Better Life, The Diary Game - November 24, 2021 : My Activities and Routines on Wednesday

in Steem SEA3 years ago (edited)


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...

Hai to all Stemian friends, may today we all always be in God's Grace and bounty , healthy and happy.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021.
This morning the weather was so cold, it rained in our area all night quite heavily, I woke up a little late this morning, when I looked at the clock, the time for Fajr was a few minutes left, I immediately rushed to take ablution and perform the Fajr prayer, after I finished my prayer. I went out and sat in front of the house , a few minutes later the sun began to appear and the rain began to stop, the children have also woken up from their sleep, and I accompany them to play, , while waiting for my wife to prepare breakfast for us.

I'm getting ready to go to work, and before leaving, I have breakfast first, at 09.00 I go to work, the journey to my work location is about thirty minutes, today I have a schedule to accompany the implementation of routine Posyandu activities every month in my assisted villages, this schedule has been informed since yesterday by the village midwife to me.

20211124_102750.jpgMonthly Posyandu in Tanoh Anou Village, Teunom, Aceh Jaya

We routinely hold this posyandu activity every month, this activity is one of the priorities for using village funds in terms of preventing stunting and creating a healthy and quality generation, activities consisting of, providing additional food (PMT), measuring body length and weighing infants and toddlers, every month mothers who have babies and toddlers, they really participate in bringing their children to posyandu, this activity was completed until 12.30, and after that I went to the stall to enjoy a cup of coffee until 14.00, and I returned to the village of Tanoh Anou because there was a coordination meeting with the task force for implementing restrictions on community activities (PPKM), Our coordination meeting discussed the achievements of the task of the PPKM team, discuss further work plans and see the percentage of community participation in carrying out the covid-19 vaccination.

20211124_143855.jpggroup photo with several members of the PPKM task force

The coordination meeting with the PPKM task force was over until 15.30, and I left the village of Tanoh Anou to meet with friends, to complete some data that my friends and I had to prepare.


After completing all the data, my friends and I finished, and after that I immediately went home from the task location, At 16.30 I arrived home, but my wife and children asked me to go to the beach, after I cleaned myself up, me and my wife and children went to the beach to enjoy the afternoon atmosphere, the location is also close to where we live.



Pasi Luah Beach, Lokasi Calang, Aceh Jaya

After a while enjoying the beach atmosphere, we went home, and a few minutes before sunset, I performed the maghrib prayer, after that my wife and children had breakfast together, until 21.00 I accompanied my son to play while waiting for him to sleep.

That's my The Diary Game today, may we all always be in a happy state of carrying out daily activities to achieve a better life.


my best regards to:


 3 years ago 

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