Urdu community Contest / S2W2 – Language.How language connects an individual to his family,glob or specific socieity.? by @kennydavebobo

in Urdu Community2 years ago (edited)

Pleasant greetings to all members of this great community, I'm happy to participate in this contest in which I will be writing on how language connects an individual to his family, glob or specific socieity.
Sit back and enjoy your reading

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What is meant by language? Define language in your own words.

Language is a means by which ideas and thoughts can be exchange among group of people, organizations and country at large.

In my own word Language is the primary medium used by people to communicate and express their thoughts, ideas and words with one another via the means of communication which are symbols, written and or spoken words. Language is primarily characterized by the speech, the tongue, vernacular, dialect and so on.


How language connects an individual to his family,glob or specific socieity.

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Language goes a long way to create close intimacy between an individual and his family or environment which extend to his family, glob or specific society. It is evident that society and language are mutually indispensable.

Culture is also a fundamental element that helps a particular individual to connect well with his family, glob and specific society. English anthropologist Sir Edward Burnett Tylor said and I quote that

culture covers a very wide area of human life and behaviour, and language is manifestly a part, probably the most important part, of it.

Language is naturally innate and inherited

Society plays an inevitable role of the extent at which Language is inherited and innate ability is acquired by every member of a particular society. Society is a large organization, which is composed of several families.

Family therefore influences the growth of a society. Families develop values that contribute to society and this values are clearly expressed through language in which each individual of a particular society understand. Individual gains value from his/her family, several families grows to society and language is the connection among individual, family and society by which values, thoughts, ideas etc. is clearly expressed.

• Language connects several families together.
• Language also connects several society together.
• Language is the foundation of agreement between individuals, families and society.
• Language also plays important roles to the development of human and technological civilization in the society.


Which is your mother tongue? and which languages are spoken and understood in your home other than your mother tongue?

My mother tongue is Yòrùbá language. Yòrùbá language is a language spoken by ethic of land. Yòrùbá language is a highly reputable language in Nigeria, Africa and even some part of Europe loves and respect Yòrùbá language. One of the factor that makes Yòrùbá language reputable in some other country is the popularity of Afro songs by Nigeria artist. for example Popular America singer Ed Sheeran features Fire boy an Nigeria singer in an Afro song "Peru" which was nominated for Outstanding International Song of the year among several other awards. The word Para is a Yòrùbá word that means to have more "Angry" or have great zeal to achieve a goal. Other language I speak at home is english


How many languages do you know and how did you learn more than one language?

I understand three different languages which are
• Yoruba my mother tongue
• French
• English language

Yoruba is a language spoken by ethic of Yoruba which is my mother tongue common among southwest of Nigeria, Africa.

French and English language is part of Nigeria's official language. In 1947, Sir Richard's constitution reinstated English as the official language in Nigeria, also in 1996, the late General Sani Abacha declared French as Nigeria’s second official language. These two Language are part of subject curriculum taught in Nigeria education system. So I learnt the two Language at home and in school.


In which language did you study in school to university and which language do you prefer in the education system in your country and why?

I studied both in English and Yoruba language right from my secondary but in the university I study only in English language the only exception are students that are studying linguistics or religion related courses.


How one language or more than one languages plays an important role in the development of society.?


Language plays a vital role in communication. It helps to bring about agreement between two or more society with different ideas, innovations, skills etc for better development of the country.

A country with more than one language will gain more economical reward. The financial status of a particular society will increase as it is language that will play a key role in Negotiating of the business or deals with external society.

Language is the key element used in negotiating of how payment of staff and workers of a particular society will be processed which therefore contribute to the development of the society.

Language is the key element used in negotiating of exportation and importation of goods and products of a particular society.


How does culture relate to language?

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As it is said that Language is culture and culture is language.
Language and culture are intertwined which are highlighted below 👇👇

• The complexity of a particular culture will determine how complex the language will be.
• Language is the symbols of culture and personal identify, also culture defines language while language shapes culture.
• Culture influence attitude and behavior of an individual or society and it is expressed through their respective language.
• Through the expression (Language) of a particular individual you can easily trace which culture the individual is from.
• Language is seen as a medium through which individuals transmit culture from generation to generation.


Would you like to prefer writing in your own language at the time of writing posting on steemit, if yes why and if not why not?

I would not prefer to write in my language not because I'm not fluent with it or can't write it. The reason is because it takes more time to write in my language than writing in english and more tasking to write in my language than writing in english language, for example most of the letters have special symbols which some is not available on my mobile keyboard. Another reason is because not many steemians will understand what I've written because there's isn't a google translator for the language yet supposed I'm right.


If you want to promote your language in the world, how will you do it? and if you already done, then how much success have you achieved?

Like I said earlier Yoruba language is a very reputable Language. it's beginning to gain popularity among people in europe especially in music industry where some people jam and listen to some music and beats produced by Yòrùbá music celebrities. To promote my language is kind of a doddle task as I will recommend popular hip-pop songs for anyone that desire to learn about the language and translate the meaning to them, I will promote my language by writing interesting article or recommending one to someone. if possible I will provide an application that can translate Yoruba language to any other language.

In conclusion language I can describe language as the wheel for transferring of informations, knowledge and ideas between two or more people. Language influences culture and add value to society at large. Language economically helps business to grow stronger.

Thanks for reading
I will like to use this medium to invite my friends
@olawole111 @ojerindejoel and @bolaji001 to participate in this contest


I'm Igbo, but Yoruba is a very sweet language. I wish to learn it.
Your post is beautifully written

Thanks for the comment..

 2 years ago 

Respected thank you very much for taking participate in Steemit Enagement Challenge | Season2, Week #2.

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you explained well thank you

Thanks for the review
Respect 🙌🙌

I am in club100 admin thanks

Nice entry my friend, well done. You have written in detail about the role language plays in a small setting like family and in a larger society.
I enjoyed reading your post. I am Yoruba too and you can agree with me when I say Yoruba is a very interesting and detailed language. It is not to be spoken anyhow as almost every variation one makes has different meaning and one must speak and listen carefully to avoid miscommunication.

Well done and goodluck in the contest bro.

Great to see you around friend.

It is not to be spoken anyhow as almost every variation one makes has different meaning and one must speak and listen carefully to avoid miscommunication.

That's is the beauty of Yòrùbá language language a single word can have several meaning, just like Igbá, Igba, Ìgbá. the signs will differential them most times.

Thanks for the powerful review

You have clearly explained how language connects an individual to his family and society. Without language, we won't understand one another. Thank you for sharing this with us.


Thanks for stopping by.. I love seeing your beautiful comment

Nice entry with well established facts about language. Language is just like a vital part of our living which we can't do without.

Language is the foundation of agreement between individuals, families and society.

That's right societies, families choose and use the right words in a language to communicate so as to create a connection between them. They wouldn't have done that without language.

Languages are very important to us and our society. Thanks for sharing with us

Yes language is the key to connect family together..

Thanks for the beautiful reply

Language goes a long way to create close intimacy between an individual and his family or environment which extend to his family, glob or specific society.

Yes I agree with this,you can only build intimacy with someone who hears what you say or speak and the love will flow.

You are right sir

Thanks for the beautiful comment

Your mother tongue is Yòrùbá. Also you know a total of three languages, I like knowing that a lot. In addition to your mother tongue you know extra French and English. We really need it, we need to learn languages other than our mother tongue. You have beautifully presented this post to us. Wishing you success in your competition

Wow you such a creative writer sir, I love as you explained the article in a well deserved manner.

Indeed Language is a unique identifier that identifies q person ethnicity and birthplace

Language plays a vital role in communication.

You are right man it very vital because without a language the would not be any communication or interaction.

Thanks for sharing such lovely article, wishing you success.

Language plays a vital role in communication

Yes. This is true. How can a person communicate without language, either written or spoken? It is impossible! Language helps us to interact and connect with each other.

Thanks for this great entry, namesake.


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