The Diary Game Season 3 (03-08-2021 )My Daily Life#40 A Round of Golf at Baguio Country Club

in Steem SEA3 years ago

Good day guys!

Today was really a fun day. To celebrate my birthday last week. My Cousin decided to treat me to a round of golf at Baguio Country Club. We had to pay 960 Php each which covers the green fee and the insurance. My cousin also invited his other friends but they were on the flight ahead of us. They were 4 on the first flight and we were 3 on the second flight. It was my very first time playing golf during the afternoon. The sun was burning through my skin but at least it was also windy at the same time to compensate for the heat. Here are some highlights per hole during our game.
We were able to do some practice swings while waiting for the other flight to finish at Hole#1.
Sometimes this hole makes me nervous because most of the time there are a lot of people who are watching you through the veranda. So in my mentality it's you shouldn't screw this up. When I hit my ball, it was able to go before the green. But I really have a bad short game because I haven't been practicing. So I scored a bogey. My cousin started well because he was able to finish with a par. I was kinda proud because I beat my brother.
Hole Number 2 was a hole downhill. My Drive was a bit good because it went far and it was inside the fairway until I screwed up with my short game. When I was hitting the ball with an iron, it would just roll and it wouldn't fly. I was really unlucky during this hole because I ended up in the sand. When I got out it went to another bunker. I just decided to pick up my ball and face the consequences of getting a double par.

At hole number 3 my cousin was able to make a solid hit. We were looking for his ball and he went to the wrong ball which was my brother's. He thought that I outdrove him until he found his ball which was traveled around 300 yards. We were so shocked with his drive and he was able to par it.
Here at hole number 4, I was surprised that I haven't lost a ball yet. I was able to hit the ball but it went to the right, when we were looking for it we couldn't find it. I jinxed myself. My cousin gave me a free drop. I was able to make my first par because of it.

Hole number 5 is called cardiac hill. My first ball went out of bounds so I called a Mulligan. My second drive went far, I was able to outdrive my brother and cousin. But I still got a Bogey in this hole.
I really did terrible in this hole. No matter how many times I hit the ball going to the green, it would be so short and it wouldn't even fly.
The first flight was actually taking long, you could already see how bored our caddies were. They also suggested that we should switch with the first flight because we were only 3. There was also a flight behind us but they were only 2. I'm also scared of this hole because I was a victim of the pond of this hole. I'm glad my ball was able to survive the wrath of the pond and I scored a double bogey in this hole.

In this hole, I noticed the 2 people behind us left. I think they went to complete the back 9 because we were too slow. In this hole. I lost a ball because it went to the streets. My cousin was able to score a par in this hole.
Here in the last hole of the front 9, we were all able to hit good shots but me and my cousins went to the left. When we checked on it we were just near each other but he outplayed me. My brother on the other hand was able to make it to the green. he actually almost scored a birdie but he finished it with a par.
It was a reunion at hole 10 because they were kinda taking long on hitting the ball. I was able to reach a few yards before the green. I was able to score a par here.
At hole number 11, we asked the flight ahead of us if we could go ahead and they said yes. I was able to hit another Mulligan here because my first hit sucked. My second hit was able to out-drive them again, but my short game killed me. I was also wondering what's on top of the pond because if you look at the photo, it was so green. My cousin was jokingly saying that it's matcha haha. image.png


At hole number 12 my brother was able to make a great shot. He was also able to score a birdie in this hole

At hole 13 our balls were going all over the place. No one was able to make it to the green. Mine went to the far left and I had a difficult time chipping it going to the green.


When we were at hole 14 we just heard the other flight tee off from hole number 11. Our pacing was faster compared to our first nine holes. My ball went below the hill so I had a difficult time bringing it up because I still don't know how to control my swing.
Here at hole 15 we all had nice hits but ended up short. From this hole, my cousin was able to par all the holes until the 18th hole.
In Hole 16 most of our balls were short and went to the right side. I'm glad that I didn't become a victim again from the pond that was nearby. My forearms were starting to hurt already.

Hole number 17 I felt that I was getting tired. I even drank a lot of water before teeing off. My ball went short and I had a difficult time chipping it to the green. It was always short. But I'm just glad that I finished.
Here at hole number 18, I was appreciating the beauty of the flowers that were near the tee box.S


Something funny happened on the green. My cousin hit 2 balls and the other one went to the green. As we were going close we noticed that there were a bunch of crows there. A crow was playing with the ball and was moving it away from the pin. Too bad I wasn't able to take a video of it but we were just laughing.
This was really a fun day. My cousin was so kind to treat me to a game of golf. We really enjoyed it. I was surprised that it wasn't too hot during the afternoon only at the start.
These were our final scores My cousin was able to get 72, my younger brother was 87, and I scored 94. I'm just glad that I didn't get a 100 hahaha.
After playing, we had consumables that we had to use before the day ended. Most of us called our girlfriends to join us for dinner. My sister was also there. We were about 13 during that dinner. The food was delicious. When I got home I noticed that my arms were sunburnt. Anyway, Thanks again for the treat cuz! Next time again!

Thanks for reading and Stay safe always!

The photos used in this post are owned by me .



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