Urdu Community Contest// S2W2- Language. How language Connects An Individual To His Family, Globe Or Specific Society by @ijebest.

in Urdu Community2 years ago


Define Language In Your Own Terms

Language in my own point of view is the tiny, tiny, particles of words that gives meaning to our thoughts, ideas, intentions, desires, culture, belief and a way of life of a certain people in a certain entity.

How Language Connects An Individual To His Family, Globe Or Specific Society?


Language is a very useful link between humans, the families, society and the globe. Therefore in our families, we try to teach our children our languages. When a child is born in a home, the parents will always speak their own language or a chosen language to the new born baby, often a times we assume that the newly born babies don't hear us but that's not true. The new born do hear us, gradually from there we expect them to speak their first language by calling either daddy or mummy, by so doing we are gradually bonding up with the new born. the usefulness and the bonding link has been created in the family which will extend to the society then to the globe. This is how language Connects individuals to it's family, society and the globe.

Every living thing has their own languages, they communicate with on their own designed patterns to their own.
When birds are singing, they are communicating
When goats are bleating they are communicating in their own language to one another. When the hen chuckles, she is communicating to her chicks in their own language with their own pattern. We the humans use cognitive language to communicate to one another from our different home settings to the society which transcends to the globe.


Language is the aspect through which the society can be built up or brought down. Language can be verbal or non verbal, in the society we have the deaf and dumb people who uses the non verbal signs to communicate languages to their own set of people.
Language in other words unites a people as a communication equipment to drive home their desires to one and another.

Which Is Your Mother Tongue? And Which Language or Languages Are Spoken & Understood In Your Home, Other Than Your Mother Tongue?


My mother tongue is Ohafia language. My husband's mother tongue is Ngwa language, Other language spoken in my home is the English language, which is the general language spoken in Nigeria my country, where my family lives. We are IGBOS and we speak Igbo language
In my family, we all speak and hear all these 3 languages. We speak and hear English language apart from I and my husband's mother tongue. Which are Ohafia and Ngwa languages.

How Many Languages Do You Know And How Did You Learn More Than One Language?

I know Ohafia language by birth: Ohafia is my place of birth, so therefore it's my first learned language, and I love my language, the Ohafia dialect which happens to be an Igbo language where I come from.
I know English language: I know and speak the English language because that is the language that was used to teach me in school. From primary school to the university in Nigeria my country, we are taught in schools with English language. Nigeria being colonised by the British, English language became our lingua franca.

I know Ngwa language: I know and speak Ngwa language because I'm married to an Ngwa man.
He speaks his dialect and language and as I listen and hear him, I started speaking the same, today I can speak his language, the Ngwa language.
I know a bit of Yeruba language: I have also learned and can speak Yeruba language because i and my family lived and worked in the city of Lagos one of the Yeruba land. In that aspect, I learned and can speak Yeruba language.
I know a bit of Cantonese language: I can greet and welcome someone with Cantonese language from Hong Kong in Asia. My family lived in Hong Kong some years back and that was where I had my 2nd baby, Tun Moon area of Hong Kong to be precise. I normally go to the parks with my children and to their open market where you will interact with the locals who can't speak English language. From that interactions I was able to hear and speak very few words in Cantonese language which is the spoken language in Hong kong. Though there was the harder language they called mandarin.

I know and can speak broken or pigeon english language.: I learned and can speak broken pigeon english language which I think they said originated from Warri area of Niger Delta in the south south area of Nigeria. The people communicate mostly with this type of English language called, the pigeon english language. I learned it also in Lagos state of Nigeria when my family lived there.

I learned more than one language in the course of myself schooling, marriage, traveling and mixing up in every society where I have ever lived.

In Which Language Did You Study In School To University & Which Language Do You Prefer In The Education System In Your Country & Why?

Schools in Nigeria teach with English language. That is the language I studied with from my primary school to my university education.
I prefer the same English language in the education System in Nigeria because it has become part and parcel of the citizens. Every child born in Nigeria learns and speaks English language anyhow anytime.

How One Language Or More Play Important Role In The Development Of The Society

One language to me plays a very important role in the development of that same society in that when a group of people in the society hears and speaks to one another with the same language they can understand, there is peace and progress among them. They will be united to do whatever they choose to do. For instance, the Bible records that at the earliest time of creation, people heard and spoke one language. They started building the tower of Babel wanting to get to God in the 3rd heaven. Seeing that they had one language, understand one another, and doing in unity what they intend doing, they were reaching where God is, until God came down and scattered them by disconnecting that one language into many and diverse languages. Only those who could hear and understand each other were united. That was how the whole world came to have different and diverse languages in the world till today. This is the power of speaking one language.

How Does Culture Relate To Language?


Language is part of the culture of a particular people in an entity, because we already know that the culture of a people include their language, their food, their dressing and their beliefs. These are the components of the culture of a particular people in a particular entity. So language plays a very major role in the culture of a people.

Would You Prefer Writing In Your Own Language At The Time Of Writing, Posting On Steemit, If yes Why & If Not Why Not?

The answer is Yes and No. Yes because writing in my own language will help me write very well and faster. No because writing in my own language will deprive other steemit family members from all around the globe not to hear and understand what to either write or post in steemit platform. I would not like it because of the family spirit we all have been working with in steemit platform is second to none. So let's keep writing and posting in steemit platform with the official language we are known with, the English language.

If You Want To Promote Your Language In The World, How Will You Do It? And If You Have Already Done, How Much Success Have You Achieved?

Already lots of indigenous languages are going on extent which is very disturbing, because if not controlled how will our next generation preserve our languages, belief system, tribes and our culture?. Therefore, it's important for me to promote my language by speaking it at home with my children.
I will make sure it is taught in vernacular classes in the schools all around the world.
I will make sure my language enters into the school syllabus. I will make out time to present my language at symposium to make people learn and speak it fluently every where around the globe. There has to be a time to teach it to the generation of many people all around the globe, in radio broadcast, television, news papers. I know in the BBC radio and television broadcast there is a program called the Igbo program where they talk to people and interview them with the Igbo language, that is what I'm referring to on how to make people all around the globe to learn, speak and abide to my language, the Igbo language.

I therefore, invite my friends to join me and promote their own languages through the steemit platform. @chant @tenguhatanga @rypo01 @yekspeace @chrisbless.

Thank you everyone for finding time to read through my content, I appreciate you all.


Best wishes from,


Hello @ijebest

Igbo has a strong rich culture and language.
You look amazing in your Igbo attire.
Language can bring unity and togetherness because when they communicate and understand each other they will grow together.

Best wishes

That's very true, thanks

Ooh my love for Igbo is something else. I love gospel musics in the Igbo language. It sounds so good and I will really appreciate if you can teach me the basics.

Thanks for inviting me. I will drop my entry link soon.

You are welcome, friend 🌹

Hello, the way to preserve it is by putting it into practice and maintaining that sense of identity towards your culture and your roots; without culture there is no language, they always go hand in hand, good luck in the contest.

Very amazing post @ijebest.

the tiny, tiny, particles of words that give meaning to our thoughts, ideas, intentions, desires, culture, beliefs, and a way of life of a certain people in a certain entity.

This your definition of language interests me the most.
Language is the key effective communication.

No because writing in my own language will deprive other steemit family members.

This is so thoughtful and considerate of you.

Very Nice Entry
I wish you success.

Thanks for taking out time to read through. you are welcome.

Thanks very much @patjewell

Wow, so good to know that you are my tribe. And thanks for this new information you gave me through this post.

Thanks you so much may God bless you.


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