Climate Change and Our Narratives

in Urdu Community2 years ago



Have we ever thought that nature is changing or that the planet is in turmoil due to a climate change, everywhere we see nature angry and sea water, rain water is washing away the settlements. Isn't that so?

Nature is really angry with us. Or we are fighting with environment and nature itself. Climate change is happening all over the world.

Floods and storms are coming in every country.
Sometimes it is reported in the media that a tsunami in the sea has washed away the city. Some reminiscences and some talk of past times are now in Mujahid's mouth which are sometimes described in writings.
A few years ago, a fair called Jashan Baharan was organized in every district.

In Mianwali also in March, Biharan March was celebrated. In this three-day fair, every department would set up its own stall. We used to go to these stalls to get information and express our surprise that there were so many in our Pakistan and especially in Mianwali. Departments exist but are hidden from the eyes of citizens.

At the Jashan Baharan fair we saw the stall of Department of Environment Protection, Government of Punjab. Questions were answered and we were given some booklets, brochures and advertisements.

After visiting the flood-affected areas, it was found that the underground water here is bitter and clean water is not provided by the government, so we drink tap water. And then the same water is used. However, in Balochistan and Daman, the rainfall is very low, almost non-existent. Famine comes after every ten years.
Also got a pamphlet from the Environment Protection Department's stall called "Water Revenge". It is a story for children but actually it is the story of whole Pakistan and it should have been an inclusive curriculum.
In the foreword of this story, it is written that clean water is a great blessing of nature. Polluted water spreads diseases among humans.

According to a report of the United Nations, one child dies every eight seconds from water-borne diseases. More than eleven million people in the world are deprived of clean water. As a result of diseases caused by dirty water, more than five million people die every year. Most of them are children.

About seventy percent of the earth's surface consists of water, but only one percent of the water is available for drinking.

This foreword may have forgotten or published the report too old because millions of people in Pakistan do not have access to clean water.
I went to Karachi a few years ago. I visited a friend in the mosquito colony. At that time, its population was more than three lakhs. When I drank water, I felt that the sewer line might have been added to the name. After researching, it was found that the entire population Drinking dirty water.

If you check the records of hospitals in major districts of Punjab, you will know that sixty-five percent of diseases are caused by the use of dirty water.

It is said that before the partition of India, the underground water of Mianwali was clean and transparent, but now it has also become dirty.
When we tried to corrupt nature, we corrupted ourselves.

There is still time to value clean water. Don't use it unnecessarily, but where the underground water is clean, we have polluted the clean water with sewage, poor and adulterated material.
If we do not pay attention, one day we will all have to migrate or the water will go down and the water will not be available to us. Now we have to protect water

The use of water should be kept to a minimum. Clean water must be protected from contamination. Factories have to be located away from the urban population. More trees should be planted to reduce flood erosion. Dams and small dams should be built to conserve water. Sewerage systems in urban areas have to be improved. If we do all these things, then we have the right to express our love for nature. Distortion in nature can disturb us. That is why time is needed. Steps must be taken to love nature and save the environment.


es cierto que el mundo está empeorando su situación en el cambio climático y especialmente los países en desarrollo como asia. El gobierno debe tomar medidas para preparar a la nación ante una situación alarmante peor.

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