The Diary Game Session 3 - Better Life (Sunday, August 8th 2021) - Annual Meeting in School Years 2021-2022

in Steem SEA3 years ago (edited)


Assalamu'alaikum steemian lovers whereever you are....

Friday and Sunday are relaxing days for me. Because in other five days I spend time by doing many activities. As a teacher I have to do my duty to educate my students to be able to become independent individuals, overcome their own problems and develop their abilities so that they can compete with others fairly.

In this Sunday, actually I have some plans to do with my family. We want to go outside at noon. Therefore, at six o'clock in the morning I start to do some works so that we can go early and back lately. But, unfortunately in a few moment there is a message from WhatsApp group telling that the meeting will be held soon at 10 a.m.

OMG,, again I have to attend the meeting at school. So I must get ready to leave immediately, because there are two hours left.

I arrive at 9.30 a.m. There are some teachers there. So we are talking each other until the meeting start. The meeting is about the teaching learning in year 2021-2022.

There are some teachers there. So we are talking each other until the meeting start.

At 10 a.m. The meeting start by vice principal for curriculum. He delivered the reason why we sit together at that time, the school planning about teaching process and other things which are necessary.

The time is also given to the principal to expresses his expectation to the teaching learning process which will be done in academic year 2021-2022.

The principal to expresses his expectation to the teaching learning process.

The teachers also have the chance to give the questions, critics and solution to the problems that arise when they are teaching in the class.

The teachers also have the chance to give the questions, critics and solution.

The situation at the teacher council and principal meeting.

Finally, the meeting ends before noons. But, we are still waiting for some foods which are still on the way. So, be patient guys.

A few moments later, the food arrived and went straight to all meeting participants. Then I go home.

Fifteen minutes later I arrived at home. Then, I take Zuhur Prayer. After that, I have lunch with my family.

After taking rest for two hours, I continue my home activity. Yeah, I am so tired now, and must prepare for tommorow morning. And I get sleep at 9 p.m. See you Monday morning. Hope tomorrow will be better than today. Insha Allah.

Oke steemians, that is all my diary for today. See you in other time. May Allah bless us. Aamiin.

Special thanks to :

@anroja, @ernaerningsih, dan @cicisaja

 3 years ago 

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