Urdu community Contest / S2W4 – Weather and our life by @ojerindejoel

in Urdu Community2 years ago (edited)


INTRODUCTION: Good day Steemians, welcome to the fourth week of season 2, I wish you all best of luck.


How weather effect our life and play important role ? what kind of weather do you like and why you like it.


To get started, I will like to briefly define what weather is and what causes it.

Weather can simply be defined as the temporal condition or day-to-day state of the atmosphere which is the layer of air that surrounds the earth. Weather is in truth different from climate though many people think they are the same and this is why I will be defining what climate is.

Climate simply represents the averaged weather conditions over some years while the weather is the state of the atmosphere which can change on an hourly or daily basis. Just like the weather, climate also changes though it might take hundreds or thousands of years. The Sahara Desert as a case study.

The climate tends to affect our way of living, the type of social structure, and our culture while Weather has an effect on our daily choices like the types of food we eat, types of cloth we wear, the type of transportation we take, the types of plant we grow and many more.


What causes weather?


First, we need to know that earth is elliptic in shape, this shape can be regarded as the basis or what contributes to weather. How? The suns heat up the earth and since the earth is elliptic in shape, the heat hit different parts of the earth at different angles and at different times of the day.

These different temperatures across the earth are what cause the atmosphere to move and it is this movement that results in winds, clouds, and precipitation.


What makes weather?


There are six main components of weather and it is these components that describe the weather at any given time. These components are listed and explained below.

  • Temperature: Temperature simply refers to how hot or cold the atmosphere is. It is measured with a thermometer.

  • Atmospheric pressure: The weight and density of the air are known as atmospheric pressure and a change in it is what signals a shift in weather. Atmospheric pressure depends on altitudes and if we don’t know before, then we need to understand that a high-pressure system is what brings about cooler temperatures and clear skies while a low-pressure system is what brings about warm temperatures, rain, and storm.

  • Wind: Wind is simply the movement of air and it gets formed due to the differences in temperature and atmospheric pressure between close regions. Air tends to move from a region of high pressure (cold area) to a region of low pressure (warm area).

  • Humidity: this refers to the amount of water vapor or gas in the air. This gas helps in forming clouds, rain, or snow. Island that is near the equator is known as the most humid place on earth.

  • Precipitation: This is a reaction in which a liquid solution turns into a solid form. Simply put, it is the moisture in form of rain or snow that falls to the ground from clouds. How does rain fall? Remember that the cloud is made up of tiny water droplets and more moisture is getting added to it, the droplet will continue to get heavier and at some point, the droplets will fall to the ground

  • Cloudiness: This actually comes in various forms, they are visible masses of water in the atmosphere and they affect the amount of sunlight that will reach the earth's surface. Since clouds obstruct some of the sun’s radiation from reaching the earth's surface, cloudy days are more relaxed than uncloudy days.

All these components are what weather scientists (Meteorologists) used to forecast what the weather will be in the future.


What are the effect of weather on our lives,


Weather has a significant or profound effect on human lives and well-being consciously or unconsciously. I mentioned some of the types or component of weather earlier and so, here, I am going to be talking about how each component affect our lives.

📌Humidity: Humidity plays an important role in mortality and this is because it influences the ability of the body to cool itself by means of evaporation of perspiration.

Let me quickly explain some big words that were used.

Mortality simply means death rate.

Evaporation is the process in which a liquid is converted into a gaseous state.

Perspiration is synonymous with sweat which is a fluid that leaves the body.

Also, humidity has an effect on human comfort and this is because the temperature of humans is majorly dependent on the atmospheric moisture content.

📌Temperature: Extreme temperature affects human lives as it compromises the ability of the body to regulate its internal temperature which can then leads to various illness such as heat cramps, hyperthermia, etc.

📌Atmospheric pressure: Whenever the pressure of the atmosphere decreases, so also does the amount of oxygen available to breathe in decreases and at a very high altitude where the pressure will be so low, humans can get sick or even die as the amount of oxygen available is not adequate.

In general,

  • Extreme weather events like hurricanes, droughts, forest fires, floods, heat waves, winter storms, etc., have greatly caused so much destruction to human lives.

  • Weather controls the types of fruits, vegetables, or crops that can grow which consequently affect the kind of food we eat. Also, extreme weather conditions like drought or floods can wipe entire crops

  • Weather controls the type of outdoor activities that one chooses to engage in.

  • Weather has an effect on fish populations which will consequently affect fishermen and even humans that eat fish in general.

  • When the weather is cold many people tend to get heart attacks and stroke and this is because blood vessels tend to constrict during this weather which will consequently lead to higher blood pressure in the body as there is less room for blood to move in the circulatory system.


What region do you live in? And what are the seasons in your region?.


I live in Nigeria which is a country in the West African region and which lies between longitudes 3🟤 and 14🟤 and latitudes 4🟤 and 14🟤. Nigeria is close to the equator and falls entirely in the tropics region

My country in general exhibits a hot climate throughout the year with little difference between summer and winter. The climate here is categorized into two seasons which are the wet and dry seasons.

Wet season:

The wet season which is also known as raining season occasionally starts in the month of April and ends in the month of October and it is the time of the year when average annual rainfall occurs.

Dry season:

The dry season which starts in the month of November and ends in the month of March is a period of time where no or little rainfall is experienced.


What is your favorite season And why do you like it?


My favorite reason is the rainy season for some reasons which are listed below. At each stage of my life, I have different reasons for choosing the wet season as my favorite.

📌 When I was small, there are so much interesting plays that we used to have inside the rain and as at then, this was my reason for liking this season.

📌 On growing up, I tend to choose the advantages of the rainy season over its disadvantages and even over the advantages of the dry season. Below are why I did.

  • My Dad has a fish pond that during the dry season, we tend to use more resources and energy to maintain the water level but during the wet season, all this occurs naturally and the fishes grow well. This doesn’t only happen to fish ponds but to rivers, lakes, etc., and the animals that live in water flourish during this season.

  • Also, during the wet season our farm crops tend to grow very well unlike in the dry season.

  • Moreover, the season always relieves everyone from the effect of the dry season, there is adequate water to supply every household.

📌 As a science student, below are why the wet season is my favorite.

  • Rain helps in sustain human life

  • Freshwater is readily available

  • There is enough power for Hydroelectric Facilities

  • Rain is a very essential resource for all components of the environment.

  • Rain helps in removing dust and debris from the atmosphere and thereby detoxifying it.


Depending on the season in your region or country or city, which rituals are more celebrated?


To the best of my understanding, there is no ritual in my country that depends on the type of season we are undergoing.


What clothes and food do you like depending on the season(cultural reflection)?



Wet Season



Links to the images respectively: Image 1, Image 2

The kind of food I eat depends on what I actually want or the kind of mood I want to be in.

One thing that naturally occurs during raining season is sleep but if I now want to even induce it more, then I will take Eba and Efo riro. By the time I am done eating, I am already asleep😆.

Generally, during the rainy seasons, I like to take spicy and hot food. In the morning I like to take hot pap or hot tea.


Links to the images respectively: Image 1, Image 2

During the rainy season, below are the type of clothes I like to wear.

  • Rain Jackets: This clothing prevents me from getting drenched in the rain peradventure I was caught outside. It also keeps me warm.

  • Trousers: In this season, mosquitoes and many dangerous insects become numerous and so wearing a trouser prevent me from getting bitten by them.

  • Dark-colored clothes: This is because white-colored clothes can easily get stained and so I stick to dark ones.

  • Also, I prefer wearing rain boots in this season.


Dry Season



Links to the images respectively: Image 1, Image 2

In the dry season, I tend to take fruits more than food. I take a lot of vegetables too so as for my body to be always hydrated. I run away from spicy food though I do take them in the morning sometimes.


The kind of cloth I wear during this season depends on if I am indoor or outdoor.




  • I tend to wear as little clothing as possible due to the heat.

  • I prefer lightweight, light-colored, and loose-fitting clothing. Loose-fitting cloth will allows air to flow freely Nd also, light-colored clothes reflect light while dark-colored absorb it. All these will make me cool.

  • I also tend to wear nature fiber clothing as they help in absorbing sweat and allow my skin to breathe.




  • I wear clothes that cover as much skin as I can cover so as to protect my skin from skin damage.

  • I make use of sunglasses.

  • To protect my head and its components, I wear caps that are well vented.


Which season's fruit do you like and why?


Despite the fact that I prefer raining season to the dry season, the fruit I like grows very well during the dry season. The fruit I like is Sugarcane and below are the reasons why.

  • Sugarcane is a heavily cultivated fruit around the world to produce refined sugar. HEavily cultivated means it is very available.

  • Sugarcane is used for producing medicinal products which are used for treating numerous illnesses like inflammation, Hemorrhage (Bleeding), liver problems, unary tract problems, etc., They can also help prevent these illnesses.

  • Don’t forget that sugarcane is the source of sugar and so it has more vitamins and minerals than refined sugar. It also has some small amounts of Iron, Magnesium, thiamine, and Riboflavin which have many health benefits.

  • Also, Sugarcane is full of antioxidants that help to build and maintain a healthy immune system.

  • I almost forgot, Sugarcane is very sweet and this is one of the major reasons why I love it.


Apart from you, which season do the people of your area prefer?


People in my area tend to prefer raining season and this is because, in my town, a lot of people are really based on agriculture or let me say are farmers and so they all have a farm and it is during the rainy season that whatever they plant grows very well and they consequently make good profits.


In which season does your area face more difficulties and what are those difficulties?


My area faced a lot of difficulties during the dry season and below are the difficulties encountered during this season.

  • There is no adequate water for even household use. A lot of people search for water here and there and sometimes to no avail.

  • Farmers that don’t have an irrigation system tend to lose so much as their crops will refuse to grow well due to lack of water.

  • During this season, the quality of water is very poor and so, a lot of health-related problems are encountered.

  • Vegetation and trees which are essential for the environment to be cool get dried off and so the environment is most time hot.


What is the special ritual associated with a particular season that people in your area have been waiting for all year?


Just like I have said earlier, no ritual in my country depends on the type of season we are in and so, nobody is longing for any season because of a ritual.


Thanks for reading!

I am using this medium to invite @bolaji001, @kennydavebobo, @olawole111, and @steemdoctor1 to participate in this contest.


Thank you friend for analysing the weather condition in our life and also in Nigeria.

adequate water for even household use. A lot of people search for water here and there and sometimes to no avail.

Yes you're right friend one of the problem I also face in hostel especially when there's no NEPA power supply in summer season.

Yeah, that is one main issue most people face during this season.

Thanks for reading

What a wonderful and comprehensive article from you about weather, I also love raining season because the season is refreshing, cooling and it's good for agriculture. Seeing sugarcane from your post make me remember it's being long I ate it. Thank you for sharing.

Yes, the season I believe is second to none, it is the best.

Thanks for reading

The first part of your post carries alot of information and I love it. It explains everything there is to know about weather and it's effects in a beautiful manner.

You said you love rainy season because you used to play in the rain 😂. Sign me up if you still play now. Playing in the rain sweet pass all plays

Thanks for the nice compliment.

I think we are a little bit old to be playing in the rain now🤔

Hihihi there's always space for a last time

My dear I have read alot of season in this contest but yours is interesting, even with your experience and explanation I don't still come in terms with raining season

Thanks, the goal is to write uniquely.

Thanks for reading.

 2 years ago 

Respected thank you very much for taking participate in Steemit Enagement Challenge | Season2, Week #4

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thank you
steem on

@yousafharoonkhan, I don't understand why I scored 1 out of 2 in my club5050 status, I am currently in club75 as can be seen in the screenshots below.



The fact that weather changes in hours or on daily basis is why it plays an important role in our lives and determines many of the decisions we make.

Well done and good luck in the contest. Also, thanks for the invite, here’s the link to my entry: https://steemit.com/hive-104522/@bolaji001/urdu-community-contest-s2w4-weather-and-the-role-it-plays-in-our-lives-by-bolaji001

Thanks for reading friend.. I will check your post too

That's a cool outfit there for the weather situation and lovely fruits to eat too.

As you've rightly explained, weather affects us as humans and in environment in a positive and negative ways. This makes each individual having a preference to a weather situation to another just like you liking the rainy season. Rainy season brings about abundance water which is helpful to us and the environment. Although it has its consequences.

So there's no seasonal ritual in your area? I thought there were many.

Thanks for sharing with us

Thanks for your effort and no, there isn't one that I am aware off

Afa bro are you a weatherologist
Cos ion understand, this is a definition of a well detail post on weather

Kudos to you bro

😄 😄 What is weatherologist? But whatever it is, I am not. I am just a guy that enjoys researching and writing nowadays.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

Abi na, na your research make me give you that title o
I don't think it exist

YOu have explicitly explained this contest topic using the required hints. You have also clearly mentioned the benefits as well some of the adverse effects of weather conditions. Despite the hurricanes, tornadoes, high level flooding that displaces man and sometimes destroys properties and lives, we cannot remove the fact that nature has been kind to man.

Agricultural activities are boosted, different varieties made available and affordability guaranteed.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

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