The Diary Game (July 17, 2022) - Hot weather on Sunday

in Steem SEA2 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone

Best friends in the Steem Community throughout Southeast Asia. How are you today?. I hope you are well and happy.

Today is Sunday, July 17, 2022. It's feel a really hot and stifling day at our place. hot air already felt since the morning.

As I recall, usually in the morning hours, the air temperature feels cooler. Because it is very cold in the morning, sometimes I become lazy to take a shower in the morning. During the day the air temperature just turns a little hotter, it's usually around 29° until 30°c. But it doesn't make the body feel hot, because usually the wind blows gently even at that temperature, still feels normal

After showering in the morning, it felt a little bit decent, but it only lasted for a few hours. The sun was at its peak by now, and it felt really, really hot. I tried to go outside for some cooler air. At the coffee shop. It's Sunday, I have no work-related activities. A few hours spent at the cafe to enjoy a cup of coffee. Because the head feels dizzy, it must be due to the hot air temperature, but a cup of coffee can only slightly relieve the headache. Now the air temperature is getting hotter.

Google search screenshot. Check the latest air temperature by region

Back home, fan conditioner is not able to reduce the heat today. Since there was no wind blowing, it felt like only the hot steam generated by the cooling fan.

It's 5 pm now. It's unusual that the weather is still very hot, I plan to go to the beach to get some fresh air. But before that, I thought to do a google search regarding the current air temperature. Because the heat today is really unusual, and it's felt by everyone here.

The truth is, it turned out to be in accordance with the results of my search. The current air temperature, it was 5 pm, still 31°c, and, there was a notification on the temperature check. Look at the screenshot, 31° but feel felt like 36°c. It was a really hot temperature.

The sky is clear at 5.30 pm

After another shower, and this is the 3rd time for today. Then I went to the beach which is close to where I live. Under the pine tree it felt a little more comfortable. Here I was until the time of maghrib, trying to take pictures of the sunset this afternoon, even though it was very hot before, but now she looks beautiful with a beautiful orange color.

The sky was getting dark, and I also returned home, there is an obligation that must be fulfilled at this time, yes. Maghrib prayer. Until the evening, the atmosphere of hot air is still felt in our area here, it makes the atmosphere of relaxing at night feel stifling.


beautiful sunset

That's my The Diary Game for today. Hot weather and temperatures. How about the air temperature in your place at this time. I hope all of you are willing to tell me, about the weather and the air temperature in your place or country , in the comments column below this.

Thank you for stopping by in this simple article about my daily life. See you again in my next post.


Special greeting to :
Admin and Moderator Steem SEA Community.




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 2 years ago 
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Terimakasih telah konsisten berbagi bersama disini 🤗

Terima kasih kembali bg @radjasalman telah memverifikasi post saya 🙏

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