Urdu community Contest / S2W1 – Language.How language connects an individual to his family,glob or specific socieity.? by @kawsar

in Urdu Community2 years ago

Assalamu Alaikum
My Dear Steem Friends,
This is @kawsar from Bangladesh.


Today I will participate in Steemit Engagement Challenge Season-2 Week-2, and today I will Post in the Challenge "Language.How language connects an individual to his family,glob or specific socieity.?" organized by @urdu-community. I think the topic of today's contest is really something to like. Because through this contest we will share how language can connect a person with his family or specific society. In fact, language is the medium through which we express our facial expressions. It feels good to be able to write about such a thing. So I am grateful to the urdu-community for organizing such a wonderful event.

And because of this engagement challenge, we are writing about new things every day, and our own content writing is developing a lot. So I think it's nice for us to develop organized content. Engagement also increases our knowledge of many things as we read other users' posts. So without further ado, I am starting my post today and I want to say here that the language of our country is Bengali.

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What is meant by language? Define language in your own words.

In fact, language is a subject that I think is very difficult to define logically. Because we can define everything else through this language, then how can I define this language. However, it can be said that the expression of the mind of a person created with the help of vocal instruments is called language. The vocabulary refers to a number of things. Such as esophagus, mouth, throat, etc. Man can express his thoughts through the words of his mouth, that is, we express our thoughts through the words or words that come out of our mouths. And it is basically called the sum of sounds. And the sounds that we use to express our thoughts are basically called language.

But language can be in two ways such as oral language and written language. Simply put, what we say orally is called oral language and what we express through writing is basically written language. And we have different types of languages in this world, one of them is: English, Arabic, Spanish etc.

How language connects an individual to his family,glob or specific socieity.

In fact, language is a medium through which we can express all the desires of our minds. When such a small child is hungry, he cannot speak but cries. And then the mother of the child realizes that the child may be hungry so she is crying. That means it's a language to him.

Since we can talk, it means that we can get much closer to each other through our words. We can open our minds. For example, if I give an example. I went to a country where I did not know any language. If at such a time I feel thirsty for water and if I tell them repeatedly that I want to drink water. But he will not understand and he will not be able to give me water. Because he does not understand the language of my mind and does not understand what I am saying with my mouth.

So language is a very important subject. And that is why language can connect a person with his family or a certain society. Because through this language the family can share with each other as much as they talk and other activities of the family or society are also communicated through language. Understand each other's attitudes. If there was no language in our family or in our society, we would not be able to express our feelings and say what I want. So I think language is something that can connect me very easily with family and society. I can also connect with them through this language.

Which is yours mother tongue? and which languages ​​are spoken and understood in your home other than your mother tongue?

My mother tongue is Bengali. My family and I speak Bengali. I feel much more comfortable speaking in Bengali. I never spoke to my family in any language other than Bengali and never tried to speak. However, I sometimes speak English with my wife to learn English, which is a very short time, maybe 10 minutes just to learn English. But I also always use my mother tongue Bengali to talk about anything in my family, to share important things, to express my thoughts. I love my mother tongue Bengali very much.

If a language has been spoken since childhood, then I think a different kind of love for that language works. And since I have been speaking this Bengali language since my childhood and I am very accustomed to speaking in Bengali language. So I speak this language and our family, our society and my friends all feel very comfortable speaking this language.

How many languages ​​do you know and how did you learn more than one language?

I know a total of three languages ​​including Bengali. In fact, there are two more languages ​​besides Bengali in our country's education system for my academic studies. The names of the subjects we are taught are: English and Arabic. And since this English and Arabic subject has been read since childhood, English and Arabic have been learned from that place.

I also used English in my various activities when I was growing up. As I was doing a marketing job, there were a lot of clients outside our country who had to speak English with them. As such, I learned some English. I also do freelancing, so I needed to learn some English and I learned English. And since English is the international language, learning English is very important for each of us.

As a Muslim I have learned some Arabic. Since I have been studying in Madrasa since my childhood, I have been studying in Madrasa from that place for about seven years. And these seven years I had a few Arabic subjects, that's why I learned Arabic. Another reason for learning Arabic is that since I am a Muslim, I always read Qur'an and Hadith. And since their language is Arabic, I have learned some Arabic language.

In which language did you study in school to university and which language do you prefer in the education system in your country and why?

I have said this in the previous episode but I would like to say in more detail that I am studying in Madrasa from class six to Alim. Alim says I have studied in Madrasa till Intermediate for seven years. I studied in school from class one to five. In our country English subject is kept from class one till you read it. Because English is an international language, English is needed in any case. As such, English is taught in schools and universities in our country.

Besides, English language is given precedence in the university admission test of our country. Besides, English and Bengali as well as Arabic are kept only for those who study in madrasas. But for those who study in school, the Arabic subject is not kept. However, I personally think that in our country's education system, since 90% of our country is Muslim, English and Arabic are the two subjects for everyone. I think it is compulsory.

And personally I like Arabic a lot. A different kind of love in Arabic works from my own mind. Since I am a Muslim, I have to recite this Surah in Arabic during the prayers. That's why I love Arabic so much. The language of the Qur'an is also Arabic, so there is a different kind of love and affection from the mind towards the Arabic language.

How one language or more than one languages plays an important role in the development of society.?

Through language we can share any things we need with each other. So if we can't come together for any development of our society, then my idea is that development of society is impossible. We have to work together in any development of the society, and that is why we must talk to each other. And through this language we can talk to each other, express our thoughts. We can discuss any one subject, through this language.

For example, I am able to express in language what I am sharing today. But we are constantly gaining knowledge in different ways every day, be it from our teachers or in an online course. All that but we have to learn through any language. It can be English, Arabic, Urdu, Bengali, or Spanish. So I think any one language or one language plays an important role in the development of society.

Because through this language we can share things with each other and discuss any important topic. Then we can move that work forward by expressing our thoughts. If we could not express our thoughts through language, but I could not do that work and that work would not be possible. Being able to express the development of the society through language, I am able to develop the society. Therefore, the role of language in the development of society is immense.

How does culture relate to language?

We have to accept that language has to do with culture. As much as there is culture, there must be a language. Because one of the parts of culture is language. For example, the main language of our country is Bengali. But apart from this Bengali language, there are many other languages ​​in our country in the hilly areas of our country. And as many languages ​​as there are in those hill regions, they have a different culture. Their culture and our culture are very different.

But their language has a different culture, that is, their language is often the same as their culture. So I think language and culture have a lot to do with these two things. Culture means that there is a language within it. This allows us to communicate with our family or friends. And in culture we must have a connection with each other.

Would you like to prefer writing in your own language at the time of writing posting on steemit, if yes why and if not why not?

I would not like to write in my own language on steemit platform. In fact, there are many types of languages ​​in the world, if everyone posts in their own language, but I can only read the posts of those who will post in my own language in my own mind. Posts in other languages ​​but I do not understand very well. But if everyone posts in this English language, then what will happen is that since English is an international language it is very easy for everyone to understand more or less.

If I share a post in English, but everyone who understands that post in English will be able to understand this post very well. If I had posted this post in my mother tongue Bengali, then only those who speak Bengali would have understood. In the same way, if those who have other languages ​​post in their mother tongue, then I would not understand that post or those who have other languages ​​would not understand. Only those who were in that language could understand.

And so I think since it's an advanced platform, everyone here can read everyone's posts and make constructive comments. So if everyone here posts in English or international language, then it is beneficial for everyone and it is understandable for everyone. So I think everyone should post in English, not in their mother tongue. Then other members will benefit from his writing.

If you want to promote your language in the world, how will you do it? and if you already done, then how much success have you achieved?

If I wanted to spread my language to the people of the world, I would be the first to reach out to everyone with the information I have about my language. For example, there are two excellent facts about our Bengali language:

(1) In 2010, after a long study by a team of linguists from UNESCO, our mother tongue Bengali was recognized as the sweetest language in the world. It's a matter of great pride for me. Because I am a Bengali speaking person.

(2) In addition, the International Mother Language Day is celebrated on the 21st of February. Ekushey February has happened because of our mother tongue Bengali. Because some people of our country were martyred in 1952 in our mother tongue. That is why Bengali language is celebrated on 21st February as International Mother Language Day.

We could also post some nice information about our mother tongue Bangla on social media or we would request those who have more Bengali speakers to share that post. In this way, through social media, from one end of the world to the other, I would reach out to them about the wonderful things of Bengali language.

But so far I have never introduced Bangla to the people of the world, so I can't say how successful I have been in terms of success.

Many thanks to everyone for reading this post carefully.


I invite to participate this contest: , @olabillions, @minikay @victoh78 , @msquaretwins, @patjewell , @adeljose ,


Thank you brother for inviting me to participate. I have already submitted my entry since two days ago.

Nice to know that you speak Bengali language. This is the first time of hearing this. Bengali is a language of which country?

The name of our country is Bangladesh, and the main language of Bangladesh is Bengali. Thank you so much for your valuable comments

It is a wrong language to speak to our physical body, that is, our tongue, and to try to explain it to one another. Language is a person's ability to understand such a person silently. every science is a language. Music is a common language that everyone in the world will feel on a note. this topic is wider than we can talk about. Your writing is very sincere and beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you so much for a nice comment

Es muy bueno que además del bengalí, domine usted el inglés y el árabe. Esto contribuye, por supuesto, con la expansión de sus conocimientos y con el alcance de sus metas en la actividad en la cual se desempeña. Suerte en el concurso. Saludos.

I can speak Bengali as well as two more languages. I am very happy to receive your comment. Thank you very much for making such a beautiful comment on my post.

Indeed language go a long way in connecting us to oir brothers and sisters. It's very good for we all to be able to communicate with our brothers/sisters using our native language.

You have really done so well in your post and I must thank you for that.

Language is really important for us. We can express our thoughts through it. We are very happy to receive your comment. We are very grateful to you for your comment.

 2 years ago 

Respected thank you very much for taking participate in Steemit Enagement Challenge | Season2, Week #2.

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it is good effort, and you explained very well, language is key factor in development the country and society

thank you for sharing your thoughts experience on this topic

Many thanks to you for reviewing my post in a very nice way

Language is the one thing that cannot be taken away from us as we all need to communicate even if it is with sign language 🤟
Thanks for the invite.

I am very happy and very glad to get your comment. You read my post and made nice comments. Thank you very much

As a Muslim I have learned some Arabic. Since I have been studying in Madrasa > since my childhood, I have been studying in Madrasa from that place for about seven years. And these seven years I had a few Arabic subjects, that's why I learned Arabic

I can see that after spending time in madrasa ,you have not lose anything because you were able to learn and articulate the arabian language as a muslim .that was great.
Please what Is the difference between a muslim man and an arab man

Thank you so much for your valuable comments

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