Government of Bireuen Commemorates 104th Birthday of Firefighters.

in Steem SEA2 years ago


Government of Bireuen Commemorates 104th Birthday of Firefighters.

The Fire Department of Bireuen District, Aceh Province, Indonesia, commemorated the 104th Anniversary of Indonesian Firefighters, Wednesday, 15/03/2023.

The activity took place at the Soccer Field of the Gampong Jangka Alue, Jangka District, Bireuen Regency. The activity took place solemnly and smoothly, the activity was filled with birthday commemoration ceremonies and simulations.

In this activity the Bireuen Regional Secretary (Sekda), Ir, Ibrahim Ahmad, M.Sc, acted as the ceremonial inspector. In his direction, Ibrahim Ahmad said, it is hoped that the 104th Anniversary of the Fire and Rescue Service in 2023 will continue to work together to continue the fighting spirit, dedication and dedication of firefighters and rescue workers in protecting the community.

As well as the determination to continue to improve independence and professionalism in order to provide the best service to the whole community.

On that occasion, Ibrahim Ahmad congratulated and encouraged the firefighters, especially Bireuen Regency, in line with the theme "Fire Fighting and Rescuing Tangguh, People Grow, Indonesia Goes Forward".

In this theme, there is a spirit to form firefighters as a regional apparatus that is professional and independent, and oriented to excellent service," he said. Also keep in mind, Indonesia is a country with a very high potential for disasters, such as earthquakes, floods and tsunamis.

So the rescue function of the firefighting unit must be emphasized. Like the Special Forces in each dimension, the Fire Fighting Unit must also equip itself with a special rescue unit that has the highest dexterity qualifications, so that it becomes the main element in achieving response time in dealing with various disaster threats, especially fires.

According to him, it is undeniable that there are still many parties who do not fully understand that the task of firefighting and rescue is not merely putting out fires at the time of a fire incident, but more than that.

"Fire and rescue officers must be able to ensure the feasibility of a building in dealing with fire risks, and be able to map fire-prone areas," he hoped.

The highest appreciation and gratitude are given to all firefighters and rescue workers who have participated in helping the community, be it floods, fallen trees, rescue and so on.

This task further emphasizes that all fire and rescue officers are fully committed to providing emergency services for all components of citizens.

High appreciation is of course also deserved to be given to firefighters and rescue workers who have shown outstanding performance. Always present in any incident that endangers the human condition, on duty beyond working hours of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in general by establishing 24-hour preparedness without recognizing holidays.

Always try to provide help by risking personal safety, equip yourself with skills and expertise in carrying out tasks, and try to complete tasks perfectly.

Ibrahim Ahmad also expressed his gratitude to fellow journalists who had contributed to support. The ceremony was structured with disaster and fire simulations as well as the introduction of fire extinguishers.







 2 years ago 


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 2 years ago 


It's great to see the government of Bireuen District, Aceh Province commemorating the 104th birthday of firefighters. The commitment and dedication of these brave firefighters and rescue workers in protecting the community are truly admirable. It's heartening to see that the government recognizes the importance of equipping the firefighters with the highest dexterity qualifications to deal with various disaster threats, especially fires.

It's also crucial that people understand that firefighting and rescue are not just about putting out fires but also ensuring the feasibility of a building in dealing with fire risks and mapping fire-prone areas. It's important that we all support and appreciate the outstanding performance of firefighters and rescue workers who risk their lives to help others.

I hope that the government will continue to prioritize the safety and well-being of the community by providing emergency services for all citizens. Hats off to all firefighters and rescue workers who work beyond their working hours, establish 24-hour preparedness, and try to complete tasks perfectly.


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