The Diary Game (08/09/2021) Season 3 || Better Life || Doing physical activities all day in the village and others || 50% the results of this post to @steem.amal

in Steem SEA3 years ago


The results of this post I give 50% to @steem.amal

I woke up in the morning, I saw a light from my bedroom window. The light is very hot on my body when I sleep, I wake up because my body temperature is already hot the sunlight from my bedroom window. . After taking a shower in the morning, I went with @aswat to the coffee shop want to give knowledge about steemit to him @aswat . So that he will further understand the rules on steemit. I ordered two hot Nescafe coffees, because I was more relaxed teaching @aswat the newcomer on the steemit platform. I am very happy to teach @aswat, because he immediately understands what I teach including about steemit.

After teaching @aswat, I heard the sound of the phone on @aswat's cellphone. Then the @aswat picked up the phone from @aril.hatake it turns out . @aril.hatake told us over the phone, we were told to install Teratak in Dayah Khairul in the village of Blang . Because there is an event to distribute gifts and da'wah for students at Dayah Khairul Huda . After hanging up the call from @aril.hatake, we immediately went to transport the Teratak with the youth in the village of Blang including @joy-steem, @aswat, @burong88, and also me . I have taken some pictures with my cellphone.


me are transporting Teratak with @aswat , @burong88 , @joy-steem , dan pemuda kampung Blang


When we arrived at Dayah Khairul Huda and brought the Teratak


The atmosphere inside Dayah Khairul Huda is full of small students


While setting up the Teratak as a tent with the youth of Blang village


The tent is ready installed


Take a short break with @joy-steem in front of Abati's house (Dayah leader Khairul Huda)

After doing the Teratak tide activity at Dayah Khairul Huda, I went to my own house to take a shower before doing other activities. When I got home, I immediately took a towel to take a shower so that my body was fresh. After taking a shower I went to change clothes and wanted to go for an afternoon walk with my friends . After changing clothes, I called @fikar22 who wanted to go for a walk in the afternoon. Not long after calling @fikar22 , I left the house first to go to a coffee shop while waiting for @fikar22 . When I arrived at the coffee shop, @fikar22 came to me. I immediately went for a walk in the afternoon with him .


Take a walk in the afternoon on a motorbike with @fikar22



filling up gas at the Tepin Punti watu gas station going home with @fikar22

We go for walks where he wants in the afternoon. We went to the Tepin Punti gas station to fill up almost out of gas . @fikar22 said to me, let's go home, the weather started to change, almost sunset and I also went home, the atmosphere was almost dark . Not long after we filled up the gas, we finally headed back to our respective homes . On the way back home, I asked @fikar22 when are we going to practice, replied @fikar22 later after Maghrib prayer. Not long on the way home, finally arrived home. I immediately went to get a towel to take a shower first. Not long after taking a shower I immediately put on clothes . Ready to put on my clothes I heard the call to prayer echoing in the mosque, I immediately went to the mosque to pray Maghrib together with the local people.

I came home from the mosque after the Maghrib prayer in congregation, headed home to eat before heading to the practice site. After eating, I drink first. After that, I watch TV together at my house. Not long after that I left the house going to @fikar22's house for practice. When I arrived at @fikar22's house, I called him, it turned out that he had already left the from home . Turns out he was sitting in a coffee shop waiting for me. I went straight to where he was waiting for me . When I arrived at his place , we went straight to the practice site . When we arrived at the training ground , we changed our clothes first to practice . I have taken some pictures of the silat practice.


Silat practice with @aril.hatake , @fikar22 , and @yusnaidi


In physical exercise Push ups


After practicing for three hours, again listening to the advice of the training

After three hours of practice, we finally went home. On the way back home, my body was a little sore. Because I haven't exercised for a year, that's why my body a little bit different. Not long after on the way home, finally arrived at their respective homes. I'm covered in a lot of sweat on my body, I want to take a shower first so it's cleaner than the sweat. After taking a shower I went to wear clothes again to take a break while making this post. Not long after making the post I immediately wanted to sleep, because my body felt very tired very .

This is my game diary on this happy night. If there is an error in my post, please forgive me, both in writing and verbally, please forgive me 🙏

My greetings to:


Warm greetings from @zulhelmi20


 3 years ago 

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