About My Raining Day life Story | @dave-hanny

in Urdu Community2 years ago

Hello guys, I am greatly honored to be among the participants of these amazing contests from the urdu community, I felt happy and excited when I saw the contest topic because my today's encounter with rain Is a story to share.

A rainy season is a season whereby, the rain falls almost every day or at intervals for two to three days. In places like Nigeria my country, the rainy season starts from April to September and there is a specific month whereby rain falls almost every day which is the month of August.

My Story



I woke up in the morning excited with so many plans for the day but the rain started at around 5 am. It's almost 9 am but the rain was still falling and I am supposed to go to the market to buy foodstuff.

Because of the rain, I had to get my waterproof cap in order not to make my head soaked with water.


I checked my purse and realized I was having 2000 naira which is equivalent to 16 steem and it won't be enough so I stopped at the bank to cash out some money at the automated teller machine.


Arriving home, I cooked this delicious meal with enough vegetables because the rainy season provides good nutrients for every plant to grow and to sprout leaves such as vegetable leaves so, after eating, I felt the heat, which stopped the rainy season cold at once.


I took my bath and slept like a baby. Waking up, I stroll around with my visit to see the beautiful look the rainy season has given to the environment.


Thank you all and I appreciate your time and energy used to read through my post, thanks once more for having you on my blog, I invite @yakspeace, @josantos and @josepha to participate in this contest.


You have made nice photography

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