my routine life NGO ka medical camp

in Urdu Communitylast year

My diary today

How are you friends, I hope you are all doing well and are busy with your work, I am also fine and I am busy with my daily work. Amen

I will share with you all my routine today, what was the busy schedule. I woke up early in the morning, prayed and recited the Holy Quran, then I made breakfast and then called everyone. I got busy, my father went on duty, he has a job as a security guard, so he left and I, my mother and my sister had to go to Madrasi, and mother had to buy some goods from the market, she came along and I went to the center. After going there for the beautician course, I greeted everyone and then started to work. I will share with you


I hope you like it, after that we ordered food from the market, we had food separately, we made a separate place to eat, then two or three girls ordered food together, and then we ate. Day's Activities Hope you all enjoy reading my diary

it is news of welfare society , that Free Medical Camp Imam Bargah
A free medical camp was organized lastday in Imambargah with the support of Helping Hand NGO and Young Union Welfare Trust. . In particular, the entire team of Helping Hand and Program Officer Tariq Amin Sahib, Malik Adnan Dispenser, Asif Amir Khan Lab Technician, and Special Effort Program Officer Ambassador Abbas and
I am very grateful to Dr. Amna Niazi, MBBS Gynecologist and the entire team of Helping Hand. Who took out their valuable time today and set up a camp in Kot Beliyan for check-up of patients. . I thank the whole team from the bottom of my heart. .


All patients were given free checkup and free medicine. And a free ultrasound was done. . I thank all the people involved in this noble mission, with whose efforts the free medical camp program was organized today. . . Alhamdulillah . About 120 boys and girls and 220 plus women were free checkup and all the patients were given free medicine. 50 plus women were ultrasounded. .


This effort has benefited a lot of female patients who have to go for long distance check-up and have to pay money for ultrasound and check-up and medicines. . Free checkup has benefited all the patients. And all the patients have been satisfactorily checked up. May Allah reward all those involved in this noble mission. . May Allah accept our efforts in His presence. Amen . .

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