50% For Steem.Amal - Betterlife - Education About Mass Vaccine Success

in Steem SEA3 years ago

Hi Steemian


Education about the success of mass vaccines is very much needed, considering that the public and state apparatus have not had the initiative to carry out vaccines voluntarily. We as empowerment facilitators are assigned to make this mass vaccine event a success.

Indonesia in the past few weeks is experiencing an increase in the active status of Covid-19, especially on the island of Java. Many health places no longer have inpatient rooms because many Covid-19 patients are positive after the SWAB is carried out.

If we allow this, it will have a negative impact on society itself. The economy will weaken with the many restrictions that will be imposed by the government. So it needs awareness of all parties to jointly succeed in mass vaccines for the sake of a strong community immune system.

Edukasi tentang menyukseskan vaksin massal sangat diperlukan, mengingat masyarakat dan para aparatur negara belum ada inisiatif untuk melakukan vaksin secara sukarela. Kami selaku pendamping pemberdayaan ditugaskan untuk menyukseskan acara vaksin massal ini.

Indonesia dalam beberapa minggu yang lalu sedang mengalami peningkatan status aktif covid-19 khususnya dipulau jawa. Banyak tempat kesehatan tidak ada lagi ruangan inap dikarenakan banyak pasien covid-19 yang positif sesudah di lakukan SWAB.

Kalau ini kita biarkan maka akan berdampak buruk terhadap masyarakat itu sendiri. Ekonomi akan melemah dengan banyaknya batasan yang akan diterapkan oleh pemerintah. Sehingga perlu kesadaran semua pihak untuk sama-sama menyukseskan vaksin massal demi daya tahan tubuh masyarakat kuat.


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The vaccine target from the government has certainly not reached the target because there are still many people who are hit by negative issues about the free vaccine provided by the government. So there is very little awareness for vaccines. The reason they are afraid of the vaccine given by the government.

Together we can definitely fight the covid-19 virus, without caring about ourselves and our families, it's very likely that we can't fight the covid-19 virus. Many education and outreach programs have been carried out by the government through online media but are not very effective. So that every village and sub-district needs to provide guidance and direction about the importance of vaccines.

Target vaksin dari pemerintah tentu belum mencapai target karena masih banyak masyarakat diterpa isu yang negatif terhadap vaksin gratis yang diberikan oleh pemerintah. Sehingga kesadaran untuk vaksian sangat - sangat kurang. Alasannya mereka takut dengan vaksin yang diberikan oleh pemerintah.

Dengan bersama kita pasti bisa melawan virus covid -19, tanpa peduli kita terhadap diri sendiri dan keluarga maka besar kemungkinan kita tidak bisa melawan virus covid-19. Banyak edukasi dan sosialisasi yang telah dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah melalui media-media online tapi tidak begitu efektif. Sehingga disetiap desa dan kecamatan perlu melakukan bimbingan dan arahan tentang betapa pentingnya vaksin.





The picture above is an updated graphic of active cases of Covid-19 and people who have received the vaccine. There is still much to be done at the lowest level. Because the habits of the lowest society never care about their respective health conditions. So that the steps we are taking right now are very appropriate to provide an understanding of how important health and body resistance is from all viral attacks.

Gambar diatas merupakan update grafik kasus aktif covid-19 dan masyarakat ynag sudah mendapatkan vaksin. Masih banyak yang harus dibenah ditingkat paling bawah. Karena kebiasaan masyarakat paling bawah tidak pernah menghiraukan tentang kondisi kesehatan mereka masing-masing. Sehingga langkah yang kami lakukan saat ini sangat tepat sekali untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang betapa pentingnya kesehatan dan daya tahan tubuh dari segala serangan virus.

"Dreams can only come true if we are united, if we are optimistic and if we believe in ourselves"

𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕐𝕠𝕦

Cc, @anroja, @el-nailul, @radjasalman, @klen.civil, @irawandedy, @heriadi

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Gagah that tuan


 3 years ago 

Nyan si Klen golom keunen vaksin...he he he

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