#club100 |#burnsteem25| The Diary Game | betterlife | Life is Beautiful| 02 Aug 2022 | by @pea07

in Steem SEA2 years ago

25% payout for @null and 10% for @steem.amal


Greetings to all Steemains

Hope you all are enjoying you day. Today I am going to write about my diary, how I spend my whole day. This is my first post in this community @steemsea. Please let me know if I did any mistake.

My diary

02 Aug 2022


I woke up a little late in the morning. Then freshen up and finish breakfast. Then spent half an hour writing a post for the Steemit Engagement Challenge. Half of my post was written last night. Complete the post and submit it on steemit platform and get ready to go out. The elevator in our building is not working for the last 2 days so we have to go down and up by the stairs . I live on the fifth floor. Climbing stairs is relatively difficult for me. It will take 2 more days to fix the lift. Hope it will be fixed soon.


There was a lot of jam all over the city today. Where it used to take 10 minutes today it took 30 minutes instead of 10 minutes. Such jams are not common in my city.I was going by auto rickshaw.


I went out to meet a friend of mine. He came to my town and I went to meet him while he was leaving the city. He went to his city by train so we meet at the train station.My friend brought chocolate for me. He always brings chocolates. I like to eat Kitkat.


After many months we meet. My friend and me gossip there. We capture selfies and take some photos. Then his train came and he got on the train. After waiting for 10 minutes, the train whistled and left.


While returning home, I saw a cat on the ground floor of the house. I took a picture of the cat. The cat ran away noticing that I was taking pictures. This cat lives somewhere nearby. I succeeded in taking a photo of the cat.

Around 4 pm I went to the market with my sister's son. Buy some essentials there. My nephew bought chocolates for him. He likes shopping very much.

My Nephew


My purchased products

After finish shopping we returned home. Take some rest and at night I talk with my sisters for a long time over phone and chat with my friends by social media.

This is how I spend my day.

Thanks everyone for reading my post



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