in Steem SEA3 years ago (edited)


I greet you all wherever you are. I hope you are all in health and in safety. My prayers for you today is that all all your desires be met.

I welcome you all to my dairy today.

The two kids

Its Saturday as you all know and for me its usually a very busy day. I woke up very early in the morning by 6:45am and said my prayers. When i was done with the prayers, i quickly went to have my bath and brushed my teeth. I was having tooth ache so i had to change my tooth brush and tooth paste. The place of hygiene is very important. After i was done brushing and bathing, my phone rang and when i picked up the phone, it was my spiritual mentor that was calling, the reason for the call was to come over to the house and assist in taking care of the children as himself and wife wont be at home today. The kids are still small and can not stay at home all by themselves. Taking care of the kids is something that i love so much and it has already become a part of me to be with the kids.

By 9am i was fully dressed and ready to go to be with the kids but then i remembered i have not had my breakfast so i made tea to drink

me having breakfast(A cup of hot tea)


I was done with my breakfast at about 9:30am so i waited for 30mins so my food can digest in my stomach. I left to my mentors house by 10am.

By 11am i got to the house and the kids were so excited to see me, the last time i was at their house specifically to take care of them was last week, although i visit often but not to take care of them.

The little baby

The older baby and myself

The older baby standing and chewing a ball

I took care of the children, watching and making sure that they don't get injured while they played around the room. You know how little boys can be when they play oh sometimes they can be so rough not minding if they get injured.


By 1:30pm it was time for the kids to have their launch, so i have to feed the smaller kid while the other feeds himself because he is old enough to do so himself, i only need to supervise him while he feeds himself. I did not need to cook because there was already food in the house, all i needed to do was get the food warm by heating it on the gas cooker. I served the older kid with Rice and stew while i fed the little baby with baby food.

Me feeding the baby

It took me about an hour to finish feeding the baby. When the kids finished eating they all slept off and it was a great opportunity for me to rest. So by 2:30 i had to go to the atm to withdraw money needed to get the kids drugs and some other things they needed. I had no physical cash with me that was why i had to use the atm. The kids are to take their drugs by 4pm in the evening. I left to the bank atm for my withdrawal. The bank location is not far from the house so i took a walk because there was no need to enter a bus or bike.

I got to the bank by 2:35, it took me 5mins from the house to the bank. On arrival at the bank atm, i found out that there was little queue at the bank so i had to wait for my turn in other to use the atm. Today is saturday so a lot of persons would need money for the weekend.

Me at the atm stand

The queue at the bank

When it got to my turn i withdrew the money i needed and headed straight to the pharmacy to get the kids drugs. The Pharmacy is also not far from the house so i walked down until i got to the pharmacy. At the pharmacy i met the doctor and those who work there and i told them the name of the drugs i want to buy. The asked me the age of the kids which i told them. Finally the drugs was given to me and i paid for the drugs i bought.

The drugs i bought

Myself inside the pharmacy

When i was done buying the drugs, it was already 3:30pm, i remembered i am suppose to get the little baby bathing soap, since the one in the house was about to finish. I saw a super market opposite the pharmacy so i decided to quickly go in and buy the soap.

My self inside the supermarket

Inner view of the super market

I headed back to the house after i was done buying the baby soap i needed. I got to the house at exactly 4pm and i woke the kids up and immediately gave the drugs to them to drink.


At 6:30 pm, the kids parents was back and i realised that my job in the house was done for the day so i had to prepare my self to leave. By 7pm i was already on my way home, i finally got home around 7:30pm. I was so tired that i did not even think of having my bath, i just went ahead into my kitchen and got food to eat. While i was eating, i decided to switch on my network data on my phone because it is usually off, and decided to go through my social media especially steemit. I responded to post and replied comments. By the time i was done it was already 9pm. I fell asleep while i was on the bed.

My dinner(Rice and stew with boiled egg)


Thats was how i spent my day. Thank you for reading

Special regards to


 3 years ago 


Postingan anda telah terpilih dalam "Edisi ke #88 : 5 Postingan terpilih [19-09-2021]". Kami berharap anda terus konsisten dalam membuat karya yang berkualitas.

Salam Hangat,
Account Manager @steemseacurator

@steemseacurator i feel so honoured thank you so much !

 3 years ago 

Congratulations on being selected in the 5 best posts, I wish you more success and keep the spirit going

 3 years ago 

what a busy day you have @ruthjoe, are you doing the babysitting occasionally or it's one of your part-time jobs only because you know the parents of the babies?

Well @cicisaja its only because i know the parent. Their Dad is my boss and the wife is my friend( we are family friends) so sometimes they just calls me to come assist them

 3 years ago 

As busy as that you can still smile, amazing, you are a great woman @ruthjoe

I love kids and i love taking care of them, so i dont allow the stress get to me @fantvwiki thank you for visiting

 3 years ago 

Anak-anak hebat, terlahir dari wanita-wanita hebat..

Awww thanks @alfikri04

 3 years ago 

Sama-sama 😀

Thank you

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