Urdu community Contest / S2W2 – Language. How does language connect an individual to his family, globe or specific society.? by @josantos

in Urdu Community2 years ago (edited)


Guys welcome to season 2 of the engagement challenge that was organised by the steemitblog team. This is the second week of season 2 and I am participating in the contest organised by the Urdu community. This week the community based her contest on How does language connect an individual to his family, globe or specific society.? The questions below will asset me to write about this contest more effectively.

What is meant by language? Define language in your own words.

Languages are a medium of communication within groups of people living together in a given area. Language is the only means through which people communicate effectively with each other. The history of language can be traced down to the biblical story of the tower of Babel.

According to the story, men were generally speaking the same language before God scattered them all since their motive at Babel was not to his glory. This is exactly where the origin of language started according to the Holy Bible and by many scholars.

So after that incident people no longer understand themselves and the project that they were having stopped because they couldn't communicate effectively. This is the power of language.

How language connects an individual to his family, globe or specific society.

Language goes a long way to connecting individuals to their family, globe or society in the sense that when a man speaks his native tongue or his mother's tongue, he will be heard and identified by people speaking the same tongue since they too speak the same.

In Nigeria today, whenever you want to consider any person or group of people for a job, and you heard one of them speaking your mother's tongue, you will consider listening to the person and if possible grant that person the work because he/she is his brother.

Which is your mother tongue? and which languages ​​are spoken and understood in your home other than your mother tongue?

My mother tongue is Gbagi. We are residents of the federal capital territory Abuja. Aside from my mother's tongue, another language we speak with my family is English and Hausa. Most times the language we use often in my home is English because it is generally accepted. We understand English more than any other language present in the country.

How many languages ​​do you know and how did you learn more than one language?

As a Gbagi person, I understand my language Gbagi and I also understand English and the Hausa language. I learnt Gbagi from my parent, I learnt English in school and the case of Hausa, I stayed with them and that is how I was able to learn how to speak Hausa.

In which language did you study in school to university and which language do you prefer in the education system in your country and why?

I study the English language. We were colonized by Britain and for that reason, we speak English. This same language is used in our university to teach people in school from primary to University. I prefer the use of English because it is widely accepted, and is easy to comprehend.

Learning English will go a long way in ensuring that people all over the world are connected. For this reason, I think the use of English to teach is better than any other language.

How does one language or more than one language play an important role in the development of society.?

When people speak the same language, they can make an exploit because it is easier for them to communicate with each other and they will come together to ensure they obtain the achievable goal. Any society with the languages present makes more difference than the one without a unique language. So the power of society's development can be possible if those involved come together to ensure that the society they are living in is made a better place.

How does culture relate to language?

Culture and languages go hand in hand. The truth is that no culture does not have a language so every culture no matter how little it is has a language attached to it. So my opinion, culture can never be complete without a language attached to it.

Would you like to prefer writing in your language at the time of writing posting on steemit, if yes why and if not why not?

Yes, I would have loved to write this publication in my language and the reason is that I understand my mother's tongue better than any other language around the world. In steemit, I could have loved to always use my native tongue in blogging because writing with it makes me happier.

If you want to promote your language in the world, how will you do it? and if you did, then how much success have you achieved?

To promote my language to the world I will first ensure that I have a google translator of my language and I will go as far as writing books using my mother tongue and also encourage people to learn others' tongues.


One of the powerful tools for development is language. Once we all here understand the same language working together won't be a problem. I invite @jasminemary, @josepha and @predomina to join the contest.


Culture and languages go hand in hand. The truth is that no culture does not have a language so every culture no matter how little it is has a language attached to it

I definitely agree with you for there is no culture without a language for they work hand in glob and no matter how big or small a culture is ,it must definitely has it own languages
This was a very beautiful statement and I really appreciate that specific point .
Hope you keep in touch while steemit

 2 years ago 

Respected thank you very much for taking participate in Steemit Enagement Challenge | Season2, Week #2.

Post informationStatusGrades
Steemexclusive✅ /1/1
Plagiraism / Bot free✅ /1/1
300 words/soruce✅ /1/1
Quality of content✅ /2/3
Club50✅ /1/2
Markdowns✅ /1.5/2

you explained every question nicely,

A good google translator will go a long way in promoting your language

This your story is really good.
I look forward in visiting your community one day.
And keep up the good work of taking notes of your culture

Your mother tongue is Gbagi. You can also speak English. In fact, I think we can learn one or two other languages in addition to our own mother tongue. It is very beneficial for us. You have spoken of a very beautiful step to promote your language worldwide

Cada región, comunidad o tribu tienen sus propias tradiciones y dialectos, son parte de su cultura y la deben mantener como un legado.
Sin embargo al comunicación es importante para el b uen funcionamiento del comercio y por ende de la vida misma.
Por lo que gracias a la tecnología hemos sobrepasado las barreras idiomáticas, logrando comunicarnos efectivamente.


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