STEEM AMAL OFFICIAL REPORT: Update Program Implementation in Samalanga Bireuen and Pidie Jaya

in Steem SEA3 years ago (edited)

During the peak working week, I have been away for a little while from this lovely platform, but as a program manager, I have a responsibility to update and supervise the overall steem.amal program implementation.

Recently, steem.amal has implemented community economic development in two different areas, the first one is in Samalanga Bireuen and the second one is in Pidie Jaya.

The economic development program in Samalanga Bireuen is to support a widow who is taking care of her sister that has a serious mental illness, the complete date is as below:

Image property of @mirzamg

Name: Faridah (56 YO)
Status: Widow
Address: Lueng Kuebeu, Samalanga, Bireuen

The team was led by @anroja as the steem.amal team leader and also operation leader temporarily. The total budget spent to support the family was IDR 3,000,000 equivalent to 27.2 SBD as of the current price. The first plan was to provide Economic Development, but since they have no space for the stall, Anroja and I discussed supporting them in another way, and finally, we decided to support them with basic living stuffs. Hopefully with the support from steem.amal they can live their life better.

It is difficult for her to take care of her mental illness sister on her own, but nothing we could do more to support. With deep consideration we support her with, electric water pump, sleeping mattress, plumbing system, food item, and some cash assistance.

For more information please visit the link below:






All images in this post belong to @anroja and @mirzamg

As of today, I have transferred IDR 2,000,000 for the Community Economic Development Program in Pidie Jaya. This was the third Economic Development Program in Pidie Jaya. The ongoing program in Pidie Jaya is chicken farming with a total budget is IDR 7,000,000 (68 SBD), this budget including for constructing the cage, buying the chicken, and feeding as well.

We expected that the program will be completed within two weeks and we will be able to implement the next steem.amal program.

Thank you very much for the Pidie Jaya team that has implemented the steem.amal program in the area, and millions of thanks to the steemit team who always support the steem.amal program.



Best regards


 3 years ago 

Terima kasih @el-nailul telah memperbarui laporan implementasi program Steem Amal. Semoga seluruh program yang telah kita canangkan dalam berjalan dengan lancar.

 3 years ago 

InsyaAllah dengan kerjasama semua pihak program yang telah ada akan berjalan dengan baik pula. Semoga diijabah. Amin

 3 years ago 


Good work as always.

Will Steem.Amal be starting on a second house building project soon?

 3 years ago 

The second housing program of steem amal is actually on the assessment by the team in Pidie Jaya as the second location will be in Pidie Jaya. The construction will be led by the Pidie Jaya team and when they are ready to execute. I expect that the program will be executed during September and December since the fund is already available

Thank for asking @pennsif

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The great report. I hope one day steem.amal become the super Hero not only for achenese people but also for Indonesian people.

 3 years ago 

Thank you and we have the same expectations too, wish the best for the steem.amal

 3 years ago 

Luar biasa pak, Sukses dan jaya terus @steem.amal

 3 years ago 

Terimakasih, semoga kita akan sama-sama sukses

 3 years ago 

Sama-sama pak, Aamiin 🤲🤲🤲

Alhamdulillah, semoga dengan adanya uluran tangan kita melalu @steem.amal, dapat meringankan sedikit beban dari mereka, kita berharap @steem.amal terus maju dan dapat membantu masyarakat lainnya yang membutuhkan .. Aamiin

 3 years ago 

InsyaAllah dengan dukungan semua pihak, program ini akan membantu mereka yang membutuhkan uluran tangan kita. Amin

Aamiin 🤲🤲🤲
Semoga terus maju dan berkembang @steem.amal 💪

 3 years ago 

Patut kita berikan apresiasi dan dukungannya

 3 years ago 

Terimakasih atas dukungan dan partisipasinya sobat

 3 years ago 

Sama-sama bg,, insyaallah dalam waktu dekat saya juga akan ikut berpartisipasinya.

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