Good morning Steemians friends, I hope you are all always in a happy state in welcoming this beautiful morning. Life is like a spinning wheel, day will turn into day, morning will always come back after night, like this morning I was doing my usual activities, around 8.00 am I opened my laptop at the office, finished some office work, validated and checked the data sent by friends who served in the District. After that I had to attend an invitation from the Education Office of the East Aceh District Government regarding FGD (Focus Group Discussion) activities with the theme of the phenomenon of increasing victims of sexual violence against women and children in Indonesia. Actually, I almost forgot about this activity because their invitation was sent to me last week, luckily a friend from the office reminded me of the invitation this morning.

Location of the FGD (Focus Group Discussion) activity in the Hall of the East Aceh District Government Education Office

After I saw the invitation given by the Education Office, it turned out that the event would start at 9:00 am. My friend and I immediately got ready to go to the East Aceh Education Office. The location of this office is the East Aceh Government Central Office Complex. This FGD activity was held in the Office of the Education Office. Around 9.15 am we arrived at the location where the FGD was held, although it was a little late, the program had not yet started. I saw participants who attended apart from the Education Office, there were several school principals, community leaders and from community empowerment institutions who were also invited. We didn't have long to wait, at around 9.30 am the event was opened by the Regional Secretary of the East Aceh Government representing the Regent of East Aceh. This event was created based on the many current cases of sexual violence against women and children in Indonesia, especially in Aceh Province. So that FGD (Focus Group Discussion) activities were made to find the root of the problems that occurred in the community, why this phenomenon could occur in the midst of a religiously devout community, although the percentage that occurred was very small, but things like this are very rare in about ten years. ago. Based on the results of research from several social institutions that this phenomenon occurred about the last 5 years in the midst of our society. Many of these cases occur and are included in the news media coverage of newspapers, as well as online news via the Internet.
The speakers for this FGD event came from several studies from the University's Community Institute, Lecturers, Women's Leaders from the People's Representative Council (DPRA), also Women's Leaders from the Health Service and Figures from the Women's and Children's Protection Agency. I participated in this FGD which was very useful to find solutions to problems that occurred and to make some legal rules to prevent cases of sexual violence against women and children from happening again.

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One of the speakers in this discussion explained that the violence experienced by women and children was very diverse, not only physical violence. but also violence that occurs in the form of psychological, verbal, symbolic and cyber violence, what is meant by psychological violence is treatment of exclusion in association with the community, spreading hatred and threats to victims. While what is meant by verbal violence is cursing, insulting, giving nicknames, and even spreading gossip against the victim. Next is symbolic violence, namely images that symbolize violence and discrimination. Finally, cyber violence is demeaning, spreading hatred, and spreading gossip in cyberspace to victims.
There is also a lot of violence against women and children due to wrong parenting, not getting a good education, the absence of social control from the community and the absence of supervision over the use of social media and the internet that make children grow up to be perpetrators of violence.
This FGD activity was also interspersed with performances by Artists who brought several humanitarian poems that aroused feelings accompanied by guitars. The final conclusion from this discussion is that to overcome and prevent women and children as victims and perpetrators of violence, there must be several efforts that must be made by the government and the police security, namely clear regulations must be made to prevent and protect victims of violence against women and girls. child. Conducting outreach and education education to the community continuously for prevention.

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Around 12.30 Pm the FGD activity was over, we didn't go straight home because my friends and I were invited to have lunch with a Dayah where Islamic Religious Education is located in Idi Rayeuk District. Then we both went to that place, after previously we stopped at a mosque to pray and pray, then we headed there. When we got there, lunch was already prepared. Eat big my friend said. The food menu provided for us is very large with a variety of Acehnese traditional foods. There are goat curry, chicken gravy, chili peanut tempeh, salted eggs, sweet and sour sauce and other foods. We were very happy to see the menu that was served, we ate it voraciously. We tried all kinds of food provided. All the flavors of the food provided are very delicious. Wow, this is a big meal after participating in this FGD event. Around 15.00 Pm, after lunch we went back to the office. Then I did some work in the office until the afternoon.

This is my Diary Game Activity, on Tuesday 15 March 2022, having a big meal after participating in the FGD (Focus Group Discussion) activity held by the East Aceh District Government Education Office with the theme Phenomenon of increasing cases of sexual violence against women and children. Hopefully this information can be useful for all of us.
Thanks you for all Steemians friends who want to visit and encourage me. Prevent Covid 19 by always taking care of our family's health. May Allah swt keep us all away from this Corona epidemic. Amen.
Steem Kindness for Betterlife

Un agran celebración, importante el Focus Group.
La única sugerencia, para que se vea mucho mejor su post, es que divida los párrafos en un máximo de 12 líneas para que se vea amigable y no canse la vista al leerlo.
Ha recibido un voto de apoyo de @fjjrg
Gracias por su visita y apoyo.
Una buena sugerencia para dividir 12 líneas por párrafo, intentaré hacerlo en la próxima publicación. Gracias.
Hi @tucsond
Do you want to join community curators team for coming month? I am making my team this. If you are willing to join me. You can contact me on discord ashkhan#8433
Sorry My Friend, I just read this comment.
I'm currently on the "Sevengers" Curation Team. It's been this month. Our team will continue to submit applications for the Month of April. Thank You for your good offer.
Aktifitas yang padat hari ini ya, sekalian bu Lauri yang menggoda.
Ha ha ha, Sedikit padat tapi sesuai dgn Bu Khanduri nya...
Terimakasih atas kunjungan nya...👍😊