The Diary Game | Blessings of Friday

in Steem SEAlast year

Work is an obligation for every human being, without work he will always wait and wait until the word will be beautiful in time it will not come true. Aren't those words for people who work, by working he carries out his obligations as a normal human being like an ordinary human being, indeed most of us work not according to our wishes, but we have to work, if we don't want to work, be ashamed of animals , which every day he works for them to find food. Eating from it should work. if we work we will get the result at the end.

Hello steemit friends, how are you all, I hope you are always healthy, today is the most blessed day, because today is Friday. Don't forget to do good deeds, because on Friday there are many rewards if we do good deeds.

Eat from that, don't forget to vote for my post, friends of @steemit all over the world, vote for all of you, including charity, all steemit friends. Because by voting, all steemit friends can make the post owner's heart happy, what else is given a lot of value, the post owner will be happier and more enthusiastic about making posts every day.

Immediately, steemit friends. Today is Friday 27 January 2023, early in the morning at 06:55 I go to work, because from my house to work the journey takes about 30 if we drive around 40km per hour. So I get to school/work at 07:30, because I don't drive too fast. Just keep safe on the road. Because my work limit is 7:45 a.m. If it's more than that, I get a letter of reprimand, for being undisciplined or not being on time.


When I got there I sat for a while before the bell entered class, after the bell went in I immediately went upstairs, because the class where I was teaching was above. After I taught, I sat for a while in the corridor above with my co-workers and two of my students. We immediately took a photo of the four of us.


After school we took a break for a while because Friday came home early, because time was short, people went to the mosque to fulfill their obligations to the Muslim community, namely Friday prayers. After that we didn't go home, but went straight to the mosque to fulfill our obligations.


After returning from the mosque we just returned home for lunch, not long after that my work friends invited me to get coffee at the shop, and I went to the shop. Not long after we talked about work and joking we went home.

Thus my short story today,

Me from me: @mulkan alvaro


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Thank you @krsuccess

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Terimakasih telah berbagi bersama disini.

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Yang masih palang x merah apa itu pak @waterjoe

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Pengaturan seperti tutorial video YouTube ini ..:)

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Thank penjelasannya pak @waterjoe.