A Simple Gift to Persons Deprived of Liberty

in Steem SEA3 years ago

First of all, I would like to thank SteemSea Community and the people behind it for this wonderful contest and for such a great opportunity to win #steem and be upvoted.

I would like to express my appreciation also to @me2selah, she was the one who introduced this challenge to me.

Now while checking this post my mind starts to fly, I was thinking of what photos to share and story to tell that would fit to one of the categories being presented.

And it's good I just engaged myself with an activity I called one noble cause, for the benefit of our less fortunate brothers and sisters, specifically the persons deprived of liberty.

While most of the people are used to call them prisoners or worse as criminals, we in our school call them PDL's or Persons Deprived of Liberty, this somehow this could somehow boost their morale as they are also human beings who share the same rights as we are except the right of liberty.


Recently, our school had entered into a memorandum of agreement with the Bureau of Jail Management with the aim to be able to extend legal assistance to our less fortunate brothers and sisters in the different jail facilities in the region.

I am glad I was involved with such a noble cause being a student myself. And together with the selected classmates, we spearheaded the event with the supervision of the course of our Dean.


It was actually a month-long activity, which includes planning, fundraising, and the execution of the activity after everything has been in place.


The whole activity as I mentioned above requires patience, hard work, and dedication. It was a long process and everyone has to participate in order to achieve our goal.


The first of the long list of activities aside from the never-ending late-night meetings was fundraising. I was tasked to head 23 members all were tasked to solicit money or in-kind to specific individuals or companies.

To make the story short my team was able to raise a considerable amount of money and some items to be given to the PDL's.


The original plan was to give gift packs which contain hygiene kits to the PDL's here in Cagayan de Oro but the donations poured in tremendously that we were able to pack thousands of hygiene kits good enough to be distributed to all PDL's in all jail facilities all over Region 10.


If you are from Region 10 I'm sure you are familiar with the Municipalities and Cities that comprise the whole region in which we managed to give gift packs.

This means we were able to prepare gift packs of hygiene kits for every jail within Northern Mindanao. And this will never be realized without our help.

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And on the day of distribution of gift packs, Jail officers from different Municipalities and cities came, and again we were task to facilitate the distribution. It was a smooth operation with the help of the jail officers trainees and of course of the students who volunteered to help.


After the whole activity, although exhausted, I was so happy being able to participate in such a cause to help other people or to paint a smile in the face of those persons deprived of liberty.


They may be sinners but they are also humans who have particular needs. And because of the pandemic visitors were not allowed so it's more likely that they will always run of personal things like toothbrushes, toothpaste, batch soap, and others, and thanks to God we were able to give them some of their basic needs.


Well, I know that I am not so organized with my thoughts at the moment please bear with my mistakes and my unorganized writings as I have been so pre-occupied the whole day and I am now rushing to finish this post so I could catch up with the dealine.


So I think I have to end my post here, please enjoy the rest of the photos below.

Take care everyone and God bless us all!












You are very welcome po. Welcome back to Steemit!!

Great job po. You are performing acts of kindness in your place.

 3 years ago 



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