The Diary Game | September 30, 2021 | Thursday, Exercising The Nerves

in Steem SEA3 years ago (edited)

Good day to you all in this one of the awesome community in #steemit. It's been a long time since I had not posted here and now I'm glad to be back.



I am sharing my diary for today September 30, 2021. My whole family and I woke up early in the morning and we immediately went to the nearby subdivision in our area so we could exercise there. My family and I had a warmed up first so that our nerves would not be shocked.


First my wife fought me in a badminton match-up. Our fight lasted for half an hour and surely our body was sweating already.

And after a while, my wife decided to rest because she was a little tired already. With the force of my blow of the badminton racket, my wife was a little awake chasing the shuttle cock.


And for a while, my daughter and I followed to a badminton match. My daughter and I had the same score because we same hit the racket hard. My daughter also loves sports so she is a bit knowledgeable when it comes to playing.

My daughter also moves fast so she could really chase the shuttle cock. We took turns beating, staying really strong. Instead spare the quick batter and act. My daughter is used to any kind of game. So I’m really having a hard time beating her.


With my daughter's speed, I will really be left behind. But there are also times that she will be left to beat me. My daughter’s badminton match lasted half an hour as well. My daughter and I were really sweaty. The lightness of feelings really makes my body sweats and feels good.


And after a while my daughter decided to stop. She said that her sweat was also coming out. It's as if her muscles won't be hurt the next day. And as well, we all decided to take a break.

After I rested, my wife told me to fell in love taking pictures of nature. And I saw some plants in blooms and some plants with fruits and I immediately captured a photographs on it. It's nice to see the new flowers blooming. Especially with dragonflies and butterflies circling it.






It's really nice to see the mother of chaos, living creatures around. Early vitamins of the eyes and definitely really relieves the feeling.


And in a moment we all decided to going back home. Because the weather has gotten a little worse and it looks like the rain is coming. It was a bit cloudy and the dark sorrounds, so we hurried going home.

It really feels a nice and light feelings to exercise early in the morning especially sweats will comes out to the body. My day was all completed because I can exercise and see some beautiful creatures of nature and also can still have a family bonding.

And this is my diary game for this day. And hopes you all likes it.

Have an inspiration all the day.


Loves exercise.



Hello, thanks my friend @anroja. Keep safe

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