Act of Kindness During Quarantine: Giving of groceries and snacks to the neighborhood through the help of steemit upvotes

in Steem SEA3 years ago

Helping out to the needy during the time of difficulty is one way of serving God's people. Being blessed with a lot of things in life though life is not perfect as what we always wanted but we are still able to have our needs and sometimes our wants.
Sharing to our community is always a satisfying feeling and fulfilled. Though we don't have a lot but with the help of #steemit community we are able to extend aid to the needy especially that we are still experiencing pandemic and now in quarantine.

For thanksgiving from all the graces we received, we give thanks to God by giving back the blessings we received from Him through all of you as you keep on supporting me and my family's activities.

It was a success in preparing and distributing snacks and food packs to children and a member of every family in our neighborhood.

Sweetspicy was the one who did the shopping and managed the activity with the help of lealtafaith and uncle Ruben. Mama who loves to help us in the activity were not able to because she's the one taking care of Evangeline while me and my husband was outside for the packing and distribution.


The Preparation and Distribution


We started packing after lunch at around 12:30 pm. We packed rock salt, brown sugar, sardines, misua, odong, milo, and coffee. These are different from the previous food pack contents. Most adults or parents need these during morning to start the day. We also prepared snacks for children and adults.


As children's past time, they usually play in the afternoon especially when the weather is good and not flooding in our area. When snacks were ready, I asked lealtafaith to call them and to make sure they wear a face mask.


They were assisted to fall in line and keep distancing to help them as well to remember the importance of prevention against covid-19.



When they had their food, I checked on them outside since we don't have enough space for them to stay. Some of them were at the bench of the store, some were just standing with their snacks on hand, and some just finished it quickly.


Food Packs Distribution
After the kids, it's adults time! We prepared 24 food packs for 24 families. But we prepared some back up as well in case there will be more families would come. We also asked them to wear face mask and good thing most of them followed.


First, they register their names for counting then they got their food pack and snacks. The joy and excitement in their faces that we are back with our charity program in the neighborhood gives them a little bit of hope that at least there's something that will help them get through the day.


Thank you once again from the bottom of my heart for allowing me and my family to continue the charity events in our neighborhood through your support (upvotes, resteeming, suggestions). You made this all possible. May God grant you abundance of health and wealth in life.


 3 years ago 

Keep it up a good works @georgie84 🤍

Will do. Thanks!❤️

 3 years ago 

With ma pleasure 💝

I have uploaded your post in Steem Kindness Magazine

Steem Kindness Magazin Second Edition : A House For Manuel and Goodness In Asia

Thank you sir. It's my pleasure to be part of the magazine. Keep up the good work 💕

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