50% payout to @steem.amal Programme- Thank you @cryptokannon for Trust me to be Steem Greeters Team

in Steem SEA3 years ago (edited)



This afternoon I got good news after seeing the notification on my steemit account, @cryptokannon mention @irawandedy in the post, I read the content which contains "Announcement of Helpers for Greetings in posts", I would like to thank you for the trust given to me so that I can carry out my duties. Greeter Helper well.

In this momentum I also congratulate my friend @nadilchairi who is also entrusted as the Greeter Helper. Hopefully we can work together in fulfilling this task as well as possible.

I realize that in its implementation there are still many shortcomings, for that I expect support from other team greeters to support my performance in the form of input and suggestions so that the tasks I carry out are in accordance with the existing instructions.

The Greeter Helper program is an important step built by the Steemit Team so that it targets newcomers, so that they understand the basics of Steemit which includes introduction, use of Markdowns and understanding the Steemit application as I describe below:

My presence here will not only support my work program as a Greeter Helper, I will try to make breakthroughs to improve the quality of users and their quantity as well as encourage the growth of the investment climate through other work programs that I will and are currently running.

I would also like to thank steemcurator01 for the support so far so that it can continue to contribute to the growth of STEEM through the methods I have used so far.
Thank you to my friends @heriadi @klen.civil @miftahuddin @harferri @sofian88 @muhammadan @alol @husaini for all your support, I wouldn't be able to stand alone here without your encouragement and support.

Best Regards,
MOD Greeter Helper

CC : @anroja @radjasalman @nazarul @heriadi @el-nailul dan @muzack1


Great job brother

 3 years ago 

Congratulations to @irawandedy and @nadilchairi for being chosen as the Greeter Helper. Hopefully
The Greeter Helper program can help many new comers get to know more about the Steemit platform. Always success for both of you.

Thank you Mr. @tucsond

Congrats. My friend. You deserve it.. Keep up with good work. Because of you I know this great platform.

 3 years ago (edited)

Currently you are my teacher Mr. @abduhawab

Please guide me

 3 years ago 

Selamat bang telah terpilih sebagai steem greter Helper 🙏👍

Terimakasih atas dukungannya ya... dan mohon masukkan dari CR supaya dapat menunaikan tugas dengan baik

 3 years ago 

Baik kanda kita akan diskusikan bersama-sama

 3 years ago 

Good luck

Selamat pak @irawandedy.. Seperti prediksi saya anda akan tumbuh sehat tanpa kekurangan gizi di platform hebat itu,. Sekali lagi selamat,. You'r the best! 😍

Terimakasih pak @muhammadan
Capaian saya selama ini tidak luput dari dorongan dari orang hebat seperti anda.

Terimakasih semuanya

 3 years ago 

congrats. you are suitable for this position. very precise. talk less do more


Thank you bg @zainalbakri


Selamat bang..

Terimakasih dek @ahmadbaidawi

Salam kenal

Salam kenal juga bang @irawandedy

 3 years ago 

kerja keras selama ini membuahkan hasil,,,selamat buat sdr irwandedy.

 3 years ago 

Selamat @irawandedy. Semoga semakin banyak Steemians yang mendapatkan pencerahan.

Let's join STEEM Literacy. Thank you.

Terimakasih bg @ayijufridar

Selamat atas Steem literasi nya bg... Sukses terus bg

 3 years ago 

Mohon dukungannya @irawandedy. Nyoe ka rame postingan, kami baru menggelar berbagai kegiatan.

Dukungan 100% bang... Tapi hana lon tujeut join karena tulisan lon gak karuan. Takutnya merusak reputasi komunitas

 3 years ago 

Hahahaha, kop brat mengejek. Justru komunitas itu untuk sama-sama memperbaiki dan saling mengoreksi penulisan, menggalakkan budaya literasi dll. Pokoknya droeneuh wajeb peugot postingan sinan, beuh.

Siap... Payah lon persiapkan diri dile bek male teuh enteuk

 3 years ago 

Bek payah-payah, yang mangat-mangat mantong, heheehee. Pokok jih lon preh...

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