Urdu community Contest / S2W2 – Language.How language connects an individual to his family,glob or specific socieity? by @dave-hanny

in Urdu Community2 years ago (edited)

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Hi guys,
Happy new week to my fellow steemians and welcome to another week of the contest which is the week 2 of season 2. This is my first post of the week and i am believing I will do my best to be creative as i can, to bring out the best in me on the topic above, which is: "how language connects an individual to his family, glob or specific society.

I have been longing and waiting for the week two, to see the topics especially that of the @Urdu community which last week topic was interesting.This week comes again with the sweetest topic which is about Language. Seeing the topic, I smiled because I love the topic.


What is meant by language? Define language in your words.

Language is a special and a unique way a group of people understands themselves by spoken words or by demostrating signs. Language simply means a way of communication by individuals from the same entity or region.

Examples of languages

  • Hausa
  • English
  • Igbo
  • Yoruba
  • Igala
  • Eggon etc
These are languages people from the same regon, States or to some points, country understands and speaks. In my country Nigeria, we understand a general language which is English some part of Nigeria generally understands Hausa which is the northerners and part of middle belt which is the central zones in Nigeria.

Importance of language

  • Languages creates or brings unity between it's people.

  • Through speaking of languages, identification becomes easier.

  • Languages is a means of keeping tradition and culture moving.

  • Creates better understanding

  • Creates relationship between it's people etc.

While I was in primary school to my secondary school, I was taught Hausa and Enlish as a subject and that has helped me and taken me a long way when it comes to writing and reading both Hausa and English because I was taught.


How language connects an individual to his family, globe or specific society.

Language is a blessing from our creator.The creator does this his own perfect way and reason been that, he knows there will be Family and society where people would have to stay together but must surely need understanding and thats why we have different languages for different set of people.

Language is the heart of every family and society because understanding makes communication easier within the family, society or school. An example is my society. I grew up and knows how to speak my traditional language very well. My parent communicates my native language since my child hood and when I gets to school i meet friends and my teacher teaches and communicates in English, when I go to the market, I speak Hausa because most of the traders are hausas so in my experience with languages, i feel everything is completely balanced.

Alright, we have different languages in Nigeria and I can survive anywhere because we have a general language which is English. Now, my knowledge of English makes my mingling, communication and understanding already solved and then I can make friends without knowing how to do speak their native languages


Which is your mother tongue? Which languages are spoken and understood in your home other than your mother tongue

Mother tongue means the language a child hears from child hood from the mother and this is called mother tongue because as a child grows up, mothers speaks native language to the child even though the mother is educated. Fathers does not give much attention to children as mothers does.

Eggon language is my mother tongue

Eggon is my native language, it is among the languages in Nigeria. Eggon people are located in Nasarawa State and Nasarawa Eggon local governmet is theres and that is why the local governmet is named after the language.

I can speak my native language which is Eggon because I have been communicated since childhood especially from my parent. So my whole extended family from the children to the adults and older parents speaks eggon.

The language we speak other than my mother tongue is English why because it is the general spoken language in Nigeria.


How many languages do you know and how did you learn more than one languages?

I know in Nigeria, we have about 250 ethnic groups and languages which include Hausa, Igbo, yourba, Idoma, Eggon, Mada, Alago etc among these languages i can speak

  • Hausa and English and Eggon

How i learnt English and Hausa was in school through my teachers as i mentioned earlier while Eggon my native language, i learnt from home through my parents and family members.


In which language did you study in school to university and which language do you prefer in education system in your country and why?

The language I studied in school to my university is English Language and it was a subject on it's own from primary to secondary school. While in my university, we took a course which is general English for all students in 100 and 200 level and I could remember vividly the course code which was GST 111 which means general course of study.

I prefer English language in educational system in my country Nigeria.

Why because

Nigeria was colonised by the British and since then, it has been the language communicated by the British while teaching and educating our parents of old therefore it continues till this generation. Because

  • I was taught in English language in school, I can now read and write in English and i can also communicate and relate with Americans and other persons from different countries because it's obvious almost every part of the world especially the civilised countries uses English language to communicate.

  • It eases my communication with steemians in the plartform and most steemians understands the language.

  • Because I was taught English language, I can read and understand any topic given for a particular contest.


How one language or more than one languages play an important role in the development of society.

Having different languages in a society is a great idea, because it makes humans unite together and also understands each other easily in decision making by explainning to persons who does not understand English in their native languages and by so doing, there will be understanding In decision making.

Also, instances where a new comer comes to the society, he or she will be very happy to know someone who speaks and understand his or her language and from there, cordial relationship starts.


How does culture relate to language

For every culture, there is a native language attach. Languages makes culture unique. Culture is a special way of how some set of people chose to live and behave through their way of dancing, the food they eat and the key thing that would make the culture different from others is the language.Thefore, there cannot be culture without it's native language which makes it unique.


Would you like to prefer writing in your own language at the time of writing posting on English?

No! because I can boldly write in English despite not all understands English. But since I can write in English, I wouldn't like to stress friends who would like to read from my blog to translate before reading.


If you want to promote your language in the world how will you do it? And if already then how much success have you achieved.

Sincerely, promoting my language in the world would be a joyous, interesting and a great achievement but doing that will first require:

  • knowledge on the origin of my native language and some facts about my native language because one of the ways to promote my language is to make publications of good kind to the society, community and my country as well, it will be written in my native language and same time written in English for easy translation to the readers. But before that, I must go to ask some questions.

  • I would also do my best to be great in live such that, my people will be proud of my level or stratification as their language candidate doing well by so doing, my laguage will be announced everywhere.


Language is the key to communication because as you speak, is another thing for your partner to understand.Thank you all for reading to this point, i expressingly love you all. I invite @josantos, @yakspeace, @tmighty, @simonnwegwe to come participate in the contest.


This is a beautiful article from you dear, truly language helps in identifying one another, promoting ones culture and helps in understanding ourselves.

We should always promote our language especially this century that civilization has taken over culture.

This is my first time hearing about Eggon language and I hope you can teach me some basics like greetings.

 2 years ago 

Respected thank you very much for taking participate in Steemit Enagement Challenge | Season2, Week #2.

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you explained very well, about education system in your country, mother tongue ,

thank you

I really appreciate you for such a warming comment. I am greatful.

Thanks for the invite.

You have a very wonderful entry. Your language (mother tongue) is one I have not heard of before but you have enlightened me through this and I love it.

Thank you somuch dear, for honouring my invitation and taking your time to read all through.Eggon language is the best ever, i wish i could speak for you.😄

your answers of each question are excellent and you explained about langues is good, all the best

Thanks dear, for stopping by to give me such a warming comment, best wishes to you.

You have written so well dear. I most confess that your article carries a lot of information about language. Keep up the good work. Wish you the best in this contest. Below is my entry. You may visit me

I will surely keep up the very good works. Thanks for your comment dear

You are welcome

It’s actually sweet and fun when you speak and understand a language. It is a means where we communicate and share ideas with friends and loved ones. Nice write up bro. Keep it up

Thanks dearie, its a she not he okay,😆thank you somuch for stopping by to comment on my post, Languages are all we need for better understanding.Best wishes to you.

Speaking of eggon, I don't think I missed a place where you started where eggon is located
Good publication you have presented
Best of luck

Thank you somuch, its noted and edited.

You are welcome
Kind regards

Wow, you have taken your time to clearly write how language is important, how it connects individual to family and society.

I just came back from a camp and I remember we have different people from different ethnic groups that attended. When we started speaking Yoruba, they didn't understand what were talking about and it always pained them, until we switched to English which everyone understands.

Language indeed creates unity. I agree with you.

Kind regards!

Classic entry from you dear
Wow nice to know you speak "eggon language"
I'm very sure eggon will be a sweet language to speak and I would love to learn it.
really Nigeria is blessed with different languages.

No! because I can boldly write in English despite not all understands English. But since I can write in English, I wouldn't like to stress friends who would like to read from my blog to translate before reading.

You have made a good suggestions as for me it will be difficult to read in your language because there isn't google translator for eggon language if I'm right.

😃I can not really tell dear, and that is why i recommended myself going for using English language. But if there is, i will let you know friend. Best wishes!

Indeed Language creates better understanding because without language, communication will be very hard and we won't learn. Your have done justice to language, you point are extremely good . I wish you all the best.

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