Steem SEA Contest (Part 45th): Photography Contest- A Better Life With Steem (The Diary Game [ #thediarygame ] 30/08/2021

in Steem SEA3 years ago

Hello friends,

How are you? I hope you are well. Today I will share my daily activity with you. I hope everyone will like it. Let's start ..

Yesterday was 29 August 2021, Sunday.

In the morning



The weather was cold in the morning. The sky was lightly cloudy. I didn't wake up and freshen up. Then my mother made bread and ate it.


Then go to your garden to see the vine planted two months ago.Then whether the orange tree is okay.Because in our country this grape orange tree does not want to grow easily. Although the soil is not suitable for growing, we try to grow this tree.





At noon

It's noon, let's go to the market to go shopping. Let's enter the fish market first and see what the situation is. I bought two types of fish.



I buy fish and go to the grocery store to buy flour. Wheat flour. I like to eat bread with this flour.



Then I bought vegetables and came home. I came home and took a bath. There is no rest after eating lunch.


After the prayers in the afternoon, come home and have tea and light breakfast. This is how breakfast is eaten almost in the afternoon.



After breakfast I read a story book for a while. After that I work at home for some time.

In the evening

I went out for a walk in the evening, I could not resist the temptation to see the street food shop on the street. I bought purple potato chalk egg chop and ate it hot.



After eating street food, I will go home. I met a friend. After talking to this friend for a while, it was night.

At night

I come home and work a little at night. Then I don't eat rice with chicken. Then I eat cold 7 up to cool my stomach.


After eating, I work on the steam site with my mobile. Then I watch ghost dramas on YouTube. Then I go to bed.

This was my daily activity diary yesterday. I hope you like it.



So many wonderful clicks are there in your post. 👍

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