Acts Of Kindness: Handover of Water and Sanitation

in Steem SEA3 years ago (edited)


50% Payout to @steem.amal


There is a story of emotion when the handover of assistance @steem.amal by the program manager @el-nailul, the handover which was carried out today, Monday, May 10, 2021 left a heartbreaking story, I was a procession carried out, Mrs. Warni's eyes sparkled with feelings of happiness, her hand trembled as she shook the hand with the program manager.

Her eyes were teary, she and her child were very happy to receive a helping hand from @steem.amal. this is their hope, the hope of the many unfulfilled wishes. In fact, he needed 1 unit of house more to live in, considering the condition of his house almost collapsed.

We, from the @steem.amal program, are currently more focused on supporting poor families in the form of providing clean water and sanitation facilities, developing micro-businesses, disaster emergency response assistance and health support.

Here are some pictures of today's Water and Sanitation handover:






Ada kisah haru saat serah terima bantuan @steem.amal oleh manager program @el-nailul, serah terima yang dilakukan hari ini senin tanggal 10 mei 2021 menyisakan kisah yang memilukan, saya prosesi dilakukan, kedua mata ibu Warni berbinar-binar menahan rasa bahagia, tangannya gemetar saat menjabat tangan dengan manajer program.

Kedua matanya berkaca-kaca, dia dan anaknya sangat bahagia menerima uluran tangan dari @steem.amal. ini harapan mereka, harapan dari sekian banyak keinginan yang belum tercapai. Sebenarnya beliau lebih membutuhkan 1 unit rumah untuk ditempatinya, mengingat kondisi rumahnya hampir rubuh.

Kami dari progran @steem.amal untuk saat ini lebih fokus kepada support kepada RTM berupa penyediaan sarana air bersih dan sanitasi, pengembangan usaha mikro, bantuan tanggap darurat bencana serta support kesehatan.

Berikut beberapa gambar serah terima Water and Sanitation hari ini :









That caroeng bak neu canek😂😂


Ibadah dengan beramal, kiban sehat

Alhamdulillah sehat bg joul...

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