The Diary Games | Sunday activities February 12 2023, Training Teakwondo Children

in Steem SEAlast year


Busyness is a person's feeling of a burden that is being carried out by every human being, we hear a lot of the word busy for fathers and mothers who work in offices or other jobs, but we must know that being busy is not something that makes us give up. Indeed busyness is a word that we often hear when someone does not have time for other things.

Sometimes a rich person is not far from being busy, for a rich person there is no time for trivial things, so he always does activities and keeps himself busy with certain things. If we hear the word busy, surely the word comes from the mouth of a rich and hardworking person. So they don't have time to gather with their friends to talk about things that aren't important.

Hello my steemit friends, how are you today, don't forget to always post, steemit friends, so we can be busy too. Amen Today is Sunday the 12th of February 2023. As usual we know we wake up at half past 6, and as usual it embarrasses our activities, yes we as Muslims don't forget our obligations, right, yes we pray at dawn first, and after that I do other activities , and when the clock arrived at 7:00, I went to Lhoksukon to do additional activities, usually on Sundays I rest at home, but this week I have activities to make extra money.

My activity this morning is training children to do sports, but the sport that I train is not ball games, but martial arts, this sport originates from Korea, and we have seen that this sport has become the most popular martial arts sport. much in demand by children and adolescents. His name is teakwondo.

Teakwondo is one of the martial arts that is often used as a national to international competition, so today I teach my children to learn this martial art, I am not here as a coach, friend steemit, but as a coach's companion, and I as well as management at the sports venue that we train, the name of the team we train is Aceh Fighter.

Indeed, our Aceh Fighter team has never been a champion, but we will try to train our students so they can take part in competitions, starting from regional to national level. S

o the children we train are not many, only 60 people, most of the children we train are elementary school children. So it's just a creature if we don't join the competition. But where we practice this is different from other places, because we focus more on educating children's morals first, such as doing recitations before learning martial arts.

So for us morals and worship are more important than martial arts, if their morals and worship are forgotten, how will they remember their coaches when they are successful later.

So busy on other people's days of rest, but I'm looking for more for the future, so I don't forget to share this for all steemit friends, and forget to vote, steemit friends.

           I love you steemit


 Greetings from me: @mulkan alvaro
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Terimakasih telah berbagi bersama disini.

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Melatih anak2 beladiri Taekwondo adalah pekerjaan yang sangat seru dan menyenangkan, salam sukses bang.

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