STEEM AMAL OFFICIAL REPORT: Community Economic Development Program Report

in Steem SEA3 years ago (edited)

Dear all Steem Amal Supporters, here we meet again with the Progress Update

The steem.amal keeps pushing forward to support the community and those in need as it has done recently in Pidie and Pidie Jaya.

Most of the steemian thought that steem.amal has no progress, but since the evaluation of the overall program, it takes time to reconcile the whole program. Actually, the program has been updated by @anroja and @radjasalman for several running programs as I am away for my daily life jobs assignment. Yep, I am applying for a vacancy at an International company and need to pass several tests including the complete medical check-up.

As the budget revised has been published and adjusted from IDR 5,000,000,- to IDR 10,000,000,-, it is included the training budget for specific Economic Developement.

The goats pen provided by steem.amal for Adi Saputra's family almost finished

The recent running program of the Community Economic Development in Pidie Jaya and it has been handed over to Mr. Muhammad, the program has been delay for several month but finally it is completed and the handover ceremony has been finalized by @anroja, please see the link below for complete information:

This economic development program was the first of the project with the budget more than IDR 5 millions, the total amount of the budget was IDR 7,000,000,-. We expect that this program will help the grow of his economic for his brighter future.

as you can see in the picture below, he has build the cage for the chicken using his own money, and steem.amal support him where possible by providing chicken and feeding.



The second Community Economic Development

The second economic development is in Pidie, this program is led by @anroja and supported by @rastaufik10 as the steem.amal volunteer in Pidie, Rastaufik has been providing support to steem.amal in Pidie for several months and at least 5 programs has been running since he joint the steem.amal volunteer team.

This program is support the orphans that economically struggling since both of their parent passed away, the complete date can be found in the link below:

The family steem.amal supported live with their poor grandmother, obviously their grandmother will not be able to support their life with her own burden. Now, they are living in the remotely village named Reului Busu Village, Mutiara sub regency, Pidie District. The economic program is focusing on the goats farming since Adi Saputra an 18 YO eager to have the goats farming and he is willing to attend the proper training before starting his own farming. It is a good chance to support the willingness because the chance of success is bigger too.

Their names are listed in the below table:

1Marzalena21 YOFemale
2Adi Saputra18 YOMale
3Erawati15 YOMale
4Zahra13 YOFemale
5Kasyiful10 YOMale
6Mirza9 YOMale
7Reza7 YOMale
8Andika5 YOMale

All of them are brothers and sisters

Steem.amal with the deep consideration has decided to support this family because we would like to see their hope and brighter future, and especially for their education we will try our best to support with the other program or possible next program.

The budget has been plotted for supporting the family is about IDR 10,000,000,- the detail are as below

NoItem supportBudget in SBDIDR
1Goad Farming Training10 SBD1,000,000
2Cage/Goat Pen10 SBD1,000,000
3Goats/Kids70 SBD7,000,000
4Feeding10 SBD1,000,000
---Total100 SBD10,000,000

If you would like to see the progress of the program please check the official report from @anroja:

I know you all want to see the wider smile on their face, so please support them as you can, with what you can!

@anroja with his pure heart created their smile with simple gift

The family were gathered in the family room when Anroja visited them for the assesment



Adi saputra, the oldest brother in the family are willing to accept the whole responsibility for his family and look after his bothers and sisters, it is a huge burden on his young shoulders

@rastaufik10 handed over cash assistance for his transportation and training fees

Adi Saputra is paying attention seriously for preparing the grass feeding for the goats in the training center

With the proper training the chance of success will be higher, so allocate more budget for economic development is something that has gone through serious consideration base on the failure of the past program. I thank to @anroja who has taking good initiation to support the family, it is a good deed and surely worth getting our support. Again thank you to @rastaufik10 for giving us information and support in running the program.

Endless thank to the steemit team who has support us to implement the program in the field. And to all of steem.amal supporters who has support the program implementation so far

Meanwhile another emergency response has been assessed in Gayo Luwes regency. The fires on the 5 houses just occurred and has been reported by @fajar.perangin79. Our steem.amal team led by @radjasalman has contacted our volunteer in place to provide the necessary information. Due to the location is unable to reach in a day trip, hence the response will be conducted by the reliable third party in place. Thank to Radjasalman who has good connection with the volunteer in place. The complete report can be seen here. Complete report will be presented on the other post



Million of thanks




Sukses selalu buat teman teman stemian yang luar biasa kepedulian terhadap sesama, semoga bermanfaat

 3 years ago 


Dilahirkan dengan hati yang mulia adalah anugrah terindah.

Semoga tetap konsisten dalam menebar kebaikan., insyaaAllah keberkahan selalu bersama mu...👍👍👍

 3 years ago 

Aamiin. Do'a terbaik untuk kita semua agar senantiasa konsisten menebar kebaikan

Masya Allah program yang sangat luar biasa bagus nyaa, Program yang peduli sama sesamanya. Terimakasih program Steem Amal. Semoga Allah SWT yang akan membalas semua kebaikan kita.. Semoga kita selalu dalam Ridha nyaa Allah. Aamiin Allahhumaa Aamiin 🤲🏻

 3 years ago 

Aamiin. Terima kasih, semoga do'a kita diijabah Allah

Aamiin.aamiin 🤲🏻

Best of luck for this program.

 3 years ago 

Thank you

Program yang sangat luar biasa

 3 years ago 

Terima kasih dukungannya

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