heard that South Africa is closing the boarders and that Thailand already did.
What now?
What’s going to happen if he lands in South Africa?
Will he be able to go back to Thailand?

Luckily for him they closed the South African boarder the day after he arrived. Safely home but he was stuck in South Africa for months!

On his return he had to go via Cambodia and it took him nearly a month to get back into Thailand. In the process the company who he worked for cut their budget and could no longer pay him.

The impact the whole Covid-19 lockdown had on him also had a huge impact on our household. He was a guest but a very frustrated guest.


I contracted the Covid-19 virus earlier this year. First my hubby got it but his mas mild. I was very sick and experienced first-hand the feeling of not being able to breath, not wanting to get out of bed, not wanting to eat and not caring what happens next. For a whole ten days I was in bed and could not see my family.

The joy was big when we were united again.

Being a victim of the virus is an experience I will not easily forget.

Covid-19, the Steemit blockchain and me

I returned to Steemit earlier this year and all “by accident”. This after I left it after a few months in 2016. My husband for some reason was searching the web and he discovered that I still had a few dollars in my wallet. Then the big search started for those keys. Eventually we found it and the money was transferred.
Did the money helped us? For sure!
It came at a time when we needed it.

My hubby then encourage me to take a second look and to start writing and that I did. I was hooked! Everything was different… communities, delegations, club status and the list goes on. Very soon I made friends, friends for life!

How Steemit helped me in person

Where Covid-19 and Steemit played a role in my life was when I was so sick. I did not miss one day of writing. Steemit kept me going. It gave me the determination I never had before. I was going to make a success of it!

Through my Africa Steemit Womensclub friends I received the support to lift my head. Today I can look back and say, thank you Steemit and thank you my Steemit friends! In specific a big thank you to @ngoenyi.

Covid-19, the Steemit blockchain and other South Africans

Unfortunately Steemit is none existing in my country. I know of no other Steemian who benefited from Steemit during Covid-19 and the lock-down.

Marketing Steemit to my fellow countrymen has been tough but I got one to sign up and hopefully a few will join shortly. Oh yes, sign up before Donald Trump’s words come true!

So many people became financially restricted over the last couple of years. Not only will it be extremely difficult to recover but it will also take time… a long time. Let's start now!

Taken from a previous post of mine! I am so over COVID-19!

I invite:


Your son his an hero, saving life and all that, but the aspect if making decisions was a tough one. When reading this publication i wonder how hard it is for you knowing your son is in the mist of the infected, and i as i have read most if yiur post in the past, i never went deep to the extent of seeing that you had covid. The virus was a threat to human race, as of today we can only give glory to God that we are alive

My son actually contracted Covid twice but lucky it was only mildly but yah, one still worries.
Luckily he was one of the first to be vaccinated.
Yip, I was very sick but I am alive to tell my story.
Thank you for the visit and engagement 🤛🏻

You are welcome ma
Am glad the world is a little bit save from the virus

I do appreciate and honour your invitation to participate in this challenge. The COVID-19 period had serious negative effects especially on family income as most of us lost our source of income. It was frustrating but I thank God that despite it all your family braved it all and come out victoriously. So far as Jehovah liveth, we shall not succumb to any infirmities.

Thank you for your visit and reply my friend 🌼
We will never forget the words covid & corona.
And not the 9 corona bottles but the corona virus.
We are lucky that we can tell the story.

We have a story that is not much different during Covid-19. Your son looks very dashing. May he be protected from various diseases and become a specialist and professional doctor. Doctor is my long-awaited dream.

Oh wow you want to become a doctor. I do hope you can still achieve in your dream. 🤞🏻
I never thought my son will be a doctor one day. Today he is a neuro surgeon but ER is where he wants to be, saving lives.
I agree with you, the covid story for so many of us are the same.
Thank you for supporting my post 🌼

Speaking about COVID makes me nervous. Covid is one of the key causes of my country's economic crises. Over a two-month period, my country was in lockdown. This periodically happened during those two and a half years. As a result, our entire country's production has fallen. Tourism, which was our main source of income, was lost. As a result, we currently face several problems. I don't know how they affect the revenue in your nation.

It is so sad to read your reply. South Africa also depends a lot on tourism and we felt it all the way here.
What our government did was to borrow money to be able to pay Covid grants. It was great for the people but a terrible decision for the country as loans must be paid.
It is still going to create a lot of problems for us.

Yes, my country also had borrowed a lot amount of money from various countries. Due to a lack of foreign revenue, they are currently talking about restructuring their debt.

Let’s just hope that things will improve shortly🙏

Wow my friend, you are very very detailed about COVID-19 and it's many troubles, the only serious thing we are still rejoicing about is that God almighty spared our lives. In shot, everyone had one or two negative taste of that ugly pandemic, but thank God we are secured.

Indeed we were of the lucky ones! Amen!🙏
I don't think we truly realized the impact it had on the world. In my son's case the hospital had to build a mortuary in a haze as they run out of space. It is terrible if you think about it.

It was like a terrible night mare, but it did happen live, but it's very much reduced now, thanks to the most high

Thanks very much my friend I appreciate you.

Honestly the effect of covid-19 was much but as you clearly said it was not the end of the world.
I just imagine how your son felt that time in carrying out that heavy task of saving lives and how you as the mother must have worried for his safety.

In all we give god the glory who made it possible for us today to tell the story.

Amen! 🙏
We are alive and can tell the story which millions of others cannot do. This alone should give us the reassurance that our Creator has bigger plans for us.
Thank you for your support! 🎕

Thank you too

The Covid19 is a pandemic that hit all nations of the world. I give my respect to your son who is working to safe people. I am also happy to hear that God delivered you from Covid19 disease. His protection over you will not seize. Thanks for sharing.

I was lucky! It was an experience I won’t wish on my worse enemy.
Today, I can tell the story! How wonderful is that!
I’m sure we can all write books about the last few years.
Thank you for your visit and engagement 🤛🏻

Hello mom, you have done great in explaining this topic explicitly and in an understanding Manna

However, I was skeptical and sad hearing the story of how this COVID-19 has had a negative effect in your family most especially to your brother and your Son who is a medical doctor.

It so sad to also hear you had contacted this pandemic disease, but I'm glad you overcame it and you are now much more stronger 💪 and healthier

Joining steemit in 2016(the launching year) and staying dormant for long(due to one reason or the other) then rejoining it back in 2022 is a miracle and I applaud your husband for that because I see he was the one that made you to rejoin it after he searched the Web. The good thing is that you are now doing exceptionally well mom

Thank you for stopping by!
We, all of us, can just be so thankful that we’ve made it through Covid. 🙏
Yip, I was lucky that hubby convinced me to take a 2nd look at Steemit.
I got sidetracked the 1st time round as we started a new business.
This time, the penny dropped! 😊

 2 years ago (edited)

Respected thank you very much for taking participate in Steemit Enagement Challenge | Season2, Week #3

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Steemexclusive✅ /1/1
Plagiraism / Bot free✅ /1/
300 words/soruce✅ /1/1
Quality of content✅ /2/3
Club75✅ /2/2
Markdowns+selfie✅ /1+0=1/2

you explained very well , every things that you faced during the covid-19, and you are connected with steemit now, it is good, and you can promote steemit in your area, more your area people can get benefits from steemit

steem on

Yeah. The fact that you were no longer working out of the house doesn't change now the period affected you..it is always better to stay home because you want not because you cannot go home.

It is awesome to know that the Steemit platform was your source of happiness and comfort during that time of COVID-19. Sorry to hear that you felt I'll. But from all indications you are all good.

Good luck in the contest.

I’m well thank you! As my family puts it “I’m fighting fit” 😊 No side effects from the Covid.
Thank you for reading my post and engaging with it🤛🏻

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