Weekend contest first edition: shopping, sport, hangout with family. 50%OF THIS POST PAYOUT WILL GO TO [email protected]

in Steem SEA3 years ago

Good day and accept warm steem greatings from Cameroon, the land of promise.
Weekends are a very special moment of the week , as alot of activities make this time of the week very demanding.
For me, I always look forward to the weekend with great excitement , as I spend more that 8 hours every working day , which makes me have less time for my self to engage in most activities I would have nomarly like to have done , this makes weekends very awaited for me so I could do sports, food shopping, hangout with family and sleeping .
Coming from a part of the world were there is a sociopolitical crisis that has seen Mondays established as a ghost town, this has made weekend longer for us, so weekend starts from Saturday to Mondays , making one extra day for us in this part of Cameroon.
So to better make my weekend productive by my standards I have spread out my activities across the 3 days of weekend we have.
Saturday is dedicated to refilling the kitchen , as most food stuffs have finished by now, so every Saturday I go to our local urbarn Saturday market , were i can get vegitables, tubers, and some kitchen stuffs

Being a Christian , sunday's I go to church and a after church service, I hang out with the family, take kids out for ice cream, pop corn and just ensure that the family bond grows stronger. It's in this hand out that I get to better understand how every one is fairing well and understand their aspirations and perspective.


    Mondays being a ghost town in bamenda were i live is dedicated to sport , particularly football, which I play or refery every Monday, and rest.
    This football and rest makes monday my favorite weekend day.
    As football is my favorite hobbie and rest is very essential to my health.



Occasionally I hang out with celebrities when I can

Hope you enjoyed reading how I spend my weekend, let me know how I weekend looks like or different from yours in the comments section
Here is my achivement post


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