Beauty Of My Area by @mohammadfaisal

in Urdu Community3 years ago

Hello all my steemian friends. I hope you will be enjoying good health by the grace of Almighty Allah who is most merciful and kind to everyone.
Today i am here to share the beauty of my area in some clicks.

Beauty Of My Area.jpg


I live in a village. As you know that the village is a place which is full of greenery and fields. As villages are famous for their farms,fields and greenery. I happy that i live in a village which is full of greenery and fields. As you are seeing these fields in the picture. This is basically a field of Mustard. Most of the people know about Mustard plants. Mustard fields are very useful everywhere. These are also very beautiful and good looking. Their beauty is really very amazing. The yellow color of these flowers are attracting everyone. The another benefit of this mustard field is that ,these are used as the grass as a food for the animals. The mustard grass is also used for the making of oil. So it is the beauty of my area.


Dear can you guess this plant ? If you can guess it then tell me in the comment section. But i want to tell you about this plant too. I hope everyone will love the bananas. Banana is the most favorite fruit in the world. Almost all the people i.e children ,young men and old persons like bananas . This is very delicious and sweet fruit . It has many benefits and it is used for making different things. You can use it to make milk shake.It can also be very helpful to make fruit chaat ...etc. I also like bananas to eat. These plants are in plenty. When these bananas become ripe then people eat them and enjoy them.

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The Most beautiful house of my friend. This is the house of my friend. He is very close friend of mine. I often go to his house and we enjoyed here very much. Sometimes we arrange parties at this beautiful house. The parents of my friend also co-operate with us. The sign of beauty of my area.


Hey friends this is an old lime kilns of bricks. As you know that bricks are very useful for the manufacturing of houses. These are also useful to prepare offices buildings. The bricks play an important role at any rate. This is due to the lime kilns which are used for the preparation of bricks. This is an old type of Lime Kiln which produces bricks and people buy from here and they use them to build their houses and other buildings. As it is very useful in my area so it is the sign of beauty in my area.


This is a park side street. This street is very clean and beautiful. It is decorated with the beautiful plants. These plants are of different species. Due to these plants the attraction of the road increases automatically. This area is surrounded by the towers . These are the network towers which provide signals to the mobiles to stay connected with steemit here. This is also a beautiful place of my area.

So dear steemian fellows this is my town which i have tried my best to show you. AS everyone loves his motherland and specially to his living place ,similarly i also love my mother land. I can not leave it . It is making progress by leaps and bounds. And one day it will become a perfect town.

If you like anything in the post then never forget to appreciate me because i can not survive without your appreciation. Your appreciation is my vital force which urges me to write more good quality content.

Let me know about your feelings in the comment section.

Respected Mentions:


Special Thanks:


Yours Loving Steemian


Blue Fire Cool and Funky Gaming Logo (2).gif

Red Book Playful Pop of Color Education Logo.gif

#beautyofarea #mytown10pics #thediarygame #steemexclusive #pakistan #steemingcurators #photography #promo-steem


Hello friend your area is a beautiful one indeed. I didn't know that your country do grow banana, its just like one in my country. I admire your pictures alot. I noticed you are good in animations; can you workout some for me? Thanks for sharing here, the beauty of your area.

 3 years ago 

Thanks Dear @bright-obias for visiting my blog and appreciating my work.
And the other thing which is about animation is that i can do it for you. So welcome and feel free to ask me your desired animation.

Thanks so much for your responds. I would like you to get any one for me based on your on initiative; just design one that would bear my steem name


 3 years ago 

My discord is this mohammadfaisal#2132 and we will talk here next time.

 3 years ago 

it is beautiful post and this post has been selected for the weekly engagement Report in MY TOWN 10 PICS, CONGRATULATIOS, keep continue best work, and stay active,

 3 years ago 

Thanks Dear @yousafharoonkhan for counting me in your top posts of weekly engagement post.

 3 years ago 

welcome , respected, and stay active with quality content

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