The Diary Game : Enjoying Lovely Sunset At The Reservoir Lhokseumawe City With My Pretty Lady (February 19th, 2023)

in Steem SEA2 years ago


Enjoying lovely sunset at the reservoir Lhokseumawe City with my pretty lady

Hi my beloved Steemian ☺️.
How' life ? May Yaa Mujiib ijabah all your du'a in this lovely year. Wish you best of luck, my dearest Steemian 🤍😇

It was a cold day. I got up and I took wudhu’ or ablution then Pray Subuh. A few minutes later I took my Holy Qur'an and recited some Surah there.

After drank two glasses of water, I did a little stretching, warming up and aerobic in my living room.

Thereafter I took my mobile phone and check plus recheck some notifications on my Steemit account. Yazz, it is what it is my habit. Hoho...

Several hours later I got some Whatsapp chats and voice call from my pretty Steemian Mrs. @sailawana. Yeah, she ask me to spent this weekend with her. She told me that she quite bored today. Well, I said yes to her.

After taken a bath, I took wudhu’ or ablution to Pray Dzuhur later, I get dressed. This Sunday I am in the highest mood for all about black. Lady in black. I wore black colours today from my head to toe.

I shake hands and got permit to my sibling then rode my motorcycle. What a boiled weather.

To begin with bought lunch, Nasi Padang at One Rumah Makan Padang, Inpres Traditional Market at Listrik street, Lhokseumawe, Aceh for me and Mrs. Wana.

In the noon I arrived at Mrs. @sailawana’s house. I parked my motorcycle, shake hands and hug each others with my beloved sista. We had a long conversation. Mrs. Wana was ironing her clothes at that time.

Several minutes later we got lunch in her dining room, Nasi Padang for our lovely lunch this Sunday noon. Then we Pray Dzuhur together.


Enjoying Nasi Padang with Mrs. @sailawana in the blessed Sunday noon at Mrs. Wana's house

After waiting for Mrs. Wana taken a bath and get dressed, I ride my motorcycle. Yep, Mrs. @sailawana and I went to one of the coffee shop in Lhokseumawe City to make some posts there. Sure, I brought my bestmate, my laptop.

We order some beverages and having a long conversation. I tried to listening a bunch of stories from Mrs. Wana. I am a good listener, indeed. Ahaha...

I switch on my laptop then started typing to make some posts in some of communities in Steemit. However I couldn’t finish it due to the fact that Mrs. Wana frequently asked me to had a small talks while I was typing on my laptop.


Spending my weekend with my stunning Steemian, Mrs. @sailawana in the coffee shop


Having a small talks with my beloved sista, Mrs. @sailawana whilst breathtaking at the reservoir Lhokseumawe City

Ba’da Pray Ashar in the gasoline station in Lhokseumawe City, Aceh, Mrs. Wana asked me enjoy the beautiful scenery at reservoir Lhokseumawe City whilst ate some meals there. Alright, I said yes to her. I am free from morning till afternoon today, definitely. It was a cold weather. Windy and pretty cloudy in the reservoir Lhokseumawe City.

We order some meals and beverages then had a little chit-chat meanwhile breathtaking at reservoir Lhokseumawe City. There was a lovely sunset. We immediately took our cellular phone and captured those lovely moments.


Feeling blessed


What an adorable sunset at the reservoir Lhokseumawe City, Aceh

In the dusk, I took Mrs. @sailawana up to her house. She asked me to Pray Maghrib at her house. After Pray Maghrib together, we had a little conversation again in Mrs. Wana’s living room.

Ba’da dusk, at 8 pm I rode my motorcycle with the highest speed. Yeah, I had a schedule to teach my lovely student, Kak Rara in my English private course.

Like I used to do, after open my class with Basmallah and a little du’a, I asked my student to storytelling about her daily activities.

I gave her a plenty of vocabularies to improve her English speaking in her daily life. All the praise only for Yaa Rahim, she has a good and fast response.

I am walking on air of her highest spirit to hit the books. She has a good manners, too. I am on cloud nine of her personalities, indeed.


Teaching my warm-hearted student, Kak Rara in my English private course on Sunday night


A massive thank you for the tasty Surabi from my student’s mother

After got permit and shake hands to my student’s parent plus my kind-hearted sista, Mrs. Dede, I rode my motorcycle in hurry.

It was freezing and I catch a cold. I drank a glass of Bandrek, herb traditional drink in Lhokseumawe City to warm my body. I back to my house and changed my dress.

After Pray Isya, I switch on my laptop then started typing to make some posts in some of communities in Steemit.

I switch on our air conditioner in our bedroom, wore my socks, recited TriQul, made a little du’a and hit the pillow.

Oyasuminasai fellas...

Warm regards,


 2 years ago 

Br posting juga toh hehe... diary nya..

 2 years ago 

Ahaha, iya Kak
Baru keinget kalau itu belum dibuat postingan 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

 2 years ago 

Melihat foto sunset di waduk yang sangat indah saya jadi ingin jalan-jalan kesana lagi 😊

 2 years ago 

Iya betul sekali brada
Sunset di Waduk Lhokseumawe adalah salah satu sunset terindah di kota ana
Semoga suatu hari nanti brother bisa jalan-jalan ke sana lagi 😄

 2 years ago 
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Terimakasih telah berbagi bersama disini.

 2 years ago 

Alhamdulillah syukron katsiran for reviewing my post, Sir
Have a good day

 last year 

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