The Diary Game : Playing A Little Drama About Cafe Vocabs With My Gorgeous Student (May 17th, 2024)

in Steem SEA2 months ago


Playing a little drama about Cafe Vocabs between the seller (me) & my the customer (my student) in my English private class

Hi my beloved Steemian ☺️.
How's everything ? May Yaa Mujiib ijabah all of your du'a this year. Wish you lots of luck, my dearest Steemian 🤍😇

Alhamdulillah after Praying Subuh with my lovely boss & friend, we prepared ourself. Today we had an appointment again to go to Swimming Pool & Resto Banyulangit Madigondo at Melati Street No. 2,3,4, Madigondo Village, Takeran District, Magetan Regency, East Java.

We prepared ourself in early morning. It was a sunny day. We parked our bikes in the parking area then bought the ticket for swimming pool. Lucky us it was Jumu’ah Barokah in Swimming Pool & Resto Banyulangit Madigondo, Magetan Regency.


On the way to swimming pool in early morning


Parking our motorbikes in the parking area at Swimming Pool & Resto Banyulangit Madigondo at Melati Street No. 2,3,4, Madigondo Village, Takeran District, Magetan Regency, East Java


Enjoying yummy breakfast after swimming at Swimming Pool & Resto Banyulangit Madigondo at Melati Street No. 2,3,4, Madigondo Village, Takeran District, Magetan Regency, East Java


I was teaching my stunning student English Speech about “Young Generation & Technology In This Era”

However I can’t stay too long in the swimming pool. At 09.30 am my pretty dropped to my house. I shake my legs to take a shower and prepared myself. I had schedule to teach my stunning student in my English private class for 2 meetings at 10 o'clock. Yep, today we still focus on English Speech to prepare English Speech Competition tomorrow morning. Today I asked my gorgeous student to practice it while doing some movements, body languange, gesture, expressions yet still focus on intonation, make eyes contact and articulation. I always remind her also to be confident and recited Basmallah & take a deep breath before coming to the stage.

Actually she invited me to go to the competition to watch her yet I couldn’t come due to the fact that the committee didn’t give permission to bring the guests inasmuch as the hall is not really big.

All the praise only for Yaa Rahim she had a bunch of progress now. She already memorized her speech about young generation & technology in this era. She hits the book after finishing her examination from her school. It definitely makes me melting.

My gorgeous student was practicing English Speech for preparing English Speech Competition for tomorrow morning

I took my attire prayer upstairs afterwards wudhu’ or ablution then had a Midday Prayer in my praying room. I continued to teach my lovely pupils in my English regular class. I made a little du’a & ice breaking I gave them some vocabs about beverages vocabs.

Alhamdulillah they really excited to study about those vocabs. Sure, I asked them one by one to come forward to make some sentences about beverages vocab and Alhamdulillah they did it.


One of my mood booster to face the days, my kiddos a.k.a. my lovely pupils


One of my adorable pupils was studying hard on blessed Friday

I made an English fun game, who can answer my questions, they will got a pack of Aice Ice Cream Choco Malt from me.

Alhamdulillah all of them can answer the questions well. They were back with happy face & soul on that Jumu’ah Barokah.


My pupil’s happy face & soul after getting a little gifts from me Aice Ice Cream Choco Malt

I took a nap while waiting for my others student. I got up and Pray Ashar. I wore my hijab and continued to teach my lovely student in my English private class.

Sure, like our habitual actions, after opening our class with Basmallah and a little du’a, I gave her vocabs about ”Cafe”. Yep, today I made a little drama to practice concerned our lesson today, Cafe Vocabs.


Playing a little drama about Cafe Vocabs between the seller (me) & my the customer (my student) in my English private class

First episode she becomes the customer & I become the seller then the second episode I become the customer & my student becomes the seller. Sure, I took some kitchen tools to make a Korean Drama like a real drama. Rolling on the floor. There are plate, bowl, spoon, cup, glass and sugar plus table. It was a fun English drama. My student was over the moon to play the drama even if first time she is rather coy. Ahaha... After Praying Maghrib, I rode my motorcycle with the highest speed to Madiun City, East Java. I had class again to teach my cutest pupil in my English private class. When I just arrived, my student already come five minutes after me.

All of a sudden after I open my class with Basmallah, he took something on his bag then gave it for me. MasyaaAllah, there is a jar of Strawberry Almond Chocolates for me. It absolutely touch my heart.

”Miss, I knew that you are hungry after teaching from last time. This is for you, Miss”, Said my little prince to me in that freezing evening. You always catch my heart, sweetheart. I do love you, indeed.

Tonight I teach him about ”There Is ... & There Was ...”. I made a little drama also about some goods around us then asked my pupil to make some sentences in English related with our topic last minutes ago.


Suddenly my lovely pupil was giving me a little surprise, a jar of Strawberry Almond Chocolates for me


My handsome pupil was on the cloud nine after studying about “There Is ... & There Was ...” on Friday evening

I changed my dress, washed my hands with the handwash subsequently got dinner with my prettiest friends in our dining room. I switch on my laptop then started typing to make some posts in some of communities in Steemit.

Several hours later I took some strawberries in my fridge. I washed it by reciting a little Sholawat on the sink. I took the chopping board and chopped it. I pour a little honey then mixed it well.


Enjoying my healthy dine, strawberries mix honey whilst typing on my laptop in my dining room

I continued to typing on my laptop whilst enjoying my healthy dine, strawberries mix honey in my dining room. I do the dishes then clean my face. I watched some comedies a minute before hit the sack.

Let’s spread positive vibes plus energies everywhere you go, my dearest Steemian. See you when I see you, buddies...

Warm regards,



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