Some random photography.

in Steem SEA4 months ago

hello how are you all Hope everyone is doing well. moment I'm then with you with a new blog. moment I'm going to partake some arbitrary photography. The photos that I'm going to partake with you moment are all natural photos. Then are photos of unknown types of flowers. These I've collected at different times from different places. All but a many flowers are collected from the vill. And these are photos from several months agone . The vill is a paradise of nature, different types of flowers and fruits can be seen on all sides. Every house has some fruit trees. Our house also has some fruit trees like guava, coconut, papaya, banana, kul or pearl etc. And my mama grows two kinds of vegetables every season. As a result our house is always filled with natural effects. moment I'll partake some of his filmland with you.




Then's a picture of a small gourd. It can not relatively be called a gourd. Because it's so small, I do not know if it'll be comestible in the future. Because the gourd tree has hundreds of similar flowers and kids and gets wedged again. What's planted in my mama 's hand grows and bears fruit. In this way we can frequently eat naturalvegetables.However, colorful types of weeds grow in its gap, If any vegetable is cultivated in the land. They've to be removed before they grow again. You can see a weed over. It's taken from eating vegetables. It wasn't gathered at the right time, causing it to grow so large. Going to see a toxic cut on the tree. These shops are seen nearly in the vegetable land. This snap is collected from the roof of my father- in- law's house. You'll frequently see nurseries or vans dealing saplings with fruits. It was bought along with fruit from vans on the side of the road. I saw it formerly when I was youngish. I went last month and saw that the tree has grown a lot. And the guavas are also fit to eat. But if it's a little bigger, it'll be delightful to eat.




The bean factory planted by my mama . It has numerous beautiful flowers. Two months ago I went home and did photography. This time, due to the lack of rain, there weren't numerous vegetables. sap were planted within the roof. The sap have caught relatively well. He has been suitable to eat sap for about two months. When I came to Dhaka, I brought about two to three kg with me. This is a snap of the tip of a gourd tree. You can see that it's veritably youthful, if you do not catch the gourd numerous times, this youthful tip can be vended in the request. That too at a high price. Prices are lower in townlets. A gourd tip in the megacity costs fifty to sixty rupees. This is why occasionally I want to go to the vill. Although you can not see the red and blue lights like in the megacity, there are numerous natural effects to be set up.




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Eventually, I bring you beautiful color zinnia flower photography. It's from a flower shop in Narayanganj megacity. The unheroic color inside looks a bit like a sunflower flower. A flower has forty to fifty petals. It looks beautiful. still, I've noway seen a zinnia flower factory until now, there were hundreds of flowers in the shop. The photography was done from there. musketeers won't increase. As I was writing this blog, it was approaching iftar time. Only ten twinkles left for iftar. I wrote the words as a memory of this Ramadan. I will not be then for a day, but the words will live on. Everyone will be fine, stay healthy. bye

All pictures taken with Iphone 14 pro

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