The diary game: 23 Mei 2021 - My son has white teeth

in Steem SEA3 years ago



The habit of children, when they are happy, often shows a smile

Basically, children do not know about the feeling of being happy when praised by others. But children love it when they get a toy that they like. If he gets just one toy he likes, whatever we tell him to do it. Like telling him to smile, laugh even to kiss him too
Children never feel anxious, but sad because someone scolded them, or what they asked for not being fulfilled by their parents. His sadness is not long, quickly forgets, and it is easy to love other things for his pleasure. Don't ever scold the child for asking for something, because the child has not had enough thoughts to think about the material that the child thinks is just fun or whatever he asks for there must be.
The minds of children are still very easy to record what they see and what they hear, whether they hear from their parents' conversation or hear from other people they often hear or the influence of their surroundings. So to teach children who are still under age it is enough to display video or audio so the children memorize very easily. Likewise, non-verbal behavior is enough just to see it without having to move the limbs.

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