The diary game, Tuesday 20-12-2022,Accompany the younger brother and sell in the afternoon

in Steem SEA2 years ago


Assalamualaikum wr wb...

Good afternoon all my friends, on this beautiful afternoon I greet you all again and will try to tell you a little about some of the experiences I had yesterday, from morning to nightfall


As usual, after all the household chores were done, I went to the shop to buy a few pieces of cake for breakfast, every day I always had breakfast with cakes, rarely had breakfast with rice or other types of breakfast, and at this shop, they also happened to have a new menu that they sell. , that is jengkol stew, I also bought some for the side dishes for lunch, I really like jengkol stew, and yesterday I didn't cook anymore, just bought fish to fry, for the vegetables there was already jengkol stew which I bought along with buying breakfast

After lunch, my younger brother invited me to accompany him to deliver fish seeds, I also went with him and left the job of making meatballs to my older sister and mother


My younger brother has a small small business that he runs together with my cousin, he sells various types of fish seeds such as snapper, tilapia and so on, and he is also willing to deliver the seeds to the people who order them, even I am often invited by him , because he used my car when delivering the fish seeds, here I waited for about half an hour and then returned home because evening was getting closer, while I had to get ready to sell


Yesterday afternoon it didn't rain too hard, it was just drizzling, but my trade was also a little quiet, the last few days it was always raining, even my father's rice that could be harvested all sank, several other farmers also had losses in their rice

Because there weren't too many people buying roasted meatballs, I went home and just left my sister at the stall, I wasn't feeling well, and I was too weak


In the evening, after the evening prayer, I went to the pharmacy in Keude Bungkah to buy medicine. My fever started high and I was worried that it would get worse if I didn't get it treated. After that, I immediately rested and didn't do anything else.

That's a series of my activities yesterday and that's all I can write on this beautiful afternoon, hopefully we can meet again on another occasion

 2 years ago 

Di saat kondisi hujan,sangat mantab bila kita mencoba mengkonsumsi bakso bakarr dan bak wan,,di dalam daging bak banyak mengandung protein,kelezetannya menggugah hati.salam berkah

 2 years ago 

Terima kasih telah berkunjung, tepat sekali seperti yang anda katakan 😊

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 
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Terimakasih telah berbagi bersama disini.

 2 years ago 

Terima kasih pak😊

absolutly hujan hujan nyemil kayak bakwan pasti enak kak.

 2 years ago 

Benar sekali 😊

 2 years ago 

sabe2 hawa teh bakso bakar 😁

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

Barbeque is one of my favorite foods.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for visiting

 2 years ago 

You're most welcome. 😊

 2 years ago 

father's rice that could be harvested all sank, several other farmers also had losses in their rice

Because there weren't too many people buying roasted meatballs, I went home and just left my sister at the stall, I wasn't feeling well, and I was too weak

So sorry about that.
Hope you are feeling well now?

 2 years ago 

Don't worry, I'm already feeling good at the moment

Thank you very much for visiting 😇