Steem SEA Contest (Part 74th): Photography Contest- A Better Life With Steem [#betterlife]. By @ishayachris.

in Steem SEA2 years ago

On my way to church

Greetings to all the members of this amazing community (@steemsea), and also to all their friends and lovers across the globe. I'm glad to relate with you all on this platform, and I see relating with you as a privilege. Today I will be sharing my Sunday (18/07/2022) diary with you, in participation in the Part 74th Photography Contest. Before I take a step further, I do love to use this opportunity to appreciate the efforts of this community (@steemsea). This community have been doing a great job towards the promotion of this great platform. Remain blessed as you read my diary below.


My Bible

As usual, I woke up at exactly 5:30. Immediately I woke up from sleep, I picked my Bible and read the book of psalm 91 and psalm 23. After reading, I prayed for like 25 minutes. Immediately I finished my devotional prayer, I picked my phone to check whether I have some comments that I need to reply. I also voted and commented on some post, and I checked some communities in search of contest I can participate. While I was still busy on my blog, I looked at the time, and it was already 7:20, and I needed to be in the church before 8:30. Considering the time, I rushed myself to the kitchen and started preparing noodles for breakfast. As soon as I was done eating, I went to the bathroom and took my shower. After dressing up, I picked my Bible and left home at exactly 8:25am and I arrived church at exactly 8:40. I was late though, but at least I made it to the church. In the course of the program, the pastor read from the book of john 8:29-32. After the service, the youth were asked to wait behind to discuss some issue that need to be addressed in the church. After the meeting, we left the church premise's and I arrived home by 12:15pm.


My lunch

I arrived home at exactly 12:15pm tired and weak. As soon as I entered my room, I undressed and went to the bathroom to take my shower because I sweated a lot when dancing in church. After my bath, I went to bed and slept off. I woke up at exactly 3:00pm. After I woke up, I went to kitchen to find what to eat. Unfortunately for me, they was no left over food, so I prepared noodles with egg. After eating, I login my steemit blog to continue searching for a contest I can participate. Luckily for me, I found an interesting contest in steem for better life community. The contest was about reviewing local transport in our locality. After reading all the rules, I went out at exactly 4:20pm to snap pictures that will help compliment the write up.


The contest i wrote

After leaving home at exactly 4:20pm, I arrived at polytechnic gate where I snapped the picture at exactly 4:45pm. Immediately I arrived home, I started writing the contest and I posted it at exactly 6:00pm. After posting it, I started writing another contest in Campus connect community. The contest is about creating a short story using our pictures. I started writing it at exactly 6: 15pm, and I posted it by 9:12pm. Immediately I finished Posting it, I off my data, pick my Bible and I read the same book that my pastor preached on in the church. After reading, I prayed for some minutes. As soon as I was done praying, I went to bed to sleep.

  • Thank you for reading my diary. Hoping to read yours too....!!

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