Benefits of Rose 🌹 Flowers Described my Own Words after Photography by @amjadsharif

in Urdu Community3 years ago






Description and characteristics of roses

Perennial plant of the Ngli rose family. Because a decorative flower does not cost much. However, the benefits of rose petals are undeniable and can cure many ailments. The wild rose bush is always a place on a private plot.

Description of beneficial properties of the plant

Compared to lemons, the price of rose hips is based on the rich content of vitamin C, which is 40 times higher.
Use rose hips, flowers, leaves and roots for medicinal purposes. According to the description, their composition contains - organic acids, minerals, vitamins, carotene, volatiles, sucrose and essential oils.
They are widely used in folk and modern medicine. The healing parts of the rose hips have the following properties.
Clean the circulatory system;
Improving metabolic processes;
Strengthening weak immunity;
The body is rich in vitamins.
Used for anemia;
Used for kidney and bladder diseases.
Recommended for liver problems;
Used as a diuretic and tonic.
Rosehip is high in Vitamin C, Minerals, Organic Acids.

The beneficial properties of flowers are many

Collect them during flowering and dry in partial shade, or buy ready-made pharmacy fees.

If you do not collect the flowers, the flowers will bear fruit after the rose hips. The color of the fruit is red. Collect them in the fall before the onset of winter. At this point, the fruit dries out.
If you need roots, in autumn they dig the bushes, cut the right amount. Root fragments, washed and dried.

It is important to know that you must store the stored raw material in a dry place, and keep the texture in the refrigerator.
The plant is unmatched in care, grows in any soil. Prepared using sprouts, roots and seeds in fruits. They take care of the common roses, water them and spend them in the autumn harvest.
For decades, traditional medicine has focused on the benefits of rose hips. Caloric content of dried raw material - 284 kcal, freshly collected 51 kcal.
Herbalist Ephemero NU on the medicinal properties of plants and its use.

Harmful and contradictory

Against the background of useful features like any tool, rose brush is its contraindication in the raw material of the bush. In addition, you need to follow the instructions without exceeding the recommended ratio.
To protect yourself and your loved ones from the consequences, people should be treated with caution.
With thrombophlebitis and with the tendency of blood to clot in the venous system.
Violation of gastric acidity is violated.
Frequent use helps to remove tooth enamel.
With gastric and peptic ulcers, work with caution.
With hypertension, do not use alcohol-based tinctures;
Excessive use of decoctions and tinctures can cause jaundice, a non-communicable disease.
A decoction based on the roots can reduce the secretion of bile from the leaf ducts.
Roses are not recommended if a person has constipation.
In the plant contraindication, the daily dose is: 7-8 berries, 1-3 tablespoons of flowers or dried roots.
Contraindications for people with skin problems. High levels of vitamin C are not only helpful in treating many diseases, but also. In case of rash, it can cause allergic reaction.

Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor before use. In everything you need to do to measure, care will be taken to avoid tragic consequences.
Daily dose of rose hips: 7-8 berries, 1-3 tablespoons of flowers or dried roots. It is important to pay attention to the recommended doses, it is better not to exceed them.

The use of flowers in traditional medicine.
Rose - Nature's most valuable medicinal plant, treated using freshly selected and dried flower petals. Make decoction, alcohol tincture and tea.

Herbal remedies and therapists treat diseases of the digestive, liver and kidneys. It is recommended to drink wild rose cauliflower with jade.
Tea from petals is recommended. Colds, low hemoglobin, and as a general tonic.

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